Attention! Exist many translational errors
G. Hegel (1770-1831)
"Philosophy" of adaptation in environment is not same to "philosophy" of spiritual direction (Some thoughts that associate the local and individual-central perception of the world with delusional thoughts and a drifting life. The human mind with fantasies exhorts for a self -centered behavior and life, completely contrary to the spiritual direction of life). Do you want learn more about Philosophy? How much useful is Philosophy in our life? In daily life, we rarely will find a human that dedicates many hours to do thoughts. Human behavior is determined almost exclusively by thoughts about relationships with other people, about work, daily difficulties and satisfaction of needs, and any problems that are caused by social living and in activities. People thinks literally down-to-earth and be indifferent to thoughts that do not appear necessary in order to people walk, move, solve daily problems and generally to survive and such a behavior is normal. Thinking - as also senses - is adapted in requirements of environment (physical, familial, labor, social…) and is useful mainly in order to regulates behavior (outwardly). Therefore, what role can play philosophical thoughts in to head of a physiologic human of daily action? Are philosophical thoughts useful for our survival? In most cases, a " realist " (people with mind down-to-earth) express consciously his lack of interest in philosophy and reject any usefulness of thoughts, when are not focused in needs of day and body action and for biological satisfaction. If therefore, we allege, that thoughtless people or illiterate humans or people that do not read books believe in philosophical and unrealistic theories, this statement how much reasonable is it ? One of the greatest of fallacies IS NOT emanated from religions, but from a common thought of realists and active people: It is the fallacy about worthless of human thinking in contrast to physical activity and body behavior. Many people believe that human mind is necessary exclusive for external action and human thinking without act is valueless. This is a "philosophy" for animals that recently transformed to humans. Each one has an unconsidered philosophy in his mind and this unconsidered philosophy is similar for every animal if begins to think. "Philosophy" of realists and mobilized people from the senses did not result from a conscious or insistent effort of search, with their interest and writing of their thoughts. When behavior of an animal stops being regulated and determined exclusively by the information of its sensory organs, then intellect from that moment makes inevitably thoughts and they distort the perception of surrounding reality, as it was being presented directly by senses. Almost all human activities and moods are generated and influenced permanently by information of memory and by thoughts on information. It is not only this, but happen until other side, humans behave and act more influenced by their moods and thoughts, rather than what they really perceive out in their (physical and social) environment. Human thinking inevitably introduces fault, imagination, partiality, hasty certainty, inconsistency and absurdity and distort the reality. Human mind may distort so much the reality up to a peak so as real data of sensory organs are not assessed and we cannot distinguish what emanated really from our own experience. Thus, many views are formed and maintained by thoughts without rules and by imagination and are not verified in experience or did not emanate from our own personal experience. On the contrary, many thoughts, opinions and images which are in conflict to our own experience take form in our mind. Some thoughts can't be proved but we believe them, frivolous opinions were accepted without enquiry, some views strengthened by our experience but they are fallacies (as are the delusions of biological senses) and moreover fantasies about things, events and world take form in human mind even after an irritation of a word. Lies and mistakes raise questions and some answers to them confirm lies and fallacies... We perceive and think wrong about things and it is a permanent and daily phenomenon and not only few cases of fallacy or few justified errors. Thinking itself is an intellectual process by which we were reported to things with mediation of symbols and mnemonic pictures. Thoughts and recollections are not things. The clarity of knowledge rather exist only in formulated scientific knowledge on books. The " realists and mature people " with flippant and discriminatory thinking makes a lot of errors and finally lose the contact to reality and unfortunately receive consequences of fallacy. Errors and bias, deficiency of knowledge and leaps in thinking are revealed like an avalanche from use of language, specially when people speak and on effort to communicate. Hear how much funny is a " realist and mature human " and can not perceives it: When we observe an expressive error or a wrong inference or a wrong information or if we ask of them to express more clearly their thoughts and help us to understand better (what wants to say us), then interlocutor can to say us little angrily: " Stop the wordiness " , " I hate philosophy " , " they are obscure theories ", " I said you clearly " , " you don't intend to understand me ". At end, interlocutor maybe make a violent gesture or offend us! Elderly people sometimes said (in Greece): " An illiterate man is like an unprocessed wood ". Complete this thought that an educated person can think smarter and handle the language flexibly, but often thinks crazy or biased, not limited to reliable knowledge and his mistakes are many and equally foolish. Paraphrasing we can to say " An educated person is an ugly and clumsy carved wood "!
A " realist and mature man " is not so much close to reality as long as believes and perceives it. Realists consider as reality only their own occasional experiences on their effort to survive and impart their spiritual values, traditions and advices. People is forced in action PRECISELY FOR THIS EXPLANATION (while the God has not environment and no bodily action, as we would say). The full reality, the complete Universe for all individual things including animate organisms IS ABSENT. Reality that remains is only their life, some events and their narrow environment. It is physiological for a thinking animal (as is humans) to focus its attention and all mind to perceptible things and seek for survival and happiness. However, " physiological choices and needs " does not strengthen a materialistic " philosophy ", egocentric logic and relative exemplars and confrontations. "Philosophy" of adaptation in environment is not same to "philosophy" of spiritual direction. Experience and reasonable thinking do not strengthen views of flippant and realist people such as are views about muscular force, economic power, military force, purity of a tribe, domination of empire, national independence, perpetuation of a human type, spread of a religion etc. ON THE CONTRARY the physiological and realistic life confirms the imperfection of human being, its ignorance and fantasy, a distorted concept about the world and the original faith of many philosophers about a conflict between human and God or God with himself. Unfortunately, people with discriminatory, unilateral and not wise mind (with intellectual failings, 'Homo de fraudens' should have been named) does not perceive that in final analysis they conflict with themselves. Peoples with their way of life and behavior never accomplish to be the centre of world (as they understand) and they turn against to self without realized it. They draw a meaning for their life from all that for which they fight, defend, react but easy can forget, interchange and cancel them. Many times their thoughts are absurd and action deter their dreams to be realized or maintained. Their dreams have not predictable outcomes, contrarily they encourage some rival purposes and undermine their culture but they have the opposite assessment. So, in brevity, an of the greater delusions of " realist and mature man " - if not the greatest delusion - is his certainty that it should not exist imperfections and problems and that (their silly) life would be better without problems! Humans exist self-deceived with such certainty and expect full satisfaction and happiness, without they think if such an outcome is possible, if is possible anybody to be happy and if a life without suffering could present in the Universe. Unluckily, this delusion was an axiom in science of psychology, while it is recognized and impugned in all widespread religions! Materialist people is drunk from their dreams and self - deceived. Children, insane people, animals and - more terribly - human history always will remind their flippant models and discriminatory logic. "Philosophy" of "realist" people is a childish philosophy with fantasy and lies and we can summarize in few lines...
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