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The full total does not exist fragmented as it seems externally


The laws of nature and the physical forces are not located within every particle separately but out of matter. When we measure voltages and cur­rents in an electronic circuit, the measurements depend on the characteristics of each electronic component and its connection. If a component changes, then something will change in circuit operation. If you know how the circuit works, you can intervene and make some changes and improvements or re­pair it. But everything that we measure at each contact of the components, the currents, voltages, pulses, and frequencies would not exist without the circuit being powered by a separate source. And in order the entire electron­ic circuitry to be designed and to have such components ... the electricity which will feed it has been taken into account. With this example, we want to say that the dependence of biological phenomena on inorganic and organ­ic matter does not prove that mental phenomena and life are produced by "linking" and by plotting molecules exclusively. It is funny and we are not aware of what we say. Instead, atoms and molecules are atoms and molecules because there are invisible and global processes that keep them. Atoms or rather chemical elements are a language of nature that would cre­ate nothing with design and specification, if nature did not exist in invisible ways (see "free space") that are not directly observed with our senses and with the primitive scientific instruments. Some explain the results by assuming that there are certain natural phenomena and components. They do not think and do not want to think that natural phenomena and constituents are inexplicable and it is not at all self-evident, that they exist and operate by laws. And the mere fact that a thing exists and has a duration of existence is an inexplicable phenomenon and not a coincidence of separate natural phenomena that some experts have in their own mind. The fact that life ends, this again does not prove that its principle is exclusively from the material elements.


The same attribute which we detect that exists for the entire Universe ap­pears with matter, with inanimate particles and their synchronization. The complete Universe, which is not in any environment and is always the same and independent, has a direct connection with itself, that is, spiritual connec­tion (immediately, without external a mediation). A better and simpler inter­pretation of the phenomenon of Life does not exist! The direct relation, which the whole world has with itself, occurs within certain conditions of space and time. All phenomena show God as universal intellect and living creatures behave as though they were God, because they are by this univer­sal intellect, but they are not as self-contained and have restrictions. All things are done with the constant presence of the completed Universe, which participates as the Common and fixed Total with the basic trait of the (gen­eral) concept. In the research of microscopic dimensions, the presence of the completed Universe is detected as nuclear force. In essence, all things are God itself incomplete in time and space, while the free space is the complete Universe with all the energy in equilibrium. The extreme difference between spirit / soul and matter / body is no other than the difference between the world as a whole and as part at the same time. The full total does not exist fragmented as it seems to be only with the external ways of connecting things (at the special moments of time) or as a sum of a lot of individual parts.



* Source: Part 4 (Universe and matter, Spirit and life. Short answers to big questions) from the second volume of the treatise under the title "Complete Universe, Dynamic Space & Wave Phenomena" and the subtitle "How the natural laws and forces are applied. The fundamental concepts and relations for a rational Cosmology (Cosmonomy)" ©2021, ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1 (set), ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5 (vol2).



** The global language of nature in rates of electro-nuclear fluctuations. (Some more recent thoughts).

If the forces applied to a composed group of particles and their more complex forms could be seen in our eyes, then we would not only see points moving in different directions, as our visible bodies move. We would see movements with subtle divergences, in ways of repeating and motifs, such as vibration, oscillation, wavy and high speed fluctuations between particles. We would not see the movement such as a launch and a random collision or split of particles and their transfer to other positions. We would see rhythmic, pulsating and coordinated movements that hold the crowds of particles united. We would see such movements with tiny divergences, which impose on the particles having limited movements and certain combinations, as if they were ties in a dense grid of fine lines. These tiny movements are repeated at high rates and at the highest speeds of nature are creative and achieve the balance of a form, adaptation to structures and maintain situations and functions. Like whether a software was applied at the same time to the crowds of particles and the information was transferred from one particle to another, with a language of micro-moving and divergence.

Human technology with electricity uses such subtle deviations of extremely high speed to transmit information from telecommunications devices. This is how a microphone and a handset transfer and attribute the information, as related to the sound vibration of certain materials. This is how radio and television broadcasting stations broadcast and convert information with subtle divergences at extremely high rates of an E/M carrier. In general, information on computers and networks needed a language of electric pulses, which corresponded to the human language to be organized and under the control of our thinking. The rate of energy oscillations in the tiny dimensions of the dynamic space is extremely higher and their variety endless to the composition of the most stable chemical elements, which are the alphabet of material nature. We expect that physical forces and processes use a global language of elementary quantities and patterns of interactions with the scale of the "electromagnetic spectrum" (which in the theory presented has been explained as an electro-nuclear).

The animation* that accompanies the publication will help us to imagine forces and rhythmic movements, which we cannot see in the tiny dimensions of the dynamic space. Of course the forces on the foundations of the microcosm are not static and they themselves have their own fluctuations and at extremely short moments in constant interactions. But here we do not need to extend these thoughts to specific issues. Here we introduce the fundamental thoughts of this research on natural language and the issue of the transfer of information to nature.


waveform as a force




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How the fields of research and writing have been divided into books


red star What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words



An of the greatest reversals that the cosmological theory of "complete and stabilized Universe - within a long period" brings is that for first time, the phe­nomenon of life is linked to known physical laws ... The keyword is: synchro­nization of structural elements by the dynamic parti­cipation of the complete Universe, which is carried out relatively through the free space. The free space is a com­mon amount of energy in balance.


* The questions on the Internet ARE NOT presented complete, with cohe­sion, with­out un­necessary thou­ghts and with effe­ctive thread, that facilitates the com­prehe­nsion and with the ans­wers to queries that created












What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words





► What purpose of life? The enjoyment of power and the disproof of delusion! The destination of life is not externally in the perceivable world

Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine. 

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scientific instruments




sense organs


The materialistic way of life based on several fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


If the Ethics of inner/spiritual orientation is not a Science ! >>>►




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