The wave principle of microscopic phenomena

Having thought about something so tiny and trying to describe invisible phenomena that play a structural
role for the existence of physical world, we must understand that all what we say does not concern a multitude of things and their history. In order to
be able to describe these microscopic phenomena and understand them and to reveal unknown relations of nature through the structure of matter,
we do not need to know some new things but quantities and mathematical relations that link these quantities. What is done in the tiny space and
which can be observed very indirectly by using complex instruments and computers is nothing else but elementary variations in quantities.
Therefore, in order to be able to think and understand, we will have to represent these changes in shapes, circles, arcs, strings, radii,
trigonometric relations and observe the numerical values of changes (with fragmentation and "freezing" of changes in corresponding lengths,
time intervals, equivalent quantities) from which the results of the measurements are derived. Laws, mathematical "preferences" of nature and
mathematical relations which lead to the existence of the ordinary world by visible
mass are revealed by the observation of numerical relations. The application of trigonometric relations on paper for the representation of physical phenomena which create and
sustain the Universe is a source of knowledge of the laws of nature. This application stimulates research with more expectations than the
particle collisions into accelerators.
The wave principle of formation and preservation of microscopic phenomena and their strangeness will
appear more clearly with few numbers. The length of 1m needs time of 1m / 2.997924e8 m / s =
0.333564e-8 sec with the maximum speed of light. The length of 1cm is traveled in about 3e-11sec (ie. in 0.00000000003 sec). It is not
necessary to compute separately these numbers with
many zeros. Here it is needed only to compare and imagine if it helps. Suppose that the observations of the microscopic phenomena are in
this (relatively large) distance of 1 centimeter. The advanced technology of the 20th century is already needed in order to make inquiries
and accurate measurements at such distance. The outer electrons of an atom are linked at several shorter lengths, at which light traveled in quite less
time, approaching 10e-20 zeros before the decimal point. Question to good elementary school students and high school students: Can
we observe changes in such small dimensions if light takes longer to reach the detectors or directly our eyes? With how much delay?
The problem becomes even more difficult and interesting, when we consider that light - by which we are
informed - is not a continuous flow of particles or a continuous beam but is an alternating and rhythmic phenomenon (of two fields). The
light frequency range is close to the frequency (in cycles per sec) of 10e14 Hz and conversely, the period of the alternation of fields is
about 10e-14 sec. So if changes are made in an alternating and rhythmic manner in so short lengths, then these changes should be slower than
the pace of light in order to be observed properly. Only in that case light "is prepared" to react to all the short moments, when microscopic
changes occur instantaneously. Otherwise, if the paces of the microscopic changes are faster than the one of light then light will
not react at all the times with the microscopic phenomena and will not reveal them properly as a whole. The observation and information will
encounter difficulties and our technology will be primitive if we consider that the origin of wave phenomena, by which particles are
produced by the "empty" space, is in most microscopic lengths and in greater rates than the 14 zeros of light (and at time
intervals shorter than
the 14 zeros before the decimal point of sec).
Who has ever heard a researcher speak of the wave phenomena in order to inform the people about the
Universe? Nature "works" with much knowledge of physics, which have been taught in primary education and it is not needed to invent strange
phenomena. The wave and periodical phenomena and how these are inseparable in the structure of matter: This should be an issue for a long
time in each educational production, in each presentation, in each interview and not some paradoxical phenomena and the science fiction. We
read in books of popular science by professors and we hear often from the researchers that matter is thought of as condensed energy. If
someone wants to repeat briefly, that the particles are concentrated or diluted energy, we will not complain. In this way we do not learn
anything though. We do not understand how and why the energy is concentrated or vice versa. Also, why is it concentrated so that the
structure of matter is formed or maintained? By which laws? The answers to these questions cause a "big explosion" in physics and reveal the
Big Deception, which is ironically called " Big Bang " by Fred Hoyle. Most strange phenomena will be explained and will be easily understood
if we understand that the particles and their properties are created in certain time intervals, where some quantities of energy are
transferred into matter as waves. That is, in moments of interaction and when an interaction is maintained and repeated. These quantities
are generated by disturbances that spread and intermingle according to the laws of wave phenomena and at paces higher than those of the
light (f>1e15 Hz). The moment, in which the particles are formed, functions as a "brake" to the maximum speed c, in which waves are
concentrated or decentralized and when amounts of energy accumulate or discharge particularly rapidly. With this deceleration more energy
can accumulate or conversely. Apart from the pace of fluctuations, the outcome is further determined by the other wave phenomena. The
trapping of energy quantities and the fast exchange between them creates also the conditions for the absorption of waves, amplification etc.
The mass and the particles are quantities of energy h*f with reduced speed and this observation appears in a few simple formulas (known
since a century) like the following:

Look what changes in the above formulas without knowing physics. We know that the energy of the e/m
waves travels at the speed of light c. The speed c is in the numerator. In the relation of mass the speed c is in the denominator. Energy
quantities moving at the speed of light are in first formula, while particles which are localized in space and inertia are in the other
The microscopic structure of matter itself reveals the wave motion of free space and the relation of
free space with the creation and conservation of mass. Until now we have not understood this, because we have been observing the material
world and the phenomenon of mass as clearly individualized phenomena (bodies) and as if they were dependent only on external forces. A lot
of phenomena (eg electromagnetism, restless particles, subatomic forces, quantum interlocking) are revealed by the observation of the
structure of matter and by theoretical thinking ,which cannot be described like the material bodies, namely as some amounts of matter
moving at some speed and traveling unimpeded until they meet some external force. We proceeded to a consolidation of more phenomena through
the more abstract descriptions of phenomena. Thus, the different phenomena in microscopic dimensions are revealed as phases and time
moments in rapid periodic variations or moments in which the balance in a common quantity is disturbed.
Given that we describe the motion more generally without introducing the concept of the body and the
mass, we encounter certain same phenomena, which we thought they were impossible without a material body: Phenomena such as inertia,
potential difference, energy transferring, force are never missing from motion in nature. Motion gets new features when we still add
certain remarks such as the angle, repetition and synchronization. Furthermore, motion is revealed as a variety of phenomena unrelated with
each other from a limit to the speed and variation of motion - which are also time and length limits. Motion may seem like immobility and
immobility may seem like something moving. But this hidden identity of the different phenomena is revealed to have the most diversity in
shorter lengths.
|SET| ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1,
|A| ISBN 978-618-85170-2-8,
|B| ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5 |