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With discipline, conformity and legitimacy do not wait for better days ...


>>>► This unpleasant finding is worth thinking of the most compromised in society and those who happen to the present will enjoy some of their successes.

Those who govern always have the law cover. The laws are amended and compiled in accordance with their own requirements. Always, where the free expression of the view has been prohibited, where dissidents are being pursued, where death penalties for common crimes are imposed, where minorities are exterminated, but also any exterminating policy with irrational taxes. Where the natural environment is irreversibly destroyed and where financial interests are left uncontrollably, where property, even patents, are grabbed, where inequalities are imposed on both sexes. When pensions are reduced, where the public administration is designated by the conquerors etc all of these injustices are not carried out illegal. Governments and those who have the power try and make these choices in agreement with laws. The laws that impede their policy and are an obstacle to their plans are abolished and adapted. Rights that are natural and ethical rights are prohibited by law and the law imposes obligations that destroy economic, psychological and biological families and social groups. While you are right and if you are a victim who reacts you will be illegal. Not just your right will not be recognized, but even more obstacles will be placed in your life and maybe the target of revenge will be those who are friendly to you. When you clash with the law then you conflict with power and power will always legally try to discipline you, you are or are not right. Even more disgusting and provocative is when all of the above is legitimized by governments that have been ordered after electoral procedures. These governments are described as "democratic", the Police and the Army are under their command and cut and sew laws safely and civilized within parliament as we know. So when these immoral governments fall and immoral politicians leave they do not seem to be criminal organizations and terrorist, but merely as failed governments and at worst, individual partners are sacrificed.


Scammers work legally or are associates



Human fantasies and lies without self-knowledge...

Do not tell, that you didn't know, say that you had believe!*


<•> Some of the guiding thoughts for the way of life and its virtues are deter­minative for performance, success and evolution of man everywhere and in all his activities. The guiding thoughts and inner virtues for the life are degraded and treated until today like metaphysical questions because are not facilitate the plans, desires and goals of ambitious, self-centered and "materialist" humans... Do you wondered how much you say and do every day with 100% certainty, while your thoughts are more dubious than philo­sophical the­ories?orientate Spiritual orien­tation with its universal ethic restricts reckless and ambitious actions. So it doesn't sound pleasant. On the contrary, its refusal makes it easier for everyone to blame others, not themselves.



moral life - ethical state & confidence






The most obvious indications that the answers are correct and reasoning serves the researching


cn sign

A unified and interdisciplinary Answer more analytically >>>


A unified / comprehensive Answer, namely:

+Moral / Psychological    +Rational    +Political    +Cosmological






left hand









In civilized society with the law of jungle, where one man thinks about how to deceive and how to exploit the other in order to satisfy his personal desires and with the tolerance of the State, even the education system has come to serve this purpose: deception and favor of personal interests with the power of Science. In a society of paranoid, fanatical and selfish people, where they are trained and specialized having the axiom, that "for my survival I will take advantage of your ignorance and weakness", we cannot hope ... Frivolous perception of things, credulity, habit, overestimation our abilities and limitation of reality in transactions and people's cooperation are not "realism". 




scientific instruments



compass in the brain

sense organs

*The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


If the Ethic of inner/spiritual orientation is not a Science >>>►


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