If, consequently, the microscopic elements and microscopic motions could not become with
balanced way, that is to say, with ways of motion that achieve synchronism and a stabilized situation, then complex and bigger things could not exist.
To exist biggest and complex things, enormous bodies where constitute immense material and astronomical our world and many things change as sub
totals, it should first exist the conditions that maintain stabilizing. With absolute
instability of elements, without fast repetition and synchronism, nothing could remains the itself (for long time nor for soon), that is to
say, nothing could remains with a constant form and has a structure, and hence nothing would exist. They exist things where are change and evolved and this possibility is
owed in a certain relative stability, in phenomena such as timing, balancing, compensation, alternation, repetition, that is achieved by rapidly motions (highest speed
and frequency). In order to we can say " this is a thing ", this thing should have a relative stability in its texture, in its form
and structure. If, however, the all things presuppose and formed with the structural elements, which are synopsized in simple word "matter", and
if the structure of matter presupposes immediately the common and simultaneous presence of " empty " space, and if the " empty " space with its
balanced energy presupposes a 100% complete and stabilized Universe, now it should we admit that the all things need a 100% Universe, that is
complete, immediately present and the itself (with the all possible ways). Only thus the structural elements can to be and to combined with
certain constant ways… for more time interval (for more than one fraction of second). The exhaustive investigation of matter was not reveal some
phenomenon, that offers an explanation for the "property" of life. The passage from the inorganic to organic materials is inexplicable by
mechanical movements and with individual particles. Therefore, let we explore nature with a greater appreciation for the "contribution" of nature as a
Super-Whole, and should not be imagined this contribution as remote. Do not rush to we say, that properties of nature as a
Whole can not be searched, because we can not see a complete cosmos as a whole. The laws of cosmos are not anywhere in particular, but
they are really and regulate the amount of energy and with these natural laws the most complex phenomena are created.
Do not seek God high in the sky and far in the universe! Matter is united with it in tiny dimensions and the whole Universe is present, without
being particles in space. The complete Universe is not in space and is not the sum of all individual astronomical bodies. The complete Universe
is this world space itself, as it is presented between bodies, which have a lack of physical connection with each other and weakened physical
forces. A universal force that does not come from outside the bodies is detected in microscopic dimensions and the magnitude of this force is
explained by a total amount of energy, which does not exist in the form of a body. This total amount of energy is shared as physical space for
the bodies and by this energy the structure of matter is maintained as a periodic process by which the universal force weakens. This total
amount of energy is not just a quantity ... It is still something that is not material and physical and yet this global amount imposes
(directly) the laws of nature for the whole physical world to exist, as this world appears with weakened physical forces in the vast space.