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About the inability to get to know God (a world bias). A God in connection with natural phenomena and with the world laws is proved

The desire of humans to be persuaded about the existence of God with undeniable findings, with thoughts and calculations is rational and understandable, as it is achieved for many other things and events in everyday life. Some philosophers demanded reasonably the existence of God as the first and obvious truth. For example, Descartes (1596-1650) considered the existence of God as a prerequisite and a guarantee for us to live in a world that is not an illusion and that we can know. This is a diametrically opposed thought to modern rationale, according to which we may perhaps in the future be able to find out if there is a god by the advanced research of nature or we will never learn. The concept of "God" can be formed in the minds of men from a lot of thoughts and often in silly and ridiculous circumstances. The fact that there are people who form opinions by a wrong thought cannot prove that their opinions are also totally wrong. Similarly, many claim that there are extraterrestrial creatures, describe them, claim to have seen them and can believe in imaginary scenarios. Everything they claim or imagine can be mistakes and lies. But this does not prove that there are no extraterrestrial creatures in reality, and if we meet them in the future, they may not be as expected. By some thoughts, remarks and clues the existence of a thing can generally be revealed without revealing more knowledge of this thing. This is similar to when we observe something that is lying far away, without however being able to tell what exactly it is or what is going on there. And then imagination and assumptions usurp the throne of knowledge.

The thought of God's existence is one of the most ancient and did not require a difficult research (such as a microscope observation) to suspect its existence. Although the existence of God has been attempted to be proven with great passion so much as his nonexistence, we still do not seem to have such an indisputable thought. For many people the existence of God will never be proven by the scientific method and logical thinking, because God is "transcendent" and its actions lie outside the natural laws. There is no one who could prove the existence of God and eliminate any doubt with observations in the natural world and with rational thoughts. But many people already have an opinion on this issue and have not chosen to wait for a scientific inquiry to come to an end. Most of them did not even want to find more information and to investigate the issue or they have not ever tried to discuss the correctness, the probability and the accuracy of their point of view. A reader who would read the answers to other questions and would simply express a negative or affirmative opinion, will probably easily respond with some reaction on this particular issue about God. Therefore, a researcher who begins with the observations, logical thoughts and calculations that reveal or prove the existence of God, needs firstly to prepare the thinking of those who already have an opinion about God. This is, because many people have already formed a view of this issue and believe that answers have been given or, on the contrary, they will never be given. When you approach someone to tell them something that they did not know, but they have the conviction that they know, then they will probably not allow you to talk and they will not desire to listen. Also when we talk about something that someone cannot listen to undisturbed and they can react negatively if not stop us more abruptly... then we have a person next to us who says from the beginning that they do not want to hear and reject what we will tell them beforehand. The concepts of "knowledge" and "proof" have another meaning for them. Some rows of the "sacred" book may be the proof for them. Perhaps we need to first discuss the meaning of knowledge and how knowledge is credible. So we start with the ascertainment that most people are unprepared to evaluate the observations that increase our knowledge and to think rationally.

What we can say about God depends on the attributes we attribute to the concept of God and what religion we adhere to. If we have a different view of God, then we will appreciate some matched thoughts and remarks as a proof of God's existence. For example, there could be an incredible natural event that saved us from a certain disaster or a miracle that overthrows known natural laws. But if we mean by the word "God" nature as an uncreated set of bodies regulated by natural laws, then we do not rather have to prove that nature exists. If we mean by the word "God" a spiritual force which, as a Creator with absolute freedom in its choices and regardless of natural laws created the world, then we probably cannot prove such a supernatural God, with observations that can be controlled by research in natural world.




* Source: Part 4 (Universe and matter, Spirit and life. Short answers to big questions) from the second volume of the treatise under the title "Complete Universe, Dynamic Space & Wave Phenomena" and the subtitle "How the natural laws and forces are applied. The fundamental concepts and relations for a rational Cosmology (Cosmonomy)" ©2021, ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1 (set), ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5 (vol2).



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How the fields of research and writing have been divided into books


red star What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words



An of the greatest reversals that the cosmological theory of "complete and stabilized Universe - within a long period" brings is that for first time, the phe­nomenon of life is linked to known physical laws ... The keyword is: synchro­nization of structural elements by the dynamic parti­cipation of the complete Universe, which is carried out relatively through the free space. The free space is a com­mon amount of energy in balance.


* The questions on the Internet ARE NOT presented complete, with cohe­sion, with­out un­necessary thou­ghts and with effe­ctive thread, that facilitates the com­prehe­nsion and with the ans­wers to queries that created












What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words





► What purpose of life? The enjoyment of power and the disproof of delusion! The destination of life is not externally in the perceivable world

Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine. 

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scientific instruments




sense organs


The materialistic way of life based on several fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


If the Ethics of inner/spiritual orientation is not a Science ! >>>►




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