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Subtitle: Human fantasies and lies without self-knowledge


The shortest summary of the voluminous book (Gr edition)

When someone was hearing about "ethic" directly thinking of a civilized behavior, sexual restraint, some dilemmas of social life, some thoughts about imple­mentation of science and older philosophical consi­derations. Here the ethic is appeared modernized with the funda­mental observation of action of spirit first to itself. Thinking is necessary instrument for "orientation" of life, a life with correct information, with intellectual ability to assess truth and reliability, to avoid many fantasies and restrained certainty and self-control of behavior. The innate and spontaneous goodness is revealed as inadequate by the coupling of ethics with thinking and thus ethic is united with concept of "law" and "morality" is united with "justice". Without impartial and inquiring thinking, without honesty and awareness of ignorance of external things, without proper information and estimates, but with errors and prejudices, so life can not be calm and drifting in unfair and unnecessary action. A "good" man must be both "fair" and these two moral cha­racteristic do not coincide. Often we think we are trying for the "good", but we have stupid and wrong views and we are 100% sure, but we really do not know enough. Thus such an "intellectual" ethic appears more reactive and less compromised, against unjust behaviors that originate from lies and wrongs. Knowledge also appears as "hurt", closer to the imagination, and always inadequate, and even misleading, misleading, either deliberately or recklessly and due of mental failure. Man, with his ignorance of the world and his hasty thoughts, over­estimates his potential. Consistently, man behave selfishly, greedily and recklessly; either by over­confidence or by uncertainty when it fails or has difficulties.


In our times, it is not usual someone to talk about morality of inner orientation and proceeds rationally to political issues, particularly for the role of State. Thoughts of this "intellectual" ethic extend to political issues, since cooperative rela­tionships are linked to trust, and therefore to people's intellectual credibility and moral responsibility. The transition to political and sociological issues was made in a book* written in order to support the leading and moral role of spiritual orientation directly for one's life and for entire society; how morality begins, what is regulated by behavior and what is changing in human life. We not only detect the important role of persons to society and directly for their own life. Next, the need for a "moral State or Polity" is upheld, which by its policy will encourage choices for a society of spiritually active people while discou­raging choices that favor a materialistic way of life and a speculative view of the world. There is a need for a just State and for policies that focus on the spiritual / intellectual development of citizens and not just on economic or technological development. Subversive changes to the State Constitution and Legislation are needed, and much theoretical work must be preceded, with the priority being to protect people from the exploitation of ignorance and intel­lectual weaknesses and to discourage abuse of confidence.


Main concepts, which alone trigger opposing social reactions (such as freedom and democracy and some difficult issues, such as economics and trade) do not exhaustively and cautiously insert into thoughts of the global ethic. But these concepts are not left out of exploratory thoughts, with the hasty thought that these are unrelated issues or that these issues are exclusively for those who specialize. On the contrary, these historical phenomena of social life are presented to be independent of the universal Ethic (and spiritual orientation), with exaggerations about the meaning of human life and for political controversies. An ethics theory began with thoughts and observations about the human spirit, what knowledge is, and the physical limitations that impose weaknesses on the human spirit. Human behavior was observed in inseparable relation to information and thoughts and Ethic (in linkage to intellect) was unified with Psychology. The treatise concludes with scouting of the financial exploitation of intellectual weaknesses, the abuse of confidence, the speculative cooperation of people (drifted people from senses and fantasies), the facilitation and protection of immoral action under coverage of State laws and involvement of State to partnerships which have no moral priority. The global ethic of spiritual orientation reveals lies and fantasies.













<•> The findings and combination of thoughts with which Ethics of inner orientation stands apart from ethics as it has appeared to date, from other philosophical endeavors. >>>


This book is not available in English



 * The book "The Global Ethic of Inner Orientation" and subtitle "Human Fantasies and Lies Without Self-Know­ledge"


authenticity stamp...was published by the author himself (self-publi­shing) in a small number of copies in June 2014 (ISBN 978-960-93-6089-0) for advertising and time priority purposes in pu­blishing excerpts of its content. After the limited edition, some further improvements were made and the few typing errors were corrected. Impro­vements include expressive modifications to some lines, adding a few lines or a few pages, and removing a few pages that were moved to a second (optional) volume. After these improvements, the page numbering of the original version was changed.


cd-rFrom digital books the reading and printing of all texts can be easy, without the graphic envi­ronment of web-pages. 




The Universal Constant of Spiritual Orientation



deception and ...

Physical reality is more in our fantasy. World mostly is a possi­bility and less known than we believe. The desti­nation of life in general is not to external (and sensible) world... The global ethic of spiritual orientation reveals lies and fantasies.

blind people

We have heard that thought without action is useless. For action without thinking and without enough knowledge, look at life and ask God!








planet EarthThe 1st publication


They give you guarantee for everything... apart from your life and fortune! For these, they send you... to the God and as usual, they deceive you. Do you wondered how much you say and do every day with 100% certainty, while they are more dubious than philosophical theories?

Ethics without knowledge...and knowledge without ethic






21,00×29,70cm (Α4)  | 17,60×25,00cm (Β5)  | 14,80×21,00cm (A5)

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left hand











Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine.

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scientific instruments



compass in brain

sense organs

>o<The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


If the Ethics of inner / spiritual orientation is not a Science!  >>>►



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