The physical space as a shared amount of energy in equilibrium. Phenomena of centralization and decentralization in the isotropic transference
of energy with waves
The explanation of global equilibrium is simplified and the calculations for its confirmation are
facilitated when the free space is identified as a total amount of energy with moments of divergence that appear as particles in its microscopic
structure. It is because this balance and synchronization is achieved by the flow of shared energy to the cluster of astronomical bodies that every
planet and every star is in the right position and continues to move in the orbits in such a way that the group is balanced. If we additionally
interpret the motion of the celestial bodies as the result of a deceleration in a quantity of energy which is concentrated at the highest speed of
nature, then the motion of the celestial bodies will seem extremely slow to us. The celestial bodies are quantities of energy concentrated there due
to a local disruption. The motion of astronomical bodies is the result of a fast process because the energy of the space is transferred to restore
its energy balance. (4.1, p113)
The balance and the possibility of synchronization within the vast distances of the free space are
offered by the direct relation which the structural elements have to the space in its microscopic dimensions. (4.1, p114)
If the structure of matter and generation of mass were realized by the environment, that is to say from
the exterior space, then different matter with accidental structure would be supposed to exist in every cubic metre of space. The composition
and the structure of an individual atom as well as the different effects and conditions would be different and would exist in an unlimited variety.
However, the shaping and the structure of material elements does not depend on the objects and on the different situations in environment and matter
is not so changeable by exterior forces. What other can exist everywhere in the Universe and regulate the structure of matter, be connected always
with matter and behave in such a way that the structure of matter is the same everywhere and under the same laws? What other can we find, which
isn't imaginary and is connected permanently with every reality, except for the so-called "empty" space? The presence of the free space is not an
accidental result originating from the exterior connection of material things. The free space always preceded and enforces limits (7.3, p137)
The force of attraction and the gravitational field are not caused externally to matter, but on the
contrary: Because a wave process of conservation of matter takes place and the energy of the space itself is transferred in the fastest rhythms of
nature. The matter is presented with the same dynamic structure and the same relations within its structure in all the distances of the free space.
Also, the gravitational field is correspondingly presented by the same ratio and by the same relations between mass, radius and amount of energy
that is concentrated. (8.1, p151)
"If the reality were not finished (in all possible ways) or at earlier moments - before the moment at
which it is still realized with respect to us- then there would be no space”.* (6.0. excerpt from The Theology of Science p169-170)
"The effect of the space on the quality of things happens in shorter time than minimum, ie directly and
simultaneously on all structural carriers (of matter)”. (6.0. excerpt from The Theology of Science p171)
The free space fluctuates permanently and it is maintained in its equilibrium state by these
fluctuations. (7.3, p138)
All the particles would exist forever accidentally and quantitatively like the molecules of a gas if the
“empty” space and the presence of the total Universe did not set the conditions, that enforce them to be interconnected. (7.4, p139)
Free space exists for material things as something dark, stationary and uniform, while everything is
connected in microscopic dimensions as rapid fluctuations in its balanced energy. (8.1, p150)
In other words, the "enormous" reality of the 100% Complete Universe is for us a "tremendous"
possibility, it is an amount of energy for the infinite developments and the infinite things that we expect to be done. Their relative absence is
called "empty" space. Everything we see or touch is the free space that we do not see and touch. (...) The microscopic wave processes, by which the
material carriers are preserved, create and maintain the free space (with its dimensions) simultaneously and do not just use it. The free space does
not exist without matter and vice versa. (8.1, p151)
when the structural elements form the celestial bodies, then the space surrounding the bodies is a
stronger (gravitational) field, because more quantity of corresponding energy is derived (in a wave manner) for the matter of the body. (...) Thus,
bodies "prefer" areas of free space where energy is balanced and available so that their own matter can be maintained. (8.1, p152)
8.3. Summarizing the close relation between physical phenomena and free space: (p154)
In contrast to the mechanical inertia, which is the resistance that a body exerts against the change of
its movement, the free space has the ability to return rapidly to the original state of its energy balance. This is achieved because the free space
is not in a zero motion / change state in advance but it is in equilibrium “in a wave mode” instead (like the standing waves). The free space is in
balance because it oscillates at an extreme high frequency (pulsating in most microscopic lengths) and not simply because it is something
motionless. (8.3, p156)
This total amount of energy is the same for all things, and all things exist by the same energy
oscillations of one and the same potential space. (9.0, p160)
The isotropy of the free space in the interpretation of a (complete) Universe in all possible ways and
always the same is neither an axiom nor the starting point of the interpretation of nature. This isotropy emerges from and is interpreted by other
fundamental concepts (...) Via deductive reasoning the isotropy and the uniformity of the free space (which have been empirically defined) are
reduced to the first fundamental concepts (of stability, period, total energy or complete universe, equilibrium, direct connection between the part
and its total). (9.0, p163)
The cause of concentration of material carriers is the wave flow of the energy of the free space for the
compensation of its deficiencies (9.1, p165)
the gravitational field can be considered to be the spherical (or radial) space from which spatial
energy derives isotropically and concentrically to maintain and create matter. (9.1, p165-166)
In general, the energy of the free space "flows" in order to be balanced and its rapid flow (at certain
extreme rates) creates and retains its decreases, which we call particles and "matter". So, the presence of the free space is not the random result
of the external connection of the material things. (9.2, p170)
The light is not the motion of some particles, but the oscillation or fluctuation of the space itself.
(10.0, p173)
According to us, "same structural elements" throughout the global space, it means "same energy
fluctuations" and "same processes" to restore balance. (10.0,
The free space neither expands nor shrinks. The free space is a communal and balanced quantity of energy
with fluctuations, that create phenomena of centralization and decentralization in the isotropic transference of energy with waves. The free space
compensates with the fastest way (almost c) the deficiencies of its energy, the deficiencies that constitute the material world. But the wave flow
creates again extremely fast certain deficiencies in order to compensate for the past deficiencies and so it maintains the material elements. The
centralized transfer of energy explains the phenomenon of the gravitational field, while the decentralized transfer explains the electromagnetic
field. (11.0, p179)
The difficulty to comprehend the structure of the matter, it results from the existence of dynamic
phenomena without the presence of some constant material body,* as it happens in the macroscopic world of our daily experience. This is contrary to
the macroscopic world, where the mass constitutes its substance and something separate of cosmic forces. We seek to learn how the phenomenon of mass
is created or maintained in microscopic dimensions with the invisible presence of a common and finite free space and with the oscillation of its
energy. (15.0, p209)
The close relation of the constant G to the structural elements would be impossible and unexplained if
the structural elements had not their beginning by the specifications of one and the same space, with which they maintain a direct and dynamic
connection, since these are elemental variations of its energy. The G constant according to which the motions of the celestial bodies appear to be
regulated begins along with the mass of the particles through the proportions of their mass to fast changes in the shared energy of the physical
space. (15.3, p230)
The structure of matter is maintained by the "simultaneous" energy of the free space and by processes
that are waves. By such a thought for nature was it logical and purposive to search for a ratio in the reduction of the maximum speed during the
creation of particles. (15.5, p234)
Excerpts from the treatise continue on the next page >>>
UNIVERSE - DYNAMIC SPACE - WAVE PHENOMENA. How the natural laws and forces are applied. What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... in last
A rational and unified theory on time, space, matter, forces and structure of the Universe. The nature and the physical phenomena are explained by a total
amount of energy (in equilibrium), which was logically identified with the free space and by rapid fluctuations of this constant energy, which were logically
identified with particles and matter. The complete and stabilized Universe is appeared as a free space! The reading and printing of the
treatise can be easy without graphic environment from separated files (as are the PDF).
Bang" in Cosmology: The cosmos present as a complete total (and constant energy quantity) that seems like a free space.
The fundamental thoughts and relations for the interpretation of nature[*] (with all
individual things). The universal physical constants and the mathematic limits in the
physical changes. How a multitude wave phenomena, by the oscillation of the free
space with the fastest rates of nature (and with their deceleration), produce
periodic motions and forces and create the building blocks of the world (matter).
1st publication
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Eventually, there was no need to look back in time and find a single source and a beginning for what followed. The world as a complete whole
is the alone beginning to explain the existence of physical laws. So purely, without choosing individual elements, without we refuge in fantasies, without
despair that brings the thought about an infinite progression past. All these difficulties disappear, and only one remains: how the Universe achieves to
regulate the individual developments and how do applied the laws to all phenomena... so that the totality (of all things) seems incomplete and always
unfinished! The answer can not be given without understanding how the physical space associated with the structural elements (as wave phenomena).
The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias,
nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.
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