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restart your mind

Subtitle: Information, knowledge and deception

"The world in our thinking is approaching imagination" is the title of a book and with subtitle: Information, knowledge and deception. This book contain selections and abstracts severally for the close relation of information with life from the more multilateral book entitled "The Global Ethic of Inner Orien­tation" and subtitle "Human Fantasies and Lies With­out Self-Know­ledge" (ISBN 960-93-6089-0, ©2014, pages 600, size 17×24, in Gr publication) *.


NewspaperAn answer or solution may be right, however, in most cases answers are given with many hypotheses that we usually conceal. That is, we expect a result with assumptions such as: If we have our health. If the other family members are well in their health. If we live in the same house, in the same area, with the same work and with the same income. If the same friendships and partnerships are maintained. If we can find the same things on the market and offer the same services. If the technologies we are familiar with do not change. If our acquaintances and friends will think with the same opinions and considerations. If we do not have to pay a lot of money for an extraordinary event. If the same government policy is implemented. If some lies do not spread against us. If the unsightly flaw on the epidermis or our body is not healed. If we have the same desire and patience. If our good relationship with loved ones does not spoil. If our appearance will be the same. If the difference in age does not prevent. If, after better knowledge and information, our opinion does not change (own or of others). If our love affair does not spoil. If what we usually eat is just as safe for our health. These are few possible assumptions that we leave out of our thoughts and discussions, and without the details of each case. While theoretically infinite "if" determines or changes a specific result for something as unstable as a human's life in the future and within an unbalanced society. Even the clearer knowledge of the experts, they predict the results in fantastic conditions, while the application of knowledge in the real world does not ensure the same results. Instead, a number of consequences are produced and caused by the contribution of all the details and all the different things, and - we don't forget - with our own decisive choices. That's why smart predictions, wise and cautious guidelines for desired results, and while the things appear convincing, can easily be disputed and overturned by people who ignore the issues. Justifiably everyone has a little or more anxiety until they see the results. Unfortunately, again, a success can be followed by unbelievable surprises and our dreams being refuted.



deception and ...



blind peopleYou will have heard many theories from pro­fessionals and experts to overcome many of your problems and to live more optimistically on your path. You've heard persuasive and original con­cepts, fasci­nating, costly and scientifically reco­gnized methods, and I imagine what else ... My own advice is not original and fancy, it costs nothing and you do not need to know much: Be skeptical, don't rely blindly, look for certainty before your moves, don't accept before you understand, ask to be allowed to doubt without conflict, not easily take a position for or against, don't rush to draw conclusions. With this mere shield of mistrust and the pursuit of the truth, your life will change as you never imagined! What is even more amazing is that so free and spiritually you will make the lives of many cheats and specialist difficult!




The world in our thinking is approaching imagination

Subtitle: Information, knowledge and deception


TABLE OF CONTENTS (and main thoughts of the GR treatise, in 1st edition)

· Orientation! (instead of preface)

· The general principle of personal and group action of every life

· Illusion that problems are solved

· Rich and poor, leaders and servants, bosses and workers are evenly immoral (with disgust for the spiritual life)

· Details, luck and nonsense in history

· The difference between thinking and knowledge

· Thinking does not stick to memory nor is lost to imagination

· The hasty assessment of reliability. Credulity and distrust

· Weakness of memory and the oral speech

· Many world fantasies and stupid views have appeared in the world history of philosophy

· The fundamental difference between man and other animals

· Thinking and spirit are closely and permanently linked to human behavior

· Imagination and indeterminacy in thought

· The credibility of copy / paste knowledge

· Specific things and general meanings

· The world bias for impartiality in research

· Missing reality and luck

· Duration of things

· A prejudice about the easy generalization

· Knowledge beyond personal experience

· Darkness in the deepening of thought

· World bias for the absolute precision in knowledge

· The relativity of utility

· What is truth and trust

· Things, words and meanings

· In short, the experience depends on thinking

· The senses also begin by removing information

· Behaviors and events from fantasies. The massive spread of lies

· The Measurement of Intelligence is misleading

· Fundamental observations for linking thinking with knowledge

· The moral protection against deception (from the first thoughts)

· The identity of soul with intellect

· The regulatory power of thinking for human life and behavior

· A proposal - exercise

· Escape from problems with fantasies and clever theories ...

· Briefing and deception

· Priority of search and information is principle of Ethic

· The appreciation for certainty and doubt mobilizes life

· The perplexing role of science and the professional exploitation of ignorance

· Collective efforts and partnerships with exploitation of trust and with aim of exploiting trust

· The steady foundations of global (or cosmological) ethic that has spiritual orientation

· The findings and aspects of the Ethic of Spiritual / Inner Direction


pdf pages 248, Β5 TNR12 GR Lang


The reading and printing of the treatise can be easy without graphic enviro­nment from separated files (as are the PDF)



authenticity stamp * The book titled "The Global Ethic of Inner Orientation" and subtitle "Human Fantasies and Lies Without Self-Know­ledge" was published by the author himself (self-publishing) in a small number of copies in June 2014 (ISBN 978-960-93-6089-0). Some further improvements were made for better understanding after the limited edition and few typing errors were corrected. Improvements include expressive modifications to a few lines, adding a few lines or pages, and removing a few pages that were moved to a second (optional) volume. The page numbering of the original edition was changed after these improvements.













arrows pointing to the center

They give you guarantee for everything... apart from your life and fortune! For these, they remind you... the existence of God and as usual, they deceive you! Knowledge without Ethic is Aimless and Misleading >>>







planet EarthThe 1st publication








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left hand










Every hour so many nonsense and fantasies are written and said hidden in the words (by illiterates and scientists) that one does not need to have higher education and scientific specialization to refute them. A single word in which a fantasy has been introduced and not an obvious feature of the world or with which a limit is introduced while we do not observe it, is enough to we challenge all thoughts that use it. Nonsense and fantasies are not explained solely by ignorance. They are most often explained by people's needs to express their feelings, to take advantage of opportunities, to impress, to work and to deceive with some expectation. 



scientific instruments



compass in brain

sense organs

*The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


Do you discover the philosophy accidentally now? What is the Philosophy. Philosophy & reality




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