Until now, in a large number of scientific books, impressive TV shows, sophisticated productions of large institutions, and speeches by well-known researchers has been repeated in order to impress us that the core within the structure of matter contains almost the whole mass of an atom and that the molecules are formed by the huge gap between the core and the electrons. They have been stressing and explaining to us how matter could occupy less space and that the celestial bodies could diminish in dimensions that would fit our palm. They had almost said that nature has misspend the space while it was not needed! But nature as it is investigated and observed appears with these gaps and distances and with these "hollow" amounts of structural elements. This is a case of imagination in science not to help research but to prevent it... Astronomers and physicists have hurried to plant in the minds of all people, the clear and mechanistic view of an immense space in which groups of stars and galaxies are sparse among themselves. What does "more mass" mean when we consider the particles as energy oscillations in a communal quantity? With such a hypothesis alone, we would be hesitant to speak with the term mass for the structure of matter. Matter is the result of rapid fluctuations with which the total energy is kept constant. The particles, with which the structural elements of the world are formed, are the instantaneous gaps in the total amount of energy that we observe as a free space. And the free space is the entire Universe as it is connected to the individual things at the same time in microscopic dimensions. The complete and stable Universe in the longest period of time is relatively like a finite space and a constant amount of energy for what can happen externally with the structural elements. If the astronauts' step on the moon was great for all mankind, then the interpretation of matter by the nuclear fluctuations of the space is a successful leap in the intellect of every human being. Think of the opposite case (via reductio ad absurdum): A lot of particles approach each other at slow speeds or at a slower pace and over longer distances (lengths in cm). Could a complex total be created, a wholeness such as the biological body of a human? Could its parts co-operate quickly and adapt and could biological functions be carried out quickly without destroying the cooperation of its members? Then could such a body have so many possibilities for management and storage of information and could its sensations represent the details of its dynamic environment? In order to create the information of a high resolution moving picture in the signal of a TV transmitter, very high radio frequencies are used. The electromagnetic wave has its own alternation at a constant rate and is the carrier for the transmission of sound and image. The faster its alternation, the higher frequency we say that wave has. To achieve the transmission of information, the electromagnetic wave needs to be modified millions of times and even more per second. This modification (by known different techniques) causes deviations and rhythmic disturbances to the wave itself. This attribute of wave to vary so quickly and many times in the same time interval requires that it is an e/m wave, the frequency of the alternation of which is very high. If the frequency of its alternation is low, then it cannot vary so fast and carry so much information. In other words, encoding more information requires a carrier that is flexible and "faster". For the information that a biological body receives through its sensory organs and for its biological coding, think about whether this could be attained at slower rates and at lower speeds than these rates that people use for television broadcasts.
Microscopic procedures achieve their result not only at high speeds but also at fast paces. They would not have these velocities or they would not have a rhythmic change if the particles themselves were not together with certain forces, which are described in physics abstractly as e / m and gravitational fields. It would be unlikely, if not impossible, to repeat almost the same result for particles approaching and striking the surface of each other and having the correct speed and the right angle in their movement. Undoubtedly, their synchronization is the result of the involvement of fields and these fields have the highest speeds that reach the speed of light. They also have an extremely fast pace without moving away from each other. We perceive the particles externally within space and as separate from each other, while they are at the same time united with something we do not perceive as a body. For the teaching of physics this process of the invisible nature was not so important, while many other applications have priority for the technology. We, who do not have the tutorial purpose of a professor or of a technician, this rapid and rhythmic process of the invisible nature is more important and necessary for our self-knowledge, we would add.
* Source: Part 4 (Universe and matter, Spirit and life. Short answers to big questions) from the second volume of the treatise under the title "Complete Universe, Dynamic Space & Wave Phenomena" and the subtitle "How the natural laws and forces are applied. The fundamental concepts and relations for a rational Cosmology (Cosmonomy)" ©2021, ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1 (set), ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5 (vol2).
SOME PICTURES OF PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS (limited editions) What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words
► What purpose of life? The enjoyment of power and the disproof of delusion! The destination of life is not externally in the perceivable world Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine.
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