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Sensory organs can be many, they may have different function and sensitivity. In different biological bodies we can see unique abilities of perception. In the inexhaustible variety of biological bodies we will find some animals that receive information of one phenomenon while the other animals do not. Certainly, animals also have a rudimentary thought, but not what we mean in the narrow sense even for the most stupid human. The thought of the animal - as shown by its behavior and learning processes - is closer to short associations and short memories and closely related to its experiences (such as fear, ferocity, pain, pleasure). If we do inventory of the sensory capacities each animal has and its brief mental abilities, we will definitely remain speechless by our surprise. This is why researchers who are trying to get inspiration and get ideas from animal abilities and to transfer ideas to technology and to we have them as well. However, do not compare the whole fauna and the census of all animal abilities with the mental / intellectual capacity of only one human. And of course, with the phrase "spiritual / intellectual capacity" of human, we do not mean that human is wiser or smarter or rightly informed. We will find that precisely opposite happen ... and maybe will be scare: Human with his mental / intellectual capacity rather loses contact with the real (social and natural) world. Human no more wise is, but rather haunted by lies, imagination and insignificant information.


The information of the senses is not all knowledge and the only form of knowledge. Many people imagine that without the thought and knowledge in the form of concepts and words, we would again have all the information of the senses in our human memory as much as now. Well, if they want to see how much knowledge remains from the "knowledge" of the senses, they have to look at all the other animals of nature compare to human. Take notice of the difference! The most stupid human has spiritual choices and information of absent things, while the animal is mostly irritated by the temporary information of the senses and by biological information that it does not investigate. We should give an explanation for this difference between human and animal. The experience and conscious memory are limited without thought and language and then we can not observe and learn anything that is not perceptible. Because the senses detect only that irritating the corresponding organ. But many different things have relations between them which are not noticeable, most of the time. Two things that are remote (eg moon and sun) have relations that are not revealed by the senses. It is need, a variety of phenomena linked together to be observed, but the sensation may not show how all of phenomena are connected together. For example, the sensation will not show to an ancient human how another human voice is heard from a small device called "radio". Ancient people will check over it without understanding how it works... Perhaps can get a better knowledge only after a lot of educational efforts and by rational guiding the research.


Information and knowledge in its broadest sense is the essence of the soul of the biological bodies that is externalized by sounds and all their movements. The fundamental feature of life is self-regulation with information as every biological body has for itself and with mental processes of choice, assessment and removal of information. The identification of the soul with the information and the most immediate phenomenon, which is the self-regulation of life, require revision of some ancient meanings we attribute to some ordinary words such as "life", "soul", "animate", "spirit". Then many features of psyche/soul are revealed rationally in a unified manner with all the variety of information and its variability.



>>> Sensations are ways of knowing and intellect by automatic (biological) removal of information >>>



* Source: Part 4 (Universe and matter, Spirit and life. Short answers to big questions) from the second volume of the treatise under the title "Complete Universe, Dynamic Space & Wave Phenomena" and the subtitle "How the natural laws and forces are applied. The fundamental concepts and relations for a rational Cosmology (Cosmonomy)" ©2021, ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1 (set), ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5 (vol2).



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How the fields of research and writing have been divided into books


red star What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words



An of the greatest reversals that the cosmological theory of "complete and stabilized Universe - within a long period" brings is that for first time, the phe­nomenon of life is linked to known physical laws ... The keyword is: synchro­nization of structural elements by the dynamic parti­cipation of the complete Universe, which is carried out relatively through the free space. The free space is a com­mon amount of energy in balance.


* The questions on the Internet ARE NOT presented complete, with cohe­sion, with­out un­necessary thou­ghts and with effe­ctive thread, that facilitates the com­prehe­nsion and with the ans­wers to queries that created












What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words





► What purpose of life? The enjoyment of power and the disproof of delusion! The destination of life is not externally in the perceivable world

Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine. 

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scientific instruments




sense organs


The materialistic way of life based on several fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


If the Ethics of inner/spiritual orientation is not a Science ! >>>►




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