The beginning of life and timing into interaction of many particles are achieved with the fastest ways of
interaction and these ways presuppose the simultaneous presence of the 100% complete Universe, where in us appears as absence of empty space…
When therefore, conditions done favourable for the timing of the structural elements (which permanently they interact and exchange energy in
incredibly high rates), then the structural elements can be constitute more complex things, with particles that interact almost simultaneously
and they constitute a united and balanced total, like is the 100% of the Universe. It happens something similar such as certain Philosophers
(pantheists) have expressed (for example, Fr. W. Schelling) with their own terminology: Matter with every form presents the inner and direct presence of
God. Actually, material things these same are the direct Universe itself under restrictions in time and space. Material
things have a relative stability and these are such as are by themselves (as whole) and not only because they determined by certain other external
things (as wrongly Spinoza had being claim). In final analysis, material things are such as are with the balanced energy of a common free space which PARTICIPATES in the structure of their matter (in the shorter time intervals and in smaller lengths). While the free space is the
entire Universe
with all its energy in balance, where does not interact externally with our matter (from longer length and intervals) and for this reason, the Universe
appears to us absentee.
Matter without previous existence of a complex reality could not has a certain structure
and relatively stabilized presence (with properties). The material elements, that is, the most simple things of nature such as the minimal
parts after division of things, could not have other attributes apart of those which result by the change in their place, in time of their
interaction and when these interchange energy each other randomly. They would exist forever accidentally and quantitatively like molecules of
gas, if the “empty” space and the presence of the full Universe did not insert the conditions that forces minimal parts to contract close
relations between them. Even the word “atmosphere” contains the notion of a ball, curvature and surrounding attribute
and it cannot be used masterfully in order to chaotic motion is shown, where would exist with all importance of chaos. For the
possibility to become rhythmical and synchronized changes in material elements and moreover regularly
complex things can exist, it needs microscopic material elements to have a constant structure and maintained by certain laws. How this structure
and stability in their change are achieved? They are achieved because microscopic material elements constitute instants, fast
and repeated fluctuations in the common and constant (balanced) energy of universal "empty "space. For synchronization and maintenance of
particles everywhere, something other participates which is not a separate body. It is not a galaxy, it is not a star, it is not a stone, it is
not a screw, it is not a particle.