Human fantasies and lies without self-knowledge... Do not tell, that you didn't know, say that you had believe!
Thoughts and struggle for survival(There are many prejudices around this issue and more obvious)
Survival, which we say is a prerequisite for doing everything else, is also not guaranteed, neither with many knowledge, nor from our intelligence, nor from our smart choices. The effort and struggle for survival do not inevitably achieve survival. Equally, new problems in survival and even death can be caused by bad luck, wrong choices and in inappropriate moments and simple behaviors. Many tried to delay the natural end of life, applied some knowledge to ensure health, they spent enough money and were optimistic that they would live longer than others. Their certainty was reinforced by the obvious signs of more muscle strength and physical strength, but unfortunately they left the world earlier. They overestimated the relationship of muscle strength and health with longevity, or at the same time they harmed their health in other ways that did not observe or could not avoid. The magnitude of the error caused by knowledge in more quantity is shown when we discover some older people who lived longer while they did not seek it, nor did they have the valuable knowledge. The ways in which the biological body and internal organs wear out and our life can be lost are so many and unknown, so that verified health again does not allow certainty, that health will be maintained and that death is inhibited. An ordinary contagious disease at an older age can easily send you to the other world ... a few days after encouraging medical examinations.
If one thinks and acts with all his mental, spiritual and physical powers to survive and gain power, such a cruel and clever struggle does not ensure success or achieve our goals. In the best of cases the results are temporary. If the reward is in more money, then it undoubtedly gives more opportunities to our lives. But most possibilities do not coincide with better luck in life, even when we are hospitalized in the most expensive hospitals. The global experience and after the enormous development of biology and medical sciences is frustrating. The man who is fortunate enough to approach a century of life is weaken and the damage to the biological body is obvious and in more organs. According to experience and with logical consistency, our future is in the grave, while our other thoughts are expectations, assumptions and scripts. Almost all people "leave" our world at the age of 70-90 years, in the best of cases. Certainly something will happen and we will "leave" the world in those decades, as strong as and healthy we are. Do not expect that there will be mourning and funeral silence or some warning. Surely one day we will find us dead or we will find a "own" person dead first! If you have not understood it, it is necessary to die (by natural laws) and this will be done either naturally or in other ways you will name. We will not stick to the word in which we will call this disaster and in thoughts about whether the way could be more desirable. Consider that we are may living in our last hours - especially when we are sick - and we are unsuspecting and we are discussing agreements, we are complaining, promising, planning our activities ... Survival is not guaranteed for anyone. In the best of cases we will achieve more calm old age (with physiological damages to our body), which is not as likely as we want to believe. If we are lucky, then we will see - as clearly as we can - our grandchildren in an advantage in society and so we will withstand the loss of everyone who will leave earlier than us (as less lucky)! This is the brightest future we can expect and which we are afraid of losing a few years earlier! The wish for a century of life, which we all again repeat from a bad habit is probably a curse, since so much biologically exhausted and if we still think and aware of reality, we will probably attend the funeral of our loved ones (children, brothers, grandchildren, friends, etc) and in addition, with the sad knowledge of how they death. Probably the wish to be live for less years so as not to experience such sad times would be better, unless even then, we feel that our life is irreplaceable and deserves all the sacrifices.
No one can ask us to invest in the future, with guarantees that this future will come or come with the rewards for which we fought with many sacrifices. No reasonable mind can guarantee us, except for some people, who have excessive confidence in themselves and claim a leadership in society! But not all people invest in the same values and with the same confidence. Most people only theories and fantasies have to say, and nothing reliable about the future! And even worse, when those who give fantasies as tips are people who live compromise and as robots and with many fantasies, not limited to sex. While the future is known without theories and fantasies and no one can question it: We will live our end soon, either by natural causes or by an accident or by any other reason, any name we give to the cause (so that to we hide the inevitable end). This end comes earlier for some, and for some others later, the end for some comes suddenly while for some others the end comes with awareness. The terrible question is, in what decade will the end of life come? If we appreciate life (as losers) with the number of years (of so -called age) or from assets, or how many times we have danced with their favorite music, it is not strange because so submissively we are thinking and we conceal the harsh truth, in many other cases. Experience has confirmed that the imagination is not missing even of the most stupid people when they think about their interests with delusions. As the fear of ignorance is not missing and as the excessive expectations are not missing, which also ignorance generates and balances fears.
* A flexible translation from the book (in Gr) titled "The Global Ethic of Inner Orientation" and the subtitle "Human Fantasies and Lies Without Self-Knowledge"
► Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine.
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