

Theory on a complete time and the relativity of energy
(A unified theory about time, space and matter)

 The close relation between mass and speed of electro­magnetic waves (2)

©2010 ISBN978-960-93-2431-1  |  ©2012 ISBN978-960-93-4040-3

Attention! Many translational errors are exist.




We can and calculate acceleration ±a, time t, the length λ or l, the frequency f on the base of a maximum limit of speed Vmax (that appears coincide with light c), without the object M that is moved and accelerated and without the relation of object M with some force F, from which it receives the energy. That is to say, we have formulas as follow :

λ f2 = V2 /λ = V/t = a , V =λ f = λ /t = a t , V2 = a λ ,

tmin = 1/ fmax → tmax = 1/ fmin,

t =V / a = λ/ V , ω = V/r = 2π f


and with children's logic without we know the limits in numerical values, we can insert the biggest and minimal limits max and min in general.


However, the force F (kg m /s2) and momentum p (kg m/s) in their units contain quantity kg (mass M) that belong in the object, which we can ignore for the experiments in our thought. If, however, the object which is accelerated does created of some motion in most microscopic dimensions and it doesn't exist in advance as independent, as a multitude of phenomena show us and the simple logic? Any physicist on a lot of dead-end decades didn't attempt a such logical case, mass in the structure of matter is something that is caused or created by phenomena of motion, without the presence of mass, such as mass that we perceive in our visible world. The Newtonian definition for mass, already allow us we attempt an enlargement of this definition. In the Newton's season were unknown the role of electromagnetism in nature and the presence of electro­magnetic waves everywhere in nature, as an attributive piece of world, which we do not observe it (same as the material bodies), but it does not constitutes a lack of substance and reality. The blind and formal use of term " mass " thenceforth, it led to impasses, it prevented the progress of physics and a lot of scientists was said many fooleries. Albert Einstein, where proves the close relation between mass with an equivalent quantity of energy (E= M c2) and his theories of relativity left open the field for the scientists -deprived from imagination- to think mathematically about the relativity of length and time, he made an enormous jump. No other physicist was found to make a proportional achieved jump. The next jump in physics is the unification between phenomenon of mass with electromagnetism and naturally the last phenomenon with gravity.


The unification about phenomenon of mass with electromagnetism begins when we reveal the close relation of this phenomenon with motion in general. It begins with the thought that the inertia and mass are phenomena that are inherent in the signification of the broad phenomenon of motion (as a relation of change in time and length) and when we formulate the first relations mathematically, that are confirmed after we apply them in order to we describe the microscopic particles and the structure of matter. Then, the search what is motion with which are caused the particles, or what is a motion without matter and particles, does not exist other logical answer, from the presence of void (free) space and the wave change that is caused in its balanced energy…


The constant M λm = 2,21021 ×10-42 kg·m in accordance with well known physics, does not mean, nothing. It expresses theoretically a mass in multiplication with a vague length and nothing other. When, however, we interpret the particles, that have a relevant mass M such as products of speed, motion and change of length and time, then the constant M λm = 2,21021 ×10-42 kg·m get an interest and more importance. 



The mass (M) is fixed by the relation of force (F) with the change in a motion (M=F/a). If motion is caused by null initial speed or if motion becomes with a constant speed and this is altered, the relation F/a remains and the result continues expressing a mass and a phenomenon of inertia. In other words, mass expresses a particular case in the change of speed and that is resisted in this change or time delay until the change becomes and completed. With the continual application of same force F, the body with bigger mass M will need more time t in order to it acquires the maximum speed Vmax comparatively to the body of smaller mass. With same force F, as long as more time needs, so much bigger is mass and on the contrary (M=F t/V).

If the increase of speed does not exceed a limit Vmax, thus with a clean reasoning a biggest limit in the change of speed (± amax) results, that is to say, in how much fast can the speed increases or decreases itself. In other words results a limit in the acceleration and deceleration ±a. Parcel with these relations goes also the force, after does not exist force which causes faster speed than a biggest limit neither faster change of speed in infinite small time interval. If therefore, mass is considered more widely as a phenomenon of change in motion with the proportional reaction or delay in this change (change, which is obviously caused by some force or by the perturbation of certain balanced forces), thus simply and with the consequence of reasonings, it results that mass cannot increases unlimitedly. The inertia, the reaction in the change of motion or the delay owe to have also them a biggest limit (Mmax), as it has the change of speed (± amax). Because in the case of creation of matter and mass of particles, the force F isn't obviously exterior and applied from an other clean phenomenon of a mass and the force is " in-wrought " with the structure of matter, we cannot say immediately what is the relation of their limits, based on the Newton's type, who described an exterior relation and evident between a body and the force.

In physics, the dimensional content in force F contains unit of mass (that is to say kg). If however, mass is a phenomenon that is caused more generally by the change of the (wave) motion and from the maintenance or repetition of this change, then mass is not a different phenomenon comparably itself motion, the speed and force. The mass in the microscopic space is the result of a combination of these phenomena, when they are altered. The mass such as it is fixed by the optical description of an uncreated situation and existence in nature, it is presented itself as a separate and self-existent phenomenon with hidden the permanent relation, that mass has with the phenomenon of motion and change always.


Because the inertia and mass are phenomena that are inherent in the significance of motion, mass can be varied in proportion to the change in motion and with the change in the sizes of other related phenomena, but also it dependent of the limit that is inserted by the limit in speed. In our calculations, are need the same terms in all phenomena.


7 equations



We see at the following left formulas, the length λ does result since formulas that include mass Μ and since formulas that does not include mass Μ. How would to be solved so that we find mass Μ ?








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Simple relations of physics, which the most capable researchers use them in order to solve the most tangled mathematic problems and find solutions in impasses of modern physics, these relations should they had been supplemented and delimited by professionals physicists. A lot of decades were lost! With a short thought (for example, does not exist an infinity of things), which it could say even one insane man, consequences result in science where physicists and astronomers specialise. If they began in their off-hand exercise book with a simple supposition, as they make often, they would lead in important observations and they would open the impasse in physics and mathematic interpretation on the structure of matter and Universe. 


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* Attention to the decimal point. This is a different mark for many countries



Me = h / c λe = h f / c2 = 9.10938 ×10-31 kg

Mp = h / c λp = h f / c2 = 1.672621 ×10-27 kg

Ee = Me c2 = h fe = 8.1871 ×10-14 J

= 0.510998 MeV

Ep = h fp = Mp c2 = 15.032765 ×10-11J

= 938.272 MeV

fe = Ee / h = M c2 / h = 1.23559 ×1020 Hz

fp = Ep / h = M c2 / h = 2.2687335 ×1023 Hz

te = 1/ fe = 0.80933 ×10-20 sec

tp = 1/fp = 0.4407745 ×10-23 sec

λe = c / fe = h / M c = 0.24263 ×10-11 m

λp = c / fp = h / M c = 1.3214086 ×10-15 m

ae = λe fe2 = c2e = 37.04209 ×1027 m/s2

ap = λp fp2 = c2p = 6.801491 ×1031 m/s2 = c fp

Fe = Ee / λe = Me ae = 3.37431 ×10-2 N

Fp = Ep / λp = Mp ap = 11.376318 ×104 N

pe = Fe te = Me c = 27.3093 ×10-23

pp = Fp tp = Mp c = 5.014391 ×10-19



±e = 1.602176462 ×10-19 (cb και 1eV)

c = 1/√ μο εο = 2.997924 ×108 m/sec

re = 0.28179367 ×10-14 m (radius of orbit in simple atom)

G = 6.6725 ×10-11 m3 / kg sec2

π = 3.14159


α = re / λe = 7.29737 ×10-3

h = 6.62606 ×10-34 kg m2 / sec (J × sec)

Boltzmann (k) = 1.38065 ×10-23 Joule/k)

hbar = h / 2π

Mp / Me = 0.183615 ×104

μο = 4π × 10-7 = 12.56636 ×10-7 Henry / m

Fηλ = k e2 / re2 = Ee / re = 29.05356 N

εο = 1 / 36π × 109 = 8.854 ×10-12 Farad / m

k = 8.987551787 ×109 Ν m2/Cb2 = 1 / 4π εο

zo = √μο ο = μο c = 376.7 Ohm


Mpl c2 = Eplanck

Eplanck / h = 7.4008 ×1042 Hz


c / hbar =ωmaxω / 2π = fmax

= 0.452444 ×1042 Hz

h fmax = Ec


Mpl =√(hc /G) = 5.456246 ×10-8 kg

fpl = 7.4008 ×1042 Hz

Tpl = 0.13512 ×10-42 sec

Epl = 4.9038293 ×109 J

Emin = h 1Hz = 6.62606 ×10-34

Mmin = h 1Hz/c2 = 0.73725 ×10-50 kg

λpl = c / fpl = 0.405080 ×10-34 m

apl = fpl2 λpl = c2 /λpl = 22.186977 ×1050 m/s2


Mc = 0.3335641 ×10-8 kg = Mpl / 16,3574

fc = 0.452444 ×1042 Hz

Tc = 2.210218 ×10-42 sec

Ec = 2.997924 ×108 (kg m2 /s ?)


Mmin = Mc/fc = 0.73725 ×10-50 kg/Hz

λc = λmin = 6.62606 ×10-34 m

amax = fc2 λc = c2 /λpl = 1.356391 ×1050 m/s2

Mpl / Mc This ratio 16.357 and the small relatively disparity between limits in the two cases is important and instructive for the research, mainly for the following observation: With a small ratio, it do not change extremely the enormous numbers, the quantities (after the exhibitor almost remains the itself), however they change subversively the units and the phenomena that we describe.




Vmax = λmin × fmax = 2.997924 ×108 m/s


fmax = Vmax / λmin = 0.452444 ×1042 Hz

fmin = amin / Vmax

Tmin = Vmax / amax = 2.210216 ×10-42 sec

Tmax = Vmax / amin

amax = Vmax2 / λmin= 1.356394 ×1050 m/s2

amin = Vmax / Tmax

λmin = Vmax × Tmin = 6.62606 ×10-34 m

λmax = Vmax2 / amin

Mmax = fmax / amax = 0.3335641 ×10-8 kg

Mmin = Emin / Vmax2 = 0.73725 ×10-50 kg

Fmax = Emax / λmin = 0.452444 ×1042 N


re = e2 / 4π Me c2 ε0 = 0.28179367 ×10-14 m


L = M V r = n h /2π →Le = 9.10938 ×10-31 × 2.18768 x106 × 0.28179367 ×10-14 = 5.6157 ×10-39 kg m2 /sec


Fηλ / Fκ = (h / 2π) / Le = Ee / Μ V2 = 1.8779 ×104


V = 2π re / Te = 1.77056 ×10-14 / 0.080932 ×10-19 = 2.187713 ×106 m/s

(2π re / Te ) / c = 2π re / λe = e2 / ε0 hbar c 4π = α = 7.2974 ×10-3 = 1/137.0346


ε0 = e2 / 4π Ee rere = e2 / 4π Ee ε0e2 = 4π Ee ε0 re

1Coulomb = 6.241506363 ×1018 eV

h = 6.62606 J sec = 4.1356618 × 10-15 eV sec (ή eV/Hz)

1eV = 0.24179893 ×1015 Hz (times the h). Energy of 1eV correspond to frequency f=241.798 THz

M = E/c2 → 1ev × (1.602176 × 10-19 J) /c2 = 0.178266 ×10-35 kg








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