The serious, logical and intelligent questions that it should they place…





Attention! Translational errors exist in very difficult questions

Matter and their components in its entirety did not begin exists and never exist a reality without matter*. This ascertainment in the Theory of Com­plete Time guides us in order to we seek a different solution about the way of cre­ation and maintenance of the Universe. Indubitably, it is impasse we wonder how the totality of material world was created. The big error in the development of physics appears more clearly than never and is formulated simply with a rational approach: They try to explain and create theoretically the essential traits of things and the Universe by the clean zero. They begin from a minimal reality that called "matter or particles", remove all the reality that is the (full) Uni­verse and attempt to make the Universe in their fantasy by an initial matter, that is to say by the almost nothing of a quantity particles, that would exist more acciden­tal than molecules of dust. While on the contrary, it would be supposed, they begin by the finished Whole, from a common preexisting thing, by the full Universe in a total (common) Time, in order to they explain how changes, balance and things as separate parts are caused by a relative zero (by a free space). How the exterior reality with its multiplicity is maintained and its time difference by an initial unity and directness of one whole and by a common substance. Rather, how coexist these two opposite phenomena together (a com­plete whole and always incomplete parts). The philo­sophical relation between multiplicity and unity with the terms of physics is expressed (correspond) of relation between an isotropic space with the rapid fluctuations, that they belong in nature of material particles.


Considering that matter is everywhere in the free space and always in time and always with the complete Universe, the questions that result are the following: a) How do matter is created and renewed, in the case that energy is lost in other forms and b) how is it maintained so as to remains always present in its entirety of space and in relative time? The second question is connected immediately with the question, how matter finally is distributed so intelligence, so that the existence and development are served in the (preexisting) complex material world. These answers cannot be given, if we do not understand that the free space participates as a dynamic (and balanced) energy in the renewal of matter.


These are the serious, logical and intelligent questions that it should they had thought well in science a lot of decades ago.


Matter, here near us or far from us is connected with something common, with a common reality and in particular with such way, that matter maintains the same structure everywhere. Matter from somewhere pumps the energy by which exists as an opposite phenomenon to the gravitational attraction and pumps energy everywhere with similar way (same laws). While we would await, that will find the minimal constant quantities of a body and an end in the division of matter in most microscopic dimensions, on the contrary we discover a relation between stability with fast and circular motion. How do microscopic quantities that are moved ceaseless, accomplish and acquire a further complex and constant form? Why do mass “ignores” the gravitational force and matter accomplishes is maintained extensive with internal motions? These are some queries that are caused in each thinking person when hears summarizing, that the division of matter leads to particles and these are moved incessantly with enormous speeds. Reasonably therefore, we wonder what forces, from where and how " they constitute " phenomena of periodical motion in form of immobility and in elliptic motion and where is the beginning of mass and matter.


The stability in most rapid motions that become in microscopic structure (in large extent in the free space, in depth of time and under very different conditions) cannot be explained from the energy and motions of external (and accidental) things. If the structure of matter and generation of mass is becoming from environment, that is to say from an exterior space, then it would be supposed in each cubic metre of space exists different matter with accidental structure. The composition and structure of an individual atom would be different and by unlimited variety, so as what would was the different effects and conditions. However, the shaping and structure of material elements does not depends from objects and different situations in environment and matter is not so much changeable from exterior forces. What other can exists everywhere in the Universe and regulates the structure of matter, always be connected together with matter and participates in order to the structure of matter be the same everywhere and with same laws? What other can we find, which will isn't fantastic and will connected permanently with each reality, except of the called "empty" space? The presence of the free space is not an accidental result by exterior connection of material things, but it is an obligatory limit (in length, time and quantity) for the energy and for connection of all material things, which are presented by the wave changes in the previous and balanced energy situation of the free space.


• A lot of separate forces exist in each one microscopic atom of matter? Or a common force (or decrease and destabilization in a common force) for all atoms of cosmos?

• The specifications in each atom of matter are accidental and from null basis  and coincidentally same specifications everywhere in to Universe and after certain process (like copy-paste) by which the structure of all atoms is copied in enormous distances of the free space? Or, the separate atoms of matter are connected and created permanently by a common quantity and by the invisible presence of a common energy?

•  The timing in particles accidental happens and the composition of constant things and visible cosmos (even for limited time interval) do coincidental? Or do exist in advance some limits in motion, in quantity of energy which are exchanged and laws for materialization of invisible space energy? " Do particles dance in rythm of the creation and destruction " each one as inde­pendent, or a same music play for all atoms and " they are hearing same music "?


If the minimal wave length λmin for the transfer of electro­magnetic waves coincides or approaches the quantity h≈6,62606 x10-34 m, that in physics has been baptized " momentum " (because the minimal length is related with balanced energy of free space), then the spectrum of electro­magnetic waves approaches in the highest frequency fmax=1042 Hz. That is to say, astonishingly higher than the limit, which usually we read in books of physics and in the most specialised books for technicians. These electro­magnetic waves have been detected from some researcher or they are non-existent because are appeared as particles? Are these waves a part of spectrum related with attributes of the free space? Nowise is not strangeness, that the appearance of matter constitutes a particular phenomenon of oscillation in a balanced the energy and stagnant electro­magnetic situations in decreased frequency, but more above ≈1015 Hz than the visible light. Is more logical and intelligent to we reverse the highest frequency fmax of the Universe (the finish of electro­magnetic spectrum), make a minimal time 1/fmax = Tmin  and then search what existed in this minimal time interval ? 



presentation stupidnessFinally, physicists could easily and exploratory think with the help of scientific imagination that matter is permanently created by " small explosions " on the indivisible space, that conventionally they have called "atoms". I'm sorry if disappoint you, but such errors, neglect, madness and delay in science do not have a precedent. However, they gave occasion to a prepared person presents noiseless the physical inter­pretation about conundrum of the Creation. Author not only will turn on a spark for the correct mathematic formulation of this cosmological theory, but moreover will give some messages, that will cause sensation and shame: 1) He will gives a good lesson about the human logic in those who placed the standards and specifications for the education and for success in scientific thinking and furthermore 2) an occasion was given to heard the voice of moral values of the life (virtues), without these moral values people cannot be reliable nowhere in his life, neither unbiased and fair, neither have contact with reality.


How would you react and what would you say, if attempt an offer in order to help somebody likeable fellowman who has need but in order to accepts your help, places the following terms:

You will come exactly in certain hour, push the bell only once, speak without trip your language, you will fill a form, describe and enumerate clearly your offer and will sign it. Somehow thus the officialdom of scientists prevents the theoretical research, dis­courages the effort from independent researchers and thinkers but selectively encourages certain researchers and co-workers according to finances, advertising, collaborating and profits. Somehow thus, the re­search is prevented, because some professionals should gain time and they have not interest to think more to correct some errors. Somehow thus, the research is prevented, because some have trouble to defaced their serious profile and for their reliability and they are afraid for promoting of their works, because the independent works are not written with their terms, so as those have been familiarized or because the works have been written without the educative level that they consider essential to seems. And this their phobia, some show as courage and efficacy, in order to science is protected, ostensibly, from the unskilled people!


A microscopic material carrier (an atom, a particle) such as a simpler thing of the Universe, as a minimal part of the division of things, could not has other at­tributes apart from some relative attributes, that result from the change of their place and time interval in their interaction with the most rapid transfer of energy. Particles would existed for always accidentally and quantitatively like molecules of gas, if the “empty” space and presence of the total universe did not insert the conditions that force “to contract” relations between them. Even the word “atmosphere” contains the notion of a ball (spherical slope) and like an attribute of "surrounding". The word “atmosphere” cannot be used allegorically in order to is shown the chaotic motion, that would exists with the all meaning of chaos. The rhythmical and synchronous change in microscopic existence of the material elements is all their quality and structure. This theoretical observation we could say it, even if we ignored that structural elements are minimal ways by which the full Universe relatively and lastingly becomes, even if previously we have not consid­er that real things are ways of configuration in only one common substance (so as has already wrote the philosopher Spinoza in correct direction of search, in the 17th century). Now however, we understand furthermore that also their elemen­tary structure of particles and each stability in their presence again is owed in certain conditions, in that a balanced quantity of energy oscillates and in repeated or syn­chronized motions· and such motions are imposed by the simultaneous energy of the free space (that is, with simultaneous presence of the stabilized and full total of the things, of the complete universe). 






next page



The impasse of self-existent structural elements and about wave phenomena






Did they wonder in the modern cosmology, how advanced can be a physical interpretation about the Universe, such as the one that researchers dream, if their theory doesn't offer the minimal knowledge in order the presence of life in the Universe to be explained? The cosmological theories that have been formulated with mathematics and are considered prevailing theories do not open any passing to this direction of nature. Physicists would be supposed to understand this theoretical impasse more as responsible scientists, and they do not leave the problem unsolvable or for answer from theology. 

Life and soul begin from the microscopic dimensions and not by the combination of the coarse material bodies. By no means accidental it is not! The Universe is self-existent, because it is present, immutable and " solid " in limits of a maximum total time (max period) and for this reason the Universe is immediately existing. In other words, the all Universe exists simultaneously and the notion " immediately " (directness) coincides to the notions " internal " and " inwardness ". From this ostensibly absurdity and contradictory idea, we will lead to incredible reasonable consequences and open the path for the physical interpretation of life. The beginning of life and timing in the interaction between many particles are achieved with the fastest ways of interaction and these ways presuppose the simultaneous presence of the 100% complete Universe, that is appearing in our eyes like an absence of free space...




THE physical interpretation AND MATHEMATIC INVESTIGATION  





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