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The Universe as a free space participates in the structure of matter with wave phenomena













Circular motion, periodic change, trigonometric relations


trigonometric ratiosAll ratios that disclosed in geometry of the cycle, between the periphery and the radius, between the angle of a radius with the other radius, the lengths of the arcs and the strings and the ratios between the sides of the triangles, which are formed by the radius and strings etc., all these relations are in periodic and rhythmic phenomena. Rhythmic motions and energy exchanges are realized several trillion millions of times per second in microscopic distances. Do the trained researchers of a lab expect to observe them like (mechanical) movements of visible bodies? Do they expect to compute accurately and in real-time, while the distance of observation is a multiple length of the distances into which these rhythmic interactions occur?


In all the periodic or alternating changes such as the periodic variation of the shared energy of the free space, the rate of transfer and exchange of energy, the periodic changes in the tiny lengths and the fluctuations of the sizes and the values appear the static relations of the geometry of the triangles, circle and spherical surface. Static trigonometric relations appear, but certainly in a dynamic way either with a rhythm or instantaneously or relatively in balanced situations. (...) The first trigonometric proportions have been observed by the ancient Greeks and since then the philosophers have realized their important role in nature. Many centuries later, their great utility was recognized for the description of many physical phenomena, especially for the research and description of electromagnetic phenomena and in the electrical technology. These proportions are particularly useful for describing many phenomena and various applications. And perhaps for the first time in the history of philosophy world-wide, we will find that one of the greatest omissions of philosophers and one of the most unfortunate moments in philosophy is the absence of analytical thoughts about the circular motion and the essential role of this motion for the structure of the cosmos and for the formation of things. In our philosophical research of the beginning of the cosmos (or nature) and the development of the interpretation of a complete Universe - that is, always this same within a maximum period - we recognize the theoretical usefulness of these mathematical proportions. Particularly after interpreting the close relation of structural elements with rapid fluctuations in a constant amount of energy, we will necessarily have to investigate them, if we want to expand and confirm this theory. By the development of the physical interpretation of a complete Universe, we perceive a huge gap in the history of Philosophy, which left the exploration of periodic phenomena and the usefulness of trigonometric relations almost out of the philosophical thought.


We recognize the fundamental role of the trigonometrical functions not only because these relations are generally needed for nature research, but also because these (numerical and physical) relations are simple and essential in order to observe a multitude of physical phenomena and because they simplify this exploration and the computations. Now, whoever is neither a nuclear physicist nor an electrician can understand, how important and useful the geometric relations are, which the field of mathematics has called "trigonometry". And when we talk about the invisible phenomena. that change at the highest speed in the tiny space and lay the foundations in the nature, the worst student in mathematics understands, in what trap the best physicists have often fallen, who record an endless volume of observations on microscopic phenomena, without being aware of the closest relation that they always have with each other. Every movement detected at a fraction of time, every energy exchange, and any variation in sizes at a given moment in the microscopic structure of matter seem as properties and separate particles. A lot of variations and processes with difference in angle and radius within the wave changes (by which the structural elements are sustained and produced), are deemed by the researchers to be “quirks” of reality and not a new reality. For them, there are new particles or new qualities, a new way of action and movement that is worth the name of a colleague. The mathematical proportions in the rapid and rhythmic change of energy appear as separate phenomena and properties. A constant quantity varies and shares them, but the quantities are always linked to each other because the original shared quantity is kept constant (like the number pi).


|SET| ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1,

|A| ISBN 978-618-85170-2-8,

|B| ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5



authenticity stampCOMPLETE UNIVERSE - DYNAMIC SPACE - WAVE PHENO­MENA. How the natural laws and forces are applied. What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... in last centuries.

A rational and unified theory on time, space, matter, forces and structure of the Universe. The nature and the physical phenomena are explained by a total amount of energy (in equilibrium), which was logically identified with the free space and by rapid fluctuations of this constant energy, which were logically identified with particles and matter. The complete and stabilized Universe is appe­ared as a free space! The reading and printing of the treatise can be easy without graphic enviro­nment from separated files (as are the PDF). >>>►







atom"Big Bang" in Cosmology: The cosmos present as a complete total (and constant energy quantity) that seems like a free space.

>>> The fundamental thoughts and relations for the interpretation of nature[*] (with all individual things). The universal physical constants and the mathematic limits in the physical changes. How a multitude wave phenomena, by the oscillation of the free space with the fastest rates of nature (and with their deceleration), produce periodic motions and forces and create the building blocks of the world (matter).












The determination of the minimum and maximum limits on the physical changes according to the physical constants h, c, G led to the concept for the mean values. The process of conserving the structural elements is around average values. A simple arithmetic operation that gives the geometric mean value unexpectedly gives the inertia between the rest mass of the electron and the proton. No one can dispute this result and everyone can do the calculation. No physicist needs to confirm that the mean value of the minimum and maximum limits as determined by the physical constants is around the fundamental particles of matter. We find almost the fundamental particles of matter from only three physical constants (h, c, G) and with the limits as we have introduced them according to these constants, with calculations for school students. The result is terrible, because it comes out without a microscope, without measurements of molecules and atoms, without division of molecules and without the experiments that have historically given the measurements for particles.

average mass from universal constants

*[The inertia scale derived from the physical constants is: Μmax =√(h·c/G) = 5.45624 ×10^-8 kg and Mmin = h·1Hz/c^2 = 0.73725 ×10^-50 kg]

*[The average value of energy and corresponding inertia: Ε0 = 1.802582 ×10^-12 J and M0 = 2.00564 ×10^-29 kg for M0 = √(Mmin · Mpl)]

* M0 / Μe 22.017 (compared to the rest mass of an electron 9.10938 ×10^-31 kg)

  Μp / M0   83.395 (compared to the rest mass of a proton 1.67262 ×10^-27 kg)

* The two ends on the theoretical scale of energy and the corresponding force (×10^-42 - ×10^44 N) do not appear in the structure of an atom, but we observe and measure the average values of these two unnoticed limits.







planet EarthThe 1st publication

circular function bang!COMPLETE UNIVERSE AS FREE SPACE







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left hand









Eventually, there was no need to look back in time and find a single source and a beginning for what followed. The world as a complete whole is the alone beginning to explain the existence of physical laws. So purely, without choosing individual elements, without we refuge in fantasies, without despair that brings the thought about an infinite progression past. All these difficulties disappear, and only one remains: how the Universe achieves to regulate the individual developments and how do applied the laws to all phenomena... so that the totality (of all things) seems incomplete and always unfinished! The answer can not be given without understanding how the physical space associated with the structural elements (as wave phenomena).



scientific instruments



compass in brain

sense organs

*The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


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