Hidden Monster (Don't Say You Didn't Know!)
Recklessness, selfishness and hypocrisy of human populationAnother observation in human behavior that quickly reveals the recklessness, selfishness and hypocrisy of the larger population
Almost all that we realize is offered within society and as opportunities to facilitate our own lives have been implemented with the purpose and study of some to have work and profits. But so we all serve and satisfy as customers, consumers and users with many choices. What we realize are offered and all constructions have been performed with sacrifices and pain of a large number of workers, regardless of any moral appreciation we would express about the choices in their lives and their behavior. Sacrifices and pain include hard work and dangerous to their health, sweat and stress without the corresponding reward, wasted time from workers' lives and from living with their family, degrading behavior and their handling as animals and as smart tools, forced work without their will and in some cases in conditions of bloodshed and torture. If we include sacrifices of workers as slaves in the older years, then the image will be even more sad. The social heritage (material and spiritual) that younger people accept, claim as individuals or as a social group, who use and find that it is cultural, technological and historical is not only an external heritage of material and spiritual works. We inherit together the pain, injustice, effort and blood of those who worked and fought. We inherit together the pain, injustice, effort and blood of those who worked oppressed, desperate, forced, cheated and exterminated. When we ignore or do not calculate the past in which all the preparations, efforts, choices and creative actions with which a project could and was implemented, then our assessment is immature and disrespectful. And unfortunately, it is the rule to appreciate and evaluate with last-minute information, as transmitted by vision, without thoughts. So immature and hurriedly make appreciations of a man we see passing by, without thinking of his past and without imagining his different experiences. So any project can be assessed immaturely and hurriedly, without thinking about the difficulties with which the project was created, constructed or implemented. It may take many years of effort or research, a smart thought to solve their problems, needed material options and the finalization of the project after testing and modifications and corrections, with the assessment of different views. These difficulties do not appear and are not immediately seen at first glance, nor by the thoughts of someone who ignores the research field or the means and materials that were necessary for the work. We observe the well -known psychological phenomenon of many people to easily evaluate a work as something that happened immediately, within a moment and with the ignorance of difficulties, which are not perceived by the end result. Usually one observes some errors, shortcomings and possible modifications to cancel the effort or to reject the result or to say that the actions were failed. Such a person thinks that would have done it better. Someone has the work or result in front of his eyes and expresses assessments with certainty, without thinking and knowledge of the past of efforts. But the work may have been difficult to find in front of the eyes of a reckless evaluator, it took time, a rare creative combination, and often the inspiration and the original or incompatible thought of a single creator, missing from others. We are not only talking about literary, theatrical, architectural and artistic works, but also about technical, theoretical, operational and more general works of collaboration. And unfortunately, the implementation of any project may need hard work and the sacrifices of many people, as we said. The perception of society and the use of products, construction and infrastructure without this awareness of history and events is yet another misleading experience and permanent as a delusion. And those who live as compromised and accustomed with such a unconsciousness and indifference, and even with a pride from an advantageous position, they unfortunately continue to exploit the pain and sacrifices of those who have been wronged in the past and morally exist as associates of criminals.
* (Almost the entire second and third paragraph is from the Gr book: The global Ethic of inner orientation. Subtitle: Human fantasies and lies without self-knowledge)
Hidden Monster (Don't Say You Didn't Know!) ... >>> You cheat yourself ... >>> Delusional knowledge of reality and fantasies ... >>> Behaviors and Events of Fantasies and Lies ... >>> From when humans learned to write ... >>> You're fooling yourself (don't say you didn't know!)...>>> Looking for a sufficient purpose to live ...>>> Limit certainty, increase your doubt! ...>>> Selfishness & Paranoia ...>>> If the Ethic of inner orientation is not a Science ...>>>
► Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine.
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