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WATCH THE SECRET OF NATURE: We are not talking about (mechanical) movements like those of Newton bodies. We are talking about wave movements, ie fluctuations, vibrations, oscillations, namely movements that reciprocate, rotated, repeated, much like standing waves and thus made periodically with (fast) pace, with opposite phases or synchronized and they are measured by frequency and amounts of energy, that are "counted" in mathematics. And ALL THESE WITH THE MOST FAST SPEEDS of nature and in shortest distances. NO BODIES GO TO THE MOON AND COME BACK, BUT HOWEVER IN MORE SHORT LENGTHS and with the speed of light!

<•> WATCH the "key" answer: Until recently, researchers are tried to give explanations for such complex phenomena and their absolute accuracy how do? With the Newton's laws of bodies and with the "push" of one body to another. While matter and particles are formed with the laws of wave physics and their stability are created by extreme fast paces at which small amounts of energy repeated synchronized! Nature is created and maintained by a move where is not astronomical and physical move, same as that Newton and Galileo were studying. It is motion without bodies and such a motion called "wave". This motion is not because a body does not find resistance to its motion, but EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE: The wave is generated because a (uniform) quantity (eg water) resists to change. This motion is not mechanical motion and in times we live, we know that in nature there are such intangible motions: These called "electro­magnetic".

trigonometric ratiosAll ratios that disclosed in geometry of the cycle, between the periphery and the radius, between angle of a radius with the other radius, the lengths of arcs and strings and the ratios between sides in the triangles, that formed by radius and strings etc., all these relations are in periodic and rhythmic phenomena. Rhythmic movements and energy exchanges are made with several trillion millions of times per second in microscopic distances. The trained researchers of a lab waiting to observe so like (mechanical) movements of visible bodies? Do they expected that will measure with accurately and in the real-time, when distance of observation is a multiple length of distances into which these rhythmic interactions occur?

The wave principle of formation and preservation of microscopic phenomena and their strangeness will appear more clearly with few numbers. With a maximum speed of light, the length of 1m needs a time elapsing 1m / 2,997924e8 m / s = 0,333564e-8 sec. A length 1cm is traveled in about 10e-10sec (ie. In 0,000000001 sec). It is not necessary to we estimate these numbers with many zeros separately everyone. Here only to compare and imagine if helps. Suppose that observations of the microscopic phenomena are in (relatively large) distance of 1 centimeter. To make inquiries and accurate measurements at such distance, already is needs advanced technology of the 20th century. The outer electrons of an atom are linked in several shorter lengths, in which light traveled in quite less time, approaching 10e-20 zeros before the decimal point. Question to good elementary school students and high school students: We can observe changes in such small dimensions, if light takes longer to reach detectors or directly in our eyes? With how much delay?

The problem becomes even more difficult and interesting, when we consider that light - through which we are informed - is not a continuous flow of particles or a continuous beam but is an alternating and rhythmic phenomenon (of two fields). The light frequency range is close to the frequency (in cycles per sec) of 10e14 Hz and vice versa, time alternation of fields around 10e-14 sec. After in such tiny length are made changes by alternating and rhythmic ways, then these changes in order to observed properly, they should be slower than the pace of light. Only then light will "anticipates" to react to all the short moments that microscopic changes occur instantaneously. Otherwise, if the paces on microscopic changes are faster than of light, then light will not react at all times with microscopic phenomena and will not reveals properly them in whole.

The problem becomes desolate and our technology primitive when we consider that the principle of wave phenomena in which particles produced by the "empty" space, is even more microscopic lengths and at times approaching not the 14 zeros of light (before the decimal point), but 40 zeros.