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from the book "The Theology of Science" written by elaborating thoughts and wording for many years (1986 - 1998) by a young man who somehow suddenly perceived the power of human thought and language.


If we say more than we really know, this is allowed not only by ignorance but also by knowledge, which always has shortages (...) and can serve for external - intellectual purposes and as it suits us. [p. 23]

Between the two ends of the credulity and the mistrust, we will be closer to reality, stronger, prepared and with a more unlimited intellect when we tend to question and search. [p. 38]

It is in the lifestyle of the philosopher man to doubt, to wonder, to highlight the deficiency and the uncertainty of thoughts, to prove, to maintain his experience, to think about his reasoning, to seek explanations, to observe the relations of things, to formulate and concentrate his views, to recognize his great ignorance of the broader perceived reality and how a small part of the world along with some people and their relationships affects our lives. That is why the philosopher can interfere in the scientific areas and, without always knowing more, to watch out for some of their inconsistencies, some of their imperfections, to challenge some of the theories that no one doubts, and even to mislead those who know the related issues more sufficiently. In the end, for the same reason the philosopher drifts, analyzes his concepts and reflections very much and can make most mistakes of all. [p. 46]

The Reason (language and think) is for all sciences the common means of their creation and evolution, such as the trunk for the tree. Many scientists could contribute to the evolution of the sciences and avoid many unjustified and basic mistakes if they had less ignorant of speech or philosophy and a way of life, not contrary to the utilization of its potential. If when we aim to tell the truth, to discover it, not to make mistakes, it is often difficult to impossible, then let us think about how much our intellect is distorted, if we are not friends of truth, when we are not concerned about our agreement with it and if the search for truth and its promotion is not in our lifestyle. [p. 46-47]

A man, who ignores philosophy, forms and supports views on common issues and findings, which philosophers have carefully exposed before him, after plenty of reflection, supported or challenged with more reasoning, with more concentrated findings, controversy, explanations, and examples. In the great contribution of the philosophy to exploit the intellect, there is also this great ability to evolve our views, having knowledge of what someone else could respond to us, so that we do not limit ourselves to thoughts about which we ignored some of the consequences and their shortcomings. We still have the opportunity and it is quite important to know, at least some possible answers about certain questions, which are considered unanswered and that one of these solutions may be correct, rather than ignoring them completely, even the questions themselves. [p 54]

Philosophy as a work of speech and as an internal search deliberately serves in a completely immediate way to utilize this..., which we use constantly and inevitably, to determine our external activities and indirectly how we will be influenced (in a well-known or unknown way) by our physical and social environment: In the exploitation of language and intellect. Therefore, searching and collecting knowledge is not limited to external things or some of their relationships, such as specialized scientific disciplines. The intellect with its philosophical activity is self -discovered and exploits itself so that it can maintain its knowledge, to know their shortcomings, to think without cheating and discovering its ignorance of certain basic issues whose knowledge should have to exists before knowing external things. In order to we define our behavior as autonomous, in order to live oriented, while without this knowledge we are drifted away by the knowledge of some external things and leave ourselves to their fate. Thus, before  it is even observed, the intellect begins to become a means and immediate purpose of ethics, it is constantly and directly serving in life, and we benefit as human beings, not only as intellectuals detached from the rest of life. [pp 57-58]

It is sad, real and ordinary, that most people still do not recognize how we can benefit, when we have time to read, reflect and write, when we seek knowledge and certainty in our immediate experience, in the sciences and if philological creations attract us. Paradoxically, among them we will find intelligent, higher education graduates and multifaceted educated people to regard intellectual activity as a lack of action and thus implying that it is useless and inadequate without external action. But on the contrary, intellect is a real behavior within us, intentionally defined or not, the essence of life, without which external act would be unnecessary, indefinable and limited, such as moving a stone. The intellect is directly related to all cognitive activities from their beginning with the first sense, however many words are in which we disintegrate it ... [p. 38]

Anyone who dares to consider intellectual activity in search of ignorance, mistakes, truth, certainty, doubt useless or unrealistic, and generally the friendly relationship with literature, is self-denied by own actions and by their consequences. Almost all of our activities and every moment - even the moods - are created and more influenced by our preserved knowledge and findings we makes using such a broad empirical knowledge, rather than what we truly perceive outside. The findings we make in our perceptions, the views we shape about life and the world, our theoretical pursuits, our knowledge of our potential and ignorance, our false views and our uncertainty, where our attention is turning and what experience we formulate, all of these processes not only affect the quality of the intellect and have their consequences, directly and indirectly. Like the activities of the intellect are not only affected directly by itself. [They cause consequences directly on our psychology and indirectly in our lives, p. 38-39]

For example, the view that death is the definitive end of life and another view, that money solves all problems. They are some common views that can and do directly affect our lifestyle. Changing our position to these views would mean a recognition of many other mistakes and consequences, lead to interruption of certain activities, change in behavior, redefinition of goals and values. Maintaining our position allows us to continue as we started and prepared in many ways, with some effort and time, ie as it convenient us (...) [p. 52]

The self-centered and drifting man sees things more theoretically and fantastically than believes and thus degrades their indeterminacy, instability and relativity. [Self -centered and drifting = frivolous and perceptionary, p. 404]

A man who is not a friend of the book to get rid of his prejudice and understand the consequences must be widely convinced that intellect, knowledge and language constantly influence our lives in a direct way. That we do not waste our time when we read, write and reflect, but on the contrary we use our time in the best way. The only thing, which is always and everywhere with us, is ourselves and is worth investing in it, so that we can always have happiness and knowledge everywhere with us. [p. 50]

When one has enough time to think, read and write - even a diary of their life - will find in his experience over time how thinking contributes to intellectual cultivation, to the growth of experience, to the exploitation of life and still, unintentionally, how darkness surrounds him. When one gets to the point of seeing how paranoid many people determine their lives, the subordination of logic to their selfish moods, their aversion to search and knowledge, their disagreement, their hypocrisy and problems, then verifies the correctness of his choice (with a method of Abductive Reasoning in practice), since spiritual activity fueled his logic and discovered the madness of those who prevented him from philosophizing. [p. 49]

The search for truth means reading, writing, questioning and reflection. One has to "take off" and understand things overall from a height so that can morally orient his life. [p 51]

Philosophy as a work of reason contributes to the creation and evolution of sciences. Its importance is not only from the credibility of knowledge, as in the sciences. The doubts and questions created, the controversy, the paradoxical views, the ambiguities require us to carefully reflect, to make use of our experience and to dominate cognitive activity. While searches in timeless and interdisciplinary directions highlight the importance of knowledge and intellectual activity for the exploitation of life, regardless of the answers. Its purpose, as well as the usefulness of (philosophy), is not only the discovery of the truth nor its transmission in a firmly fossilized way. It is all the internal activity and experience, which is formed over time. [p 52]

blind peopleWhen our doctor tells us his diagnosis and treatment, we usually find it useful to follow it rather than request evidence and detailed explanations. In these cases where we do not seek the credibility of knowledge - for one cause or for another - and we rely without sufficient knowledge, then we have the direct or blind certainty, which we call faith. When this immediate certainty is to the correctness of knowledge then we say good faith, while on the contrary we call it mistrust (bad faith). Faith can prove to be apt or vice versa and still direct scientific knowledge, but it does not cease to be a certainty with inadequate knowledge. Faith without a limit and theoretical doubt is contrary to the evolution of scientific knowledge and confuses. On the contrary, the evolution of knowledge and search for confirmation create certainty through verified knowledge. It is increasingly limiting the imaginary field of faith ... The contrast of easy, hasty and flippant certainty with philosophical and scientific search is pure. Reasonable knowledge requires as a moral principle to we choose the second, without the slightest doubt and to we prepare for the consequences of truth. [p 59-60]

If we consider as "life" and "landing" our absorption by our relationships with ten people and things as if the whole universe were, if we behave with the illusion that we are the sufficient cause of ourselves while ignoring our very existence , if we are to be happy regardless of who we are through our delusion and the attention of others, if we postpone our dissatisfaction after a short -term dark entertainment, if we close our eyes to the unpleasant truths, then we are worthy of our fortune. We see what is the logic and happiness of such a life daily on television, cinema, theater and of course in our most direct experience. [p. 43]

<•> What is the meaning of knowledge and logic, then, when it is the means of disorienting activities, for our pleasant illusion and our recognition by others, and how can we then be fair, good and happy? [An uncultivated young man was wondering ... p. 45]

A young man had immediately realized a link between intellectual abilities with behavior, externalization of moods, human relationships and their two-way relationship without any prior educational preparation. This close relationship was appreciated as fundamental for self-regulation of behavior and a world-wide ethics as a science. The next enterprise to formulate a global ethics in spiritual orientation and with rational thinking was completed in 2014 with the writing of the massive book "The Global Ethic of Inner Orientation (with eternal values and in conjunction with thinking)". Subtitle: Human fantasies and lies without self -knowledge.



The uncertainty about the future and the need for survival and promotion in society motivate people to external action with the highest expectation. They chase the money and many are also ambitious and are motivated to be distinguished, enforced, gaining strength and glory, representing common interests or a group and fight so as not to lose them. In their endeavors they find that they have to cooperate, communicate, approach and support those who have achieved the above advantages. They find that if they do differently then they will make it difficult for their lives, "the doors of the opportunity" will be closed, they will be left alone or clash with strong interests. Their attention with such awareness is constantly attracted to activities in the present and do not think about the past and the distant future, almost as they are indifferent to reading books and are generally afraid of loneliness. Thus most of the knowledge and experience of the past remains unused, forgotten, indifferent and inaccessible, unless required for current aspirations (eg acquisition of a degree). On the contrary, new experiences, insignificant successes, some actions and works not worthwhile to discuss, hasty thoughts and details of daily life are magnified, repeated very often and maintained for a long time by modern efforts that are happening worldwide and with any purpose.







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