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The Universe as a free space participates in the structure of matter with wave phenomena













The principle and application of natural laws

The wrong direction (and with random observations) of modern research is revealed by a known query. Modern cosmologists raise the rational question: How do all the different parts of the Universe were able to synchronize the beginning of their expansion and to evolve in all directions according to the same laws? This called "horizon problem". They attempt to avoid the problem by the theory of an inflationary Universe. They claim that the expansion was faster than light at the beginning of the cosmos and for a brief interval. Here we have formulated the question somewhat differently and more aptly: How does matter have its structure? How are the laws applica­ble and how is matter not dissolved, but the same matter is rather formed in the depth of space and time? How is matter distributed so creatively and ac­cording to laws and thus preserving a global balance? Matter is displayed at distances of billion light years with the same particles, charge, masses, nu­cleo-synthesis and other processes etc. It is not obvious that tiny amounts manage to form bonds and have properties. The stability would be a rare phenomenon, if not impossible, and any sequence of things could not exist. The fact, that there is a material body in a position and has a form or that the particles are particles with properties is an inexplicable phenomenon. In or­der to explain this fact laws are needed, which are not based on any body or in individual particles. When we say abstractly, that the laws are ap­plied to nature or that there are laws in matter itself, then we conceal a mul­titude of phenomena, which are investigated in modern physics. Matter is an unimaginably large amount of components (structural elements). Is the ori­gin of laws in every tiny component separately? Does every individual parti­cle have within itself the same laws that all the other particles have? How do the laws stimulating every particle act in such a way that molecules are formed after the meeting with some other particles and new properties and things are created that have duration? How does every particle have the same settings or how it is mobilized by the same laws mobilizing all the oth­er particles? The subdivision of bodies reaches some minimum quantities. Are these quantities initial for the cosmos or are they in the end of a theoreti­cal division of the cosmos?

Nobody is persuaded, how something starts randomly or by a plurality of individual things, and even more improbably by tiny and invisible things like the particles, which all together manage to be arranged and be combined complicatedly for a long time. Nobody is persuaded that they are combined in such a way that laws ensue, balance is achieved and the particles to be creative and constructive over time. All philosophers, who tried to explain the beginning of things and the laws of the world, encountered the same difficulty. Modern researchers have been stuck until today despite the most advanced knowledge and the most developed organs to this point: How are the laws introduced and moreover, in an endless cosmos and in unstoppable motion. If we cease our effort by making the general statement that the cosmos is governed by laws, then we will overcome this theoretical problem. This is similar to how some modern researchers have overcome the theoretical problem of how the Big Bang (which created the space-time) was realized, when they say, that the laws of physics had not applied before such a moment of total creation. They accepted a conjecture without rational thought but then relied on logical thinking to conclude that physics is canceled. Indeed it is neither obvious nor enough if we say so abstractly, that the material cosmos is governed by laws. This is a simplistic thought for children, which is similar to when philosophers were talking about matter, without saying anything about how it has structure and its properties and how a multitude of phenomena is produced by the mobility of molecules. We have to stop this identification of cosmos with matter. The cosmos as a single and complete total is something unique and opposite to matter. Matter is just few pieces of the puzzle or as a young man had written: Matter is a lack of reality or it is a minimal reality inside the full Universe. According to us, "same structural elements" throughout the global space, it means "same energy fluctuations" and "same processes" to restore balance.


One of the most important questions is the very existence of laws, the fact that the same laws apply to an incredibly large part of the cosmos and, as we have said, the phenomena of equilibrium, relative stability and continuity (while motion is ev­erywhere). It is not at all obvious how these forces are produced and implemented by laws and how they are involved in maintaining a quality cosmos and not sim­ply in maintaining a global quantity or amount of disarranged things. These observations about laws, natural order, evolution, equilibrium, and about a global space need a convincing explanation. This explanation was originally named "theory of finished time or simultaneous universe". More aptly called "theory of finished time or simultaneous universe and space as a shared amount of energy" and more advanced has been formulated in the English wording of the treatise:

Complete Universe, Dynamic Space, Wave Phenomena. How the natural laws and forces are applied. The fundamental concepts for a rational Cosmology (Cosmonomy)
|SET| ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1, |A| ISBN 978-618-85170-2-8, |B| ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5, ©2021

A more enlightening title of this cosmological theory was given in a recent presentation (©2023): "A complete and stabilized Universe seen like free space. The subtitle is: The rational interpretation of matter as oscillations of energy in a shared quantity, existing as dynamic space".


|SET| ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1,

|A| ISBN 978-618-85170-2-8,

|B| ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5



authenticity stampCOMPLETE UNIVERSE - DYNAMIC SPACE - WAVE PHENO­MENA. How the natural laws and forces are applied. What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... in last centuries.

A rational and unified theory on time, space, matter, forces and structure of the Universe. The nature and the physical phenomena are explained by a total amount of energy (in equilibrium), which was logically identified with the free space and by rapid fluctuations of this constant energy, which were logically identified with particles and matter. The complete and stabilized Universe is appe­ared as a free space! The reading and printing of the treatise can be easy without graphic enviro­nment from separated files (as are the PDF). >>>►







atom"Big Bang" in Cosmology: The cosmos present as a complete total (and constant energy quantity) that seems like a free space.

>>> The fundamental thoughts and relations for the interpretation of nature[*] (with all individual things). The universal physical constants and the mathematic limits in the physical changes. How a multitude wave phenomena, by the oscillation of the free space with the fastest rates of nature (and with their deceleration), produce periodic motions and forces and create the building blocks of the world (matter).











According to the theory of special relativity are all movements relative, but the speed of light is the absolute limit. The history is well known. After measurements with experimental devices* was a medium of light transmission (ether) - with properties such as some researchers had imagined - not detected. The assumption of the existence of an ether was entirely rejected. This was one of the biggest errors in the history of physics, because after this:

• The concept of an absolutely free space has been founded in the thought of physicists all over the world and for a lot of decades.

• The suspicions of the properties of free space were cleared off and their systematic research was halted. They chose to consider the free space like a rubbery material.

• The research for the beginning of nature was focused on the structure of matter and was limited to the search for elementary particles.

• The observation of wave phenomena was downgraded in the research for the structure of matter and it caused difficulties as a contrasting phenomenon that cannot coexist with the motion of (separated) particles.

• Every other stable limit or reference system was removed of the re­search, while the things were considered as effects, which are depended only on their exterior conditions without having a common point of connection. All motions were considered as being determined only in relation to each other and externally to the free space.

• The speed of light was identified with the speed of bodies and particles (as photons).

* Famous is the experiment Michelson-Morley in the late 19th century






planet EarthThe 1st publication

circular function bang!COMPLETE UNIVERSE AS FREE SPACE







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left hand









Eventually, there was no need to look back in time and find a single source and a beginning for what followed. The world as a complete whole is the alone beginning to explain the existence of physical laws. So purely, without choosing individual elements, without we refuge in fantasies, without despair that brings the thought about an infinite progression past. All these difficulties disappear, and only one remains: how the Universe achieves to regulate the individual developments and how do applied the laws to all phenomena... so that the totality (of all things) seems incomplete and always unfinished! The answer can not be given without understanding how the physical space associated with the structural elements (as wave phenomena).



scientific instruments



compass in brain

sense organs

*The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


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