The maximum amount of energy that can be missing from the shared energy and is concentrated in matter. (Unified theory)
(An application of the first and simplest formulas for the calculation of the 3D volume of space that is bound because the shared energy
is concentrated to a body as its matter according to this theory of space as a shared amount of energy with oscillations. This is the
principle of confirmation and for the next survey with higher precision calculations).
The longest radius (-R) that defines in the shared energy the volume of a free space (because the energy is concentrated in the bodies) is the
radius where the intensity g=G·M/R^2 of the gravitational field approaches the mean value a0 =1.101998 ×10^-13 m/s /s [V0 = √(Vpl·c)=√(G·M0/λ0)=Μ0·c/Mpl].
<∙> The radius of the space bound and concentrated according to -R=√(G·M/a0) indicatively for certain masses is:
∙ The space binding radius -R for a proton mass Mp= 1.672621 ×10^-27 kg: 1.006358 ×10^-12 m [Length within the limits of an atom]
∙ The -R radius for 100 times the mass of the proton M= 1.672621 ×10^-25 kg is: 1.006358 ×10^-11 m [Close to the rBohr radius ≈5.3^-11m for a
compound atom]
∙ The radius -R for the mean mass M0= √(Mmin·Mpl) = h·f0 / c^2 = 2.0056443 ×10^-29 kg is: 1.101998 ×10^-13 m (The mean length )
∙ The -R radius for the Earth mass 5.973 ×10^24 kg is: 6.013816 ×10^13 m [For comparison, the average distance between Earth and the Sun is
1.4959787 ×10^11 m]
∙ The -R radius for the Moon's mass 7.347 ×10^22 kg: 6.669740 ×10^12 m
∙ The -R radius for the Sun's mass Msun = 1.99 ×10^30 kg: 3.471206 ×10^16 m ( ≈1pc ≈ 3.669ly) [For comparison, the heliopause is said to start
after ≈^13m ]
∙ The radius -R for the imaginary mass M(1ls) = 4.038056 ×10^35 kg/s from the relation √(h·fpl^2·c/G): 1.563652 ×10^19 m ( ≈ 506.74pc ≈ 0.51kpc
≈ 1652.78ly)
∙ The -R radius for an imaginary (galactic) mass ≈2.27^42 kg : 3.707377 ×10^22 m = 1 201 470.512pc = 1.201 470 Mpc = 3 918 596.074ly
∙ The radius -R for the total mass of a maximum time period Muni = 1.777666 ×10^53 kg (For Tuni= D/V(H) = Dmax/c =4.402282 ×10^17 s) is:
1.037478 ×10^28 m ≈ 1.0966 ×10^12ly
We will calculate the volume of space with the above / previous samples of radius -R and the missing average mass density. When the mass of
bodies M=g·R^2/G increases in function of their own radius R then the mass -M=a0·R^2/G which is theoretically proportional to the volume of the
binding radius -R of space increases and the binding radius -R also extends at least up to the limit value that g=a0. Calculations here are not
intended to produce results with the smallest deviation and according to exact measurements. These are the initial calculations and are intended
to show whether certain processes in the fundamental phenomena actually occur and whether an explanation we have given is correct or
incompatible with what else we know.
A few useful notes for readers of this theory:
1 light year (ly) = 9.460730 ×10^15 m = 0.3066 pc = 63241.1 AU.
AU = 1.49597870 ×10^11 m is an Astronomical Unit (the average distance between the center of the Earth and the center of the Sun).
1 parsec ≈ 3.2615 ly (light years) = 3.0857 ×10^16 m = 206266 AU
1 parsec ≈ 1.02925112 ×10^8 sec of light
Some indicative calculations for the volume of space that is bound and the average mass density missing for energy concentration in
bodies according to the above/previous samples of the binding radius -R=√(G·M/a0). Ratio of radius and volume (V3D=R^3·π·4/3) of space to mass
or equivalent energy. The mass of bodies (as concentrated energy) in proportion to the volume of space (as decentralized energy).
Sphere volume (3D) for binding or concentration radius -R0:
1) 1.006358 ×10^-12 m (for the mass of a proton): 4.269193 ×10^-36 m^3
2) 1.101998 ×10^-13 m (of the mean length λ0): 5.605707 ×10^-39 m^3
3) 6.013816 ×10^13 m (for Earth mass): 9.110425 ×10^41 m^3
4) 3.471206 ×10^16 m (for the mass of the Sun): 1.751981 ×10^50 m^3
5) 1.563652 ×10^19 m (for the imaginary mass M(1ls):1.601432 ×10^58 m^3
6) 3.707377 ×10^22 m (for imaginary galaxy mass):2.134462 ×10^68 m^3
7) 1.037478 ×10^28 m (for a total Muni mass): 4.677620 ×10^84 m^3
Average density (in mass) of the bound space:
1) 1.672621 ×10^-26 / 4.269193 ×10^-36 = 3.917885652 ×10^9 kg/m^3 (Extremely dense)
2) 2.0056443 ×10^-29 / 5.605707 ×10^-39 = 3.577861454 ×10^9 kg/m^3
3) 5.973 ×10^24 / 9.110425 ×10^41 = 6.556225 ×10^-18 kg/m^3 (for Earth)
4) 1.99 ×10^30 / 1.751981 ×10^50 = 1.135857 ×10^-20 kg/m^3 (for the Sun)
5) 4.038056 ×10^35 / 1.601432 ×10^58 = 2.521528 ×10^-23 kg/m^3 (Sun ×202 917)
6) 2.27 ×10^42 / 2.134462 ×10^68 = 1.0634996 ×10^-26 kg/m^3
7) 1.777666 ×10^53 / 4.677620 ×10^84 = 3.800364 ×10^-32 kg/m^3 (Extremely thin)
<•> The total mass of 1.777666 ×10^53 kg can give 10^17 matter concentrations of 4.038056 ×10^35 kg.
<•> The total volume 4.677620 ×10^84 m^3 by volume for a radius of 100 000 ly ( = 3.547007 ×10^63 m^3): 1.318751 ×10^21 volumes.
<•> The total volume 4.677620 ×10^84 m^3 by volume for a radius of 500 000 ly ( = 4.433758 ×10^65 m^3): 1.055 ×10^19 volumes.
Many inferences and clarifications read in the presentation under the title :
A complete and stabilized Universe seen like free space. Subtitle : The rational interpretation of matter as oscillations of energy in a shared
quantity, existing as dynamic space.
An other case is enquired in the lesson 163-5: The volume of space with the average density of energy or equivalent mass which is bound for any
amount of concentrated matter
|SET| ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1,
|A| ISBN 978-618-85170-2-8,
|B| ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5 |