5/28 The biological body with consciousness and thought becomes a cause to itself and self-regulates its behavior. This ability is indisputable, without negating the fact that we have been influenced and we are influenced unconsciously. But self-regulation is not always with knowledge and correct information and there are limitations that are natural, biological, psychological and intellectual. By our awareness and by thinking we can be self-influenced and as a cause to resist a myriad of other causes and - to the other end - to prevent action from unconscious influences. Between the deterministic action of the inanimate bodies (behaving only after they accept some external action) and the action of living bodies (behaving even without accepting some external action, with their information, with their consciousness and by aiming to a result to be realized) some a noticeable difference must exist. So what is the difference in the behavior of a stone that is falling from the behavior of an animal? Those who say that man behaves with causes and past influences should the difference show between a machine and an animal. These two phenomena of behavior have a noticeable difference. They do not have the same or equal "freedom" or the same lack of "freedom", ie they do not have the same choices and coercions.
In humans, the inherent impulse of seeking biological balance and survival expands spiritually (with information and thought) and appears as will, desire and determination. Many people do not consider the will as a logical process or process of thought, and many have been trained to separate it from thought. Will is proved to be of decisive importance in producing thoughts, insisting on seeking for solutions and methods. The will adjusts the experience towards a goal, as it would not be possible only with habits and with purely reasonable predictions. With constant will or desire a human can do a lot of things that seem impossible to do, and cannot do a lot of things that are easy to do. However the will has this great effect with the light of information and with their mental processing called "thinking." So with the information and the estimations, the will has choices and so what attracts us or what repels us is determined in our soul, and we insist on thinking about how we act or not. In fact, a soul always reacts with information, knowledge and assessments. There is no will without perception of things, without information, remarks and thoughts. We would conclude the same thing about "faith". Religious people usually talk about faith as something independent of thought. They probably have not studied well what human thought is and how the human soul differs from the soul of other animals. They think that faith is something supernatural or just an emotional state or a blind trust, without any thought. Man can have faith in God because this faith is a certainty that has been enhanced by personal experiences, by his logical thoughts, by his erroneous conclusions, and by his erroneous estimations. For example, a heavy object falls next to someone. If the object had fallen upon them, then they would have passed away, and then they or someone else conclude that God saved or protected them. Religious faith as we have seen in society and historically is a trust and a certainty along with many fallacies, with mistakes in people's thinking and with imagination, just like when someone trusts an impostor. The ability of rational thinking of people, the ability to observe the perceptible things and to describe them precisely is usually missing, the educational level is low and the right information is missing, while people easily create worlds in their imagination. Belief is what, in other words, we call "certainty," and their difference is: Some acquire certainty because they are easily convinced, because they are impressed and because they do not think much more. While those who have certain criteria to appreciate credibility, create reasonably their certainty because they think carefully, they are impartially informed, they ask for more information and data, they doubt and require clearer signs in the common experience. Add to that the hidden hope everyone has, that they will win something by trusting someone who offers them solutions especially at a difficult moment of their life. But hasty confidence and faith created by a few clues often coincide with the certainty that will be created after research.
A division has been established between emotion and thought or logic, from antiquity to the present day. Much has been written in the labyrinths of psychology, but this science has not helped to establish the correct and inseparable relationship between emotion and information within society. The divide between emotion and thought is one of the biggest theoretical errors, leaving societies tolerant of irrationality and fantasies. This division has prevailed and is partly correct, if the cognitive function is limited to conscious thoughts and thoughts with the rules of logic and the mediation of language. If we limit the meaning of the word "intellect" to the intellectual functions that a teacher does when teaching or a student who reads. But even in this case, the feeling is still not completely missing. The intellect and thinking are usually limited to the purely spiritual functions of man. But it is still difficult to separate the intellect from the emotion. People even when they have sex, still do not lack intellect and instead intellect is recruited to enjoy more! Cognitive function is not limited to words and thoughts with language. In - formation (here is an observation that explains almost everything about human behavior) is accompanied by an emotional reaction, which in general is pleasant or unpleasant. The senses also transmit information. The biological recipient appreciates the stimuli and the information (not necessarily with its own attention). The biological recipient feels safe, that survives and that achieves something or on the contrary feels insecure, that is threatened and fails in something depending on how values its information. This cognitive function is life itself and its driving force. There is no life without information.
>>> In the particular case of man, information is stored and used with the tool of language. >>>►
* Source: Part 4 (Universe and matter, Spirit and life. Short answers to big questions) from the second volume of the treatise under the title "Complete Universe, Dynamic Space & Wave Phenomena" and the subtitle "How the natural laws and forces are applied. The fundamental concepts and relations for a rational Cosmology (Cosmonomy)" ©2021, ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1 (set), ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5 (vol2).
SOME PICTURES OF PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS (limited editions) What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words
► What purpose of life? The enjoyment of power and the disproof of delusion! The destination of life is not externally in the perceivable world Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine.
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