From the book:
Subtitle: How the natural laws and forces are applied. The fundamental concepts for a rational Cosmology (Cosmonomy).
► A multitude of phenomena, properties, and stable relationships have been observed
on the structure of matter by research of at least a century. These observations have confirmed the general finding of many philosophers, that the building blocks that
we call "matter" are neither separate and closed quantities nor tiny things that are regulated by their external interactions. By the first
rational thoughts of our cosmological explanation (starting with the fundamental concepts of the whole, the part and the change and balance) the following findings have been
• The so-called matter (structural elements) consists of the original ways in which the entire (and without mediation) Universe begins as an indirect and
external existence. The structural elements are the minimum moments of change of a (constant) reality, which is complete in advance within the limits of a
maximum time period. For this reason, motion is inseparable from of the mass and substance in the microscopic space.
• The multitude of building blocks is absence of reality, since they are less complex than the
larger things and they are the minimum quantities.
• Structural elements as simpler things cannot simultaneously create many interconnections with a large number of things, like the more complex things.
• Their structure, their stability and the ways that they act do not depend only on the
occasional environmental actions. By the first thoughts we noticed and suspected that it is more sensible to investigate how the same forces and the
structure of matter occur by the energy fluctuations in a constant quantity.
• The maintenance of structural elements (or matter) reveals despite dynamic relations, fast processes and permanent mobility occurring in tiny
quantities of their structure (and in interaction with each other) as unlikely the fact that they are
formed by external actions and interconnections. Time, rhythm, length and angle and synchronization are key determinants of the structure of matter. The
visible things appear to have more “flexible” time intervals, more variations in their behavior and shape, with unnecessary and random movements and without a
constant rate.
In the cosmological theory of a Completed Universe or the Completed Time, where
Philosophy meets the issues and problems of modern physics, the interpretation for the nature as a unified whole and synchronously as particles gives the
solution. The solution is provided by the natural and wavy role that our explanation attributes to the finite and dynamic space, namely as a balanced quantity of energy.
<·> We took into account the information which we obtain from the scientific experience. We observed theoretically, that we discover the
relation of stability with fast and circular motion after multiple division of matter and in most microscopic space, instead of some stable minimal mass
quantities and a clear end to independent and stable components.
<·> The subatomic matter cannot exist or have a structure with no movement. The essence of the microscopic materials, the components of the
so-called matter are made by an energy sharing, by some energy exchanges and not as something compact and unmodified (as if this were a static substance).
However, we perceive this rapid transfer and exchange of energy as moving particles and in individual moments (through quantum of energy, which interact
momentary with that rapid exchange). In the structure of matter it is not possible that the "thing" is separated from its motion, because the thing is
created there in the "depth" by some motion and the "thing" does not exist as something separate and complete.
<·> Taking into account the data of micro-physics and astrophysics we also noticed that stability in rapid tiny movements, which are made in the
structure of matter (at a large extent in space, in the depth of time and under very different conditions) cannot be explained by the energy and movement of the external (and random) actions.
<·> We concluded that the principle of the microscopic structure of matter and the energy which maintains its structure is not derived from transfer
of energy through space, from movements outside of the matter and of the composite
<·> WWe concluded that matter, either nearby or far away, is associated with something common, a common reality and even in such a way that
matter retains the same structure everywhere. The conservation of matter is made by internal processes, that are everywhere the same. Matter has and
maintains its structure by the same laws throughout the space and these processes are associated with wave phenomena such as the light. The microscopic
motion, by which the structural elements are formed and retained, is a periodic, alternating, rhythmic and has all the features of the wave motion.
<·> Analyzing by thinking the phenomenon of inertia as it shown by the relations of Newtonian physics, we said: If mass is a phenomenon caused in
general by the change of a motion and by the continuation or repetition of this change, then mass is not a different phenomenon than the motion itself, speed and force. The mass
begins from the general phenomenon of inertia and delay, which is not missing from motion that has a maximum speed limit. The most obvious difference
between mass in tiny things and the mass of large bodies is in the speed and rate at which the particles have their inertia and at tiny lengths/distances.
<·> We have concluded theoretically, that the energy of the free space "flows to fill
the points" which have reduced energy and thus to be balanced, but this flow creates again and maintains its reductions ((because energy is absorbed from
elsewhere by the flow of energy). The points in which this phenomenon of regeneration, feedback, conservation of energy and balancing process rapidly
occurs, are initially presented as e/m waves. This is, while the more intense fluctuations (we investigate for more details) are presented in the form of
particles and eventually as "matter." The things are constantly connected with a common space, which must be a finite space and exchange energy with them,
in the smallest lengths and shortest intervals of nature.
<·> By the finding that the empty space is permanently connected as an amount of energy with the structural elements, and that this energy is balanced
with the maximum speed and rhythm of nature, we attained the theoretical connection of physical phenomena. However, this connection of natural phenomena has
been sought by simplifying the concepts: We started with the general concepts of motion, time, length, quantity and the periodic variation. The minimal
deceleration in fluctuation of balanced energy (of free space) displays with a short delay a maximum pace of retention / balance of this energy. This pace
of maximum fluctuation seems to correspond to the maximum speed c (ie to a minimum time in which the free space returns to the state of balance). We detect
this fluctuation, which occurs with minimum delay, ordinarily in the e/m spectrum. In lower decelerations we detect the e / m fluctuations of more low
frequencies. In increased decelerations we detect the higher frequencies of the electromagnetic
spectrum, as the visible light and above. In more increased decelerations, we detect the fastest fluctuations (which have shorter wavelengths) as momentary
particles. The common space is the core of e/m waves and of all individual structural elements. The light is not the motion of some particles, but the
oscillation or fluctuation of the space itself. We measure this fluctuation slightly reduced in the spectrum we perceive.*
We have achieved a lot of theoretical observations and important findings after investigation about minimum and maximum limits in physical processes by
taking advantage of physics and by certain initial calculations:
After the analysis of universal physical constants c, G, h, in obvious relations of length, time, change in speed, of rate and energy.
After the introduction of the minimum and maximum limits to changes of sizes (and
dependence between them).
Eventually, after the unknown mathematical correlation between inertia and speed and by the important observation, that this respective speed is
paradoxically associated with the speed as we calculate it according to the known relation of the gravitational field V=√(GM/λ). We will see
this correlation later in the treatise.
The microscopic structure of matter itself reveals the wave motion of free space and the relation of free space with the creation and conservation of
mass. Until now we have not understood this, because we have been observing the material world and the phenomenon of mass as clearly individualized
phenomena (bodies) and as if they were dependent only on external forces. A lot of phenomena (eg electromagnetism, restless particles, subatomic forces,
quantum interlocking) are revealed by the observation of the structure of matter and by theoretical thinking ,which cannot be described like the material
bodies, namely as some amounts of matter moving at some speed and traveling unimpeded until they meet some external force. We proceeded to a consolidation
of more phenomena through the more abstract descriptions of phenomena. Thus, the different phenomena in microscopic dimensions are revealed as phases and
time moments in rapid periodic variations or moments in which the balance in a common quantity is disturbed.
Given that we describe the motion more generally without introducing the concept of the body and the mass, we encounter certain same phenomena, which we
thought they were impossible without a material body: Phenomena such as inertia, potential difference, energy transferring, force are never missing from
motion in nature. Motion gets new features when we still add certain remarks such as the angle, repetition and synchronization. Furthermore, motion is
revealed as a variety of phenomena unrelated with each other from a limit to the speed and variation of motion - which are also time and length limits.
Motion may seem like immobility and immobility may seem like something moving. But this hidden identity of the different phenomena is revealed to have the
most diversity in shorter lengths.
The wrong direction (and with random observations) of modern research is revealed by a known query. Modern cosmologists raise the rational question:
How do all the different parts of the Universe were able to synchronize the beginning of their expansion and to evolve in all directions according to the
same laws? This called "horizon problem". They attempt to avoid the
problem by the theory of an inflationary Universe. They claim that the expansion was faster than light at the beginning of the cosmos and for a brief
interval. Here we have formulated the question somewhat differently and more aptly: How does matter have its structure? How are the laws applicable and how
is matter not dissolved, but the same matter is rather formed in the depth of space and time? How is matter distributed so creatively and according to laws
and thus preserving a global balance? Matter is displayed at distances of billion light years with the same particles, charge, masses, nucleo-synthesis and
other processes etc. It is not obvious that tiny amounts manage to form bonds and have properties. The stability would be a rare phenomenon, if not
impossible, and any sequence of things could not exist. The fact, that there is a material body in a position and has a form or that the particles are
particles with properties is an inexplicable phenomenon. In order to explain this fact laws are needed, which are not based on any body or in individual
particles. When we say abstractly, that the laws are applied to nature or that there are laws in matter itself, then we conceal a multitude of
phenomena, which are investigated in modern physics. Matter is an unimaginably large amount of components (structural elements). Is the origin of laws in
every tiny component separately? Does every individual particle have within itself the same laws that all the other particles have? How do the laws
stimulating every particle act in such a way that molecules are formed after the meeting with some other particles and new properties and things are created
that have duration? How does every particle have the same settings or how it is mobilized by the same laws mobilizing all the other particles? The
subdivision of bodies reaches some minimum quantities. Are these quantities initial for the cosmos or are they in the end of a theoretical division of the
Nobody is persuaded, how something starts randomly or by a plurality of individual things, and even more improbably by tiny and invisible things like the
particles, which all together manage to be arranged and be combined complicatedly for a long time. Nobody is persuaded that they are combined in such a way
that laws ensue, balance is achieved and the particles to be creative and constructive over time. All philosophers, who tried to explain the beginning of
things and the laws of the world, encountered the same difficulty. Modern researchers have been stuck until today despite the most advanced knowledge and
the most developed organs to this point: How are the laws introduced and moreover, in an endless cosmos and in unstoppable motion. If we cease our effort by
making the general statement that the cosmos is governed by laws, then we will overcome this theoretical problem. This is similar to how some modern
researchers have overcome the theoretical problem of how the Big Bang (which created the space-time) was realized, when they say, that the laws of physics
had not applied before such a moment of total creation. They accepted a conjecture without rational thought but then relied on logical thinking to conclude
that physics is canceled. Indeed it is neither obvious nor enough if we say so abstractly, that the material cosmos is governed by laws. This is a
simplistic thought for children, which is similar to when philosophers were talking about matter, without saying anything about how it has structure and its
properties and how a multitude of phenomena is produced by the mobility of molecules. We have to stop this identification of cosmos with matter. The
cosmos as a single and complete total is something unique and opposite to matter. Matter is just few pieces of the puzzle or as a young man had written:
Matter is a lack of reality or it is a minimal reality inside the full Universe. According to us, "same structural elements" throughout the global space, it
means "same energy fluctuations" and "same processes" to restore balance.
The answers to questions about the preservation and creation of matter cannot be given
without understanding how space as an energy participates in this process. These answers can not be given without such a understanding as above, but quite the
contrary human thought is led to dead ends, stupid theories and errors.
>>> The whole physical interpretation of the structure of the Universe and matter, with all paths of thinking that prepare and facilitate its
understanding and answer the questions which are created extends to a large number of pages. The cosmological theory in Greek has divided into
three volumes or 3 digital books respectively. The cosmological theory has been translated almost entirely and updated in English and this
improved version is
available in only two files. >>>