The physical space as a shared amount of energy
Here you read important excerpts from the newer theory that explains how physical phenomena are
reproduce what are the original phenomena and the fundamental processes of nature. Thoughts formulated by logic rules and these rules of
logic are applied by nature itself! Thus the natural process of forming particles has clearly explained (de facto). The previous pages
contain the first and simplest thoughts on the rational explanation of the particles by periodic and rhythmic movements and what impasse
leads the view of particles as autonomous and completely separate. These thoughts used well-known measurements of natural phenomena and
calculated the relation of mass to the hf energy and the relationship of the mass to speed with a new equation (c/v = mmax/m). A book with a
new physics was written and the first calculations confirm the rational explanation that particles are energy oscillations with the
participation of a shared quantity. These pages in themselves are extremely important for the science of physics and revealing of some
prejudices. However, the calculations could not be limited to the relationship of the particles to energy and fundamental characteristics of
movement (such as the period, wavelength, speed, rate of change and more). The physical space had to enter the calculations
as a shared
amount of energy, since all previous thoughts explained that the physical space is the carrier of the particles as energy oscillations. This
was the continuation that its originality and surprise are similar as the general theory of relativity in the early 20th century.
The habit
of describing particles as autonomous and microscopic balls and for movement in its mechanical sense has not gone out of the minds of most
physicists and all society. The thought that the physical space is a phenomenon of a shared amount of energy was not only surprise for many,
but directly for rejection and a sign of ignorance of physics. The ratio of a volume of space with an amount of h·f energy was a thought from
the early years of the rational explanation of the particles. However, familiarization was needed with particles calculations and a long
preparation with wholesale calculations for astronomical sizes. The role of the physical space as a shared amount of energy and as a carrier
was a rational conclusion. The challenge to introduce certain characteristics of the physical space into the calculations so that it can be
connected as a quantity of energy to the particles has left no hesitation. The first calculations confirm that such a dynamic relationship
and ratio (between space and particles) is true as it is incredible. A physical interpretation, which explains clearly the creation of
structural elements by energy fluctuations of the free space has never been unfolded. (31.0, p442)
<·> A summary of a few lines
This cosmological theory has rationally begun by thinking of the Universe as a complete Whole (in
all possible ways) within a maximal time span that simultaneously presents itself as space. World space is interpreted as a balanced amount of
energy from the simultaneous presence of the nature as a whole. Thus global space has the utility of a shared amount of energy in addition to
capacity. Then the building blocks (matter) are revealed as energy oscillations of this shared quantity, which remains in balance. The structure of
atoms is interpreted by wave changes at extremely high speeds. A shared quantity of energy appears as empty space, while by this total quantity the
building blocks are maintained as fluctuations of kinetic and potential energy. Space has the properties and behavior of a shared amount of energy,
and matter particles are closely associated with it as pico-bangs along with extremely high-speed wave phenomena. The rational explanation of matter
as oscillations of energy and space as a shared quantity constantly accumulating at maximum speed (c) is a sweeping explanation by reducing a
multitude of physical phenomena to a few fundamental phenomena. (Excerpt from lesson 164)
Space has the properties and behavior of a shared amount of energy, and the structural elements are
intimately connected to it as pico-bangs within wave phenomena. The Universe interrupted at extremely high rates by the structural elements appears
at a larger radius from their structure (r > e-11m) absent as space, while at a smaller radius (r < e-13m) within their structure it appears present
as a common core . (Lesson 139)
We have unified the world of the shortest delays (i.e. the microcosm) with the world of the slowest
delays (i.e. the macrocosm). Physicists in their own nomenclature of phenomena and theories call it "unification of quantum physics with the theory
of general relativity". (Presentation 129-3 and 139)
The processes are common in the universe, they are explained by universal attributes, agree with the
rules of logic and are understandable processes for the minds of all people. They are processes of widespread natural phenomena governed by rules of
logic and a variety of natural phenomena are explained and associated with extremely subtle divergences in fundamental processes. Even the physical
space is interpreted as an extremely fast process of energy centralization and decentralization of a shared amount and as mediator of physical
forces (its involvement is fundamental). Below is a choice of reasoning and
observations from the treatise "Complete Universe, Dynamic Space, Wave Phenomena" with the subtitle: How the natural laws and forces are applied.
The fundamental concepts for a rational Cosmology (Cosmonomy)" These excerpts are revealing about the consequence of this explanation for the wavy
formation of particles. Global research has been demonstrated in the wrong direction and has been inherited by professors to students for almost 400
years. A Big Failure is impressively revealed through simple reasoning and calculations!