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Unjust policy and the problem of limited time of life and along with the dangers of health


Those who think that the spiritual direction of life is a philosophy of some who ignore the problems of survival, the harsh reality and the natural world will make a big mistake. Here, where we are talking about a policy in spiritual direction, the exact opposite view is true. If the conditions that prevent life, survival and good human relationships were missing from the real world, then such a view of life with spiritual orientation and self-improvement might be pointless and dumb. The adverse conditions were never missing from the natural world and human society. For this reason, some people from the most ancient years have always found the need to improve conditions for human life and that improvement cannot be achieved only with tools. Behavior regulation and self-improvement are also essential for friendly relationships, cooperation, goals that people set their lives and for their satisfaction.

The most important knowledge and truths which are constantly useful are forgotten and lost in so much that we learn. If the problem was only that the problems were many in number, then again it might not have been enough to turn to ourselves spiritually and to think about the spiritual direction of life. But only one problem requires the revision of life options: If life is interrupted and can be interrupted soon, then we do not have the opportunity to solve any other problems. We want to solve all other problems in order to live more beautifully and with the sense of man who is capable of solving problems and winning battles. But if life ends and deteriorates physically and mentally, then we do not have an unlimited time to create problems or to solve all the problems and the problem of survival remains unsolved. We need to be able to live beautifully and with the awareness of our existence before we lose our lives and health! We are also forced to think about whether we will survive and be destroyed by our bad and wrong choices, even in the days when conditions are favorable.

In every effort that we make and in every our choice we think about whether something will happen that will harm our health and lives and whether we are in danger. We have certainty and knowledge of many things in the world, but we forget that our lives are not as sure of the immediate future. We think smartly about many things in the world and make predictions, but if we "leave" suddenly from the world then we will never know it, as we will not know its developments, which we now watch with interest and concern. In short, the problem of survival and limited time of life and along with the dangers of health and our lives is the only powerful reason, which prevents us from living as if we were unbeaten, immortal, indestructible. This existential problem plants a question mark in our minds about the purpose of our abilities and success.


The problem of survival and the limited time of life and along with the dangers of health and overall for our lives is one of the permanent characteristic of the world we perceive and the reality that hosts us. If we are missing from the world, then the world towards us does not exist and have no traits. The limited time of life and the dangers that threaten our lives are not just a characteristic in our biological body. Our biological body - which most of it is water - and some of its features exist in such a material world, because the broader reality has its laws and such standards for life. The beginning and end of life is one of its decisive features. We do not know how many other worlds can be there and life with what other specifications may be there. But we here on earth are definitely living in a world with infinite threats to survival and health (human and natural) and with 100% certain end of our lives, as we at least realize it here on Earth. If we do not perceive such an existential problem and such a trait in the world, then we lose our mental contact with physical reality and begin the pursuits of fantastic worlds. But then, all other information and actions in the world are upgraded. We forget a permanent and decisive feature of our lives - such as the uncertainty of survival and the end of life with increasing biological deterioration. So we let all other characteristics of the world and our imagination get our attention and motivate us to actions, with dreams and infinite information. In the end, man forgets and degrades everything and the mind focuses on external actions and goals as if man were eternal and the focus of the world. This is an illusion option that is natural and usually useful for psychological balance and we should not complain ...


Unjust policy, competition and stress


Human fantasies and lies without self-knowledge...

Do not tell, that you didn't know, say that you had believe!*


<•> Some of the guiding thoughts for the way of life and its virtues are deter­minative for performance, success and evolution of man everywhere and in all his activities. The guiding thoughts and inner virtues for the life are degraded and treated until today like metaphysical questions because are not facilitate the plans, desires and goals of ambitious, self-centered and "materialist" humans... Do you wondered how much you say and do every day with 100% certainty, while your thoughts are more dubious than philo­sophical the­ories?orientate Spiritual orien­tation with its universal ethic restricts reckless and ambitious actions. So it doesn't sound pleasant. On the contrary, its refusal makes it easier for everyone to blame others, not themselves.



moral life - ethical state & confidence






The most obvious indications that the answers are correct and reasoning serves the researching


cn sign

A unified and interdisciplinary Answer more analytically >>>


A unified / comprehensive Answer, namely:

+Moral / Psychological    +Rational    +Political    +Cosmological






left hand









In civilized society with the law of jungle, where one man thinks about how to deceive and how to exploit the other in order to satisfy his personal desires and with the tolerance of the State, even the education system has come to serve this purpose: deception and favor of personal interests with the power of Science. In a society of paranoid, fanatical and selfish people, where they are trained and specialized having the axiom, that "for my survival I will take advantage of your ignorance and weakness", we cannot hope ... Frivolous perception of things, credulity, habit, overestimation our abilities and limitation of reality in transactions and people's cooperation are not "realism". 




scientific instruments



compass in the brain

sense organs

*The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


If the Ethic of inner/spiritual orientation is not a Science >>>►


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