The rational interpretation of matter as oscillations of a shared energy quantity existing as dynamic space on a picture with the limits of
physical sizes
The below quantitative proportions and conclusions explain the physical processes and provide us, so as to explain the processes with higher
accuracy and in full agreement with the observations in nature or the laboratory. Probably, important findings of physics and astronomy will
follow with more complex calculations and by linking these simple functions and equations to the rest of physics. But more important was to find
these first and more simple relationships and the rational explanation of the natural processes that turned attention to such a quest, even with
the most ridiculous mistakes that may be found in this huge multi-theory.
Fundamental equations for the calculation of
astronomical masses
• The average inertia is: √(Mmin·Mpl)= √{(Mmin·√(h·c/G)}.
• The relation √(h ·fpl^2 ·c / G)
gives an amount of matter ≈ 4.038056 ×10^35 kg/s multiple times than the atomic limit of Mpl=√(h·c/G). That is a multiple
amount of mass 7.4008 ×10^42 times than the maximum Mpl = 5.456221 ×10^-8 kg for 1sec which is presented as concentrated or lacks (as
decentralized). The common stars which have a radius ~1sec of light (~10^8 m) approach to this mass. For comparison, remember the radius and mass of
the Sun (a star of medium scale): Radius 6.96 ×10^8 m and mass 1.99 ×10^30 kg. A star, therefore, presents an amount of energy many times that
which can be compensated within 1s at the speed of light, as is the case of e / m waves. The existence of a star shows that so much energy is
available here and now (as concentrated or decentralized) because there is no short time to compensate (and we saw on the lessons, that this time
interval is delay in restoration of balance and how long can be).* In treatise don't escape this inference: "Given that we observe an extremely
large number of stars, we conclude that this process with such a long time frame cannot occur for each star individually. The "age" of the Universe
would then be infinitely greater ... and the distribution of astronomical bodies would be a random and unstable process. Therefore, we will again
conclude that this amount of energy presented as matter distributed in the astronomical world is available in advance in less than 1s, that is, it
is a simultaneous amount of the Universe". Below was this question: "How can such a large amount of energy remain unbalanced, when the maximum
amount of h·fmax in the e / m fluctuation corresponds to the short time 1s? " and the answer is: A large amount of energy remain unbalanced because
is very long the time delay* in restoration to balance of the shared amount. The time of 1s for the total amount of energy corresponds to a quantity
of matter 1e42 times than the marginal inertia Mpl ≈5e-8kg, ie it approaches the amount of
1e35kg matter which is theoretically an astronomical body of maximum mass. This astronomical amount of matter represents the total amount of energy
with all its power and not elementary (in the minimum time tmin). (32.1. Subsets of the universe and astronomical nuclei)
• According to astronomical observations, an astronomical nucleus of 10^35 / ls appears to extend into an astronomical
volume where its radius may exceed 100,000 light-years. The distances between galaxies appear even greater and groups and clusters from many
galaxies are observed. The number of galaxies also appears extremely large as do the distances between them. That is, according to this explanation,
the concentration of more matter and correspondingly mass corresponds also to binding energy from the shared amount and volume of larger space
• The equation with the mean velocity value h·f0^2 / V0^2 can give the same amount ≈4.038056 ×10^35 kg/s and then a maximum
astronomical mass comes out without the maximum speed c. The maximum speed c and the shortest time to restore the energy balance belong to the e/m
phenomena with the minimum inertia (of photons) which are transferred to free space.
• The equation √(h·fpl^2 ·c / G) coincides with the equations:
h·fpl^2 / c^2 = h·f0^2 / V0^2 = Mmin·fpl / Tpl = c^2 ·c / G
and theoretically gives a maximum mass M(1ls) for radius 1ls which would were a black hole with binding space volume of
radius 1ls, but we can to consider it as an astronomical nucleus which is binding a larger volume of space with its mass distributed in more
astronomical bodies.
In short (so that no
professor laughs at the simplicity of equations), the equation Μ(1ls) = √(h·fpl^2 ·c / G) is a unit of measurement for the
calculation of
mass in the astronomical world or the corresponding volume of space (where is binding from the shared amount of energy). And with this unit of measurement we maintain the
mathematical linkage of astronomical phenomena
with the equation Mpl=√(h·c/G) that gives the upper limits to microscopic processes and for the structure of matter.
Μ(1ls) = √(h·fpl^2 ·c / G) = 4.038056 ×10^35 kg/s. The relation √(GM/R) for the radius of 1 light sec (2.997924 ×10^8 m) gives
the following centripetal velocity V: √(GM/R) = c. The equation R = 2GM/c^2 gives the radius of a body with mass Μ for which the velocity escape
is equal to the speed of light. The astronomical mass Μ(1ls) would have the double radius 2 light sec.
• The mean density ρ of the imaginary mass Μ(1ls) for the volume of the 1 ls radius is:
ρ=Μ(1ls) / Vol(1ls) = 3.577846 ×10^9 kg/m^3
• The 3D volume of space that created for such a mass Μ(1ls) according to the simple formula -R=√(G·M/a0) if a0 = 1.101998 ×10^-13 m/s^2 is the
radius -R:
-R=1.563652 ×10^19 m ≈506.74pc ≈ 0,51kpc ≈ 1652.78ly
• The spherical volume of the space (decentralization of energy) is V3D=R^3∙π∙4/3: 1.601432 ×10^58 m^3
• The mean density ρ of this free space volume in mass terms:
4.038056 ×10^35 / 1.601432 ×10^58 = 2.521528 ×10^-23 kg/m^3
That is, an amount of mass 4.038056 ×10^35 kg corresponds to the 3D volume of the binding radius -R=1.563652 ×10^19 m according to the formula
-M=a0·R^2/G that if it were centralized in 1light sec radius then would the imaginary body (black hole) with the mean density of 3.577846 ×10^9
kg/m^3. Now, every student can design an astronomical world and look for what changes after any divergence of sizes!
* Note
The concentration limit M(1ls) = √ (h·fpl^2 ·c / G) = h · f0^2 / V0^2 shows a limit of maximum radius of -R and
decentralization volume. Somewhere on this limit, the mass is divided into a larger number of astronomical bodies and therefore many volumes of
radius -R will merge as a larger volume. For example M (1ls)/Msun = 202917.387 and this means that the fantastic mass M(1ls) can be many dozens of
suns like ours and together with the negligible mass of planets and many smaller bodies. The corresponding number of volumes [of radius -R≈3.471 ×
10^16 m according to the relation √ (G · M/a0) or radius -R≈2.872 × 10 ^19 m according to the relation (M0/m^3) = M/Vol] will be bound for all these
astronomical bodies that have mass such as our sun.
* A reminder
The delay in resetting the energy balance is linked to a decrease in maximum speed c in the process of concentrating the
shared energy to the minimum length of radius. Since defining the minimum and maximum limits and average sizes (according to universal physical
constants) speeds have been found that approach the so-called velocity of the space expansion according to the constant H. Also, time intervals of a
reducing maximum speed c have been calculated (delays according to the minimum and maximum speed limit and their average value as a rate of change).
These time intervals also fit into slow physical processes and explain the limits of global space and time. The rate of change of energy is also
associated with the time when balance is returning and is the minimum time for the e/m waves. We have still calculated an increase in time when
balance returns compared to the time of the period that decreases when the frequency increases. That is, when the wave period in the energy of the
space is slow, the time of return to balance is short, while at an average frequency we found that the time interval of the period is equated with
the return time of balance.
** There is a limit to the amount of energy that can be concentrated or decentralized per unit of time and respectively to
the amount of matter that can be presented as an astronomical body.
The astronomical sizes >>>
|SET| ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1,
|A| ISBN 978-618-85170-2-8,
|B| ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5 |
More details and clarifications in the presentation under the title :
A complete and stabilized Universe seen like free space. Subtitle : The rational
interpretation of matter as oscillations of energy in a shared quantity, existing as dynamic space