> Universe: The common Total of all things from all its moments and 100% complete <

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Timaeus in the famous dialogue of Plato. The human logic 24 centuries ago  WITHOUT EXPERIENCE :

" At my opinion therefore it should at first we determine these following: what is that which exists always but it does not be born never, and what is born always but never exists. The first thing, somebody can comprehend logically thinking, because this is always the itself. The second somebody can perceives it without thought, as opinion and belief because it is born and is lost, however it does not exist really, never "

(about Timaeus look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timaeus_(dialogue)


The human logic after 24 centuries WITH SCIENTIFIC EXPERIENCE :

" Entire the world with the space was condensed in an adimensional point. Without cause and logic, an adimensional point that contained the all world in infinite density changed (Big Bang) and thus the space with dimensions created, also the energy and physical laws that determine the development at initial situation of fiery plasma."


We cannot tell about progress in human thought.

The regression in the ancient season of mythology, it is more likely.

However our ancient ancestors had enormous ignorance and now we comprehend and admire their imagination. On the contrary, in our season the knowledge and heritage of human thought are enormous and we do not comprehend and we consider that it is a delirium.


In latter centuries, the philosopher Spinoza (1632-1677) wrote the following theorem 3 in his theology: "The things that do not have nothing common between them, no one from these it cannot be a reason for the other ".



"Ether doesn't exist, neither ab­solute motion and point for reference, but only related motions for observers", Ein­stein claims and since then physicists literally have bewilder us in order to we accept this dark concept. Nevertheless, the re­lativity of time and length in the in­quiring field of Physics did not prevent researchers to speak globally about the things, to count the distances between galaxies and an age of the Universe. They say to us that does not exist an absolute time or a com­mon point for report on the measure­ment of time. Without no one under­stand well, they say abstra­ctedly to us, time is relative. These their thoughts do not pre­vent to tell about an age of the universe, that is to say about a time inter­val which is common for the all things…The speed limit of light does not a common limit for the multitude of different things? Different bodies are moved with different speeds compa­ratively from each other and a multi­tude of changes have different rates. But the speed of light is a limit almost for all things, if not for entire the Universe?


1 Attention! Translational errors exist


The definition of word "Universe" in the 21st century  


Research about origin of world, ob­servation of sky, scripts and thoughts about world beyond our planet and how could be such a world are attra­ctive questions for com­mercial aims. These always charmed most people. We can find inex­haustible info­rmation and thoughts about the Universe, how­ever here we will stand in the general definition of the Uni­verse according to some scientific obser­vations. The rese­mblance of definition is impressive as is formulated in most cases, after it is not easy for anyone to express his own thoughts. If one does not want is ridiculed will say something that it has ascertained from rese­archers, and in this case is better to repeats what heard or read.


► We will take as a sample the definition of the Universe where we find in the electronic ency­clopedia Wiki­pedia, in Greek and in English publi­cation. Follows the general definition in Greek publi­cation (11/7/09) :


" With word "Universe" we mean, in the vernacular, the total of things that existed, they exist or they will exist, that is to say the total of beings. More specifically, saying "Universe" in science we mean usually entire space-time continuous, as well as the total of matter and energy  ".


Little below :

" We can fix, with bigger safety, that :

Universe is the total sum of existing matter and energy.

The universe is not neither “shapeless” neither “infinite”, but it has ends. In first view, this is difficulty acceptable, but the fact is that the researches of last fifty-year period they converge in this concept, that is to say the Universe is limited. First the German-Jew physicist A. Einstein (1879-1955) came to this conclusion, when he proposed the Theory of relativity.

Thus we lead to consider that the form of Universe is hyperball, most likely.

Hyperball is named the ball, where the radius is altered continuously in time. This means that the Universe resembles with balloon where it is inflated and expanded in time. This expansion is continued by creation of the Universe up to today ".



This usual definition of the Universe in the 21st century does not make something else apart from repeats with more words what this unique word expresses, as it defi­ned in the brief explanatory dictionaries. The uni­verse is every­thing and accordingly it includes each what every­where in space and time. Somehow thus the humans was thinking in ancient years and because they didn't consider things well distin­guished each other, they preferred to call (a unified presence of world) with some other words and, with few imagi­nation. The world was kind of an egg... and  people preferred the concept of "God".



If we observe the words in definition of the Universe, with few bad faith we can show how much shallow is this thought in science. Eg. "con­tinuum" means lack of discontinuity? Do not stick in this. We will still observe in this definition of the Uni­verse, a usual exclusion of all centuries that pre­ceded from Alb. Einstein' time. Because modern scientists do not consider as know­ledge, if this emanated only from rea­sonable thoughts, without experiments and in earlier times when the research only just had originate. Scientists selected their own thoughts and obser­vations, that make with more modern me­thods and complicated instru­ments and for far objects in space.


We will not lose our time with analyzing these meanings and will not miss the target of our report about the definition of the Universe. Remark only a query:

In the 21st century we still read a definition of the Universe for children, when in philosophy has been recorded almost this same definition a lot of centuries ago and in certain cases more reve­latory! If the inflation of the free space and the word "hyperball" are constitute some new discoveries relevant so as the general definition of the Universe is sup­plemented, then imagi­nation and super­fici­ality is not absent from the current science. After of so much scientific careful thought in order to is not said some­thing uncertain and once again modern scientists did not avoid their imagi­nation!


► We go to the general definition that we find (11/7/09) in the English publication of famous Wiki­pedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe ):


" The Universe is defined as everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them ".


We will observe in the short English formulation that the concept of the Universe includes a main trait, something where it escaped from the first lines in Greek publication: the physical laws and the numerical constants. It is a particularly impor­tant ob­servation and more advanced suggestion on de­finition. Because the Universe is not simply a num­ber of things and exchanges of energy from each other point. There are restrictions, coercions and con­ditions that they do not emanate from indi­vidual and concrete things. These emanate from the form of the Total of things and from the exis­tence of the Total things which is preceded from the pre­sence of individual and occasional things.

The "physical laws" and "numerical constants" perhaps bring different thoughts, however really these are common phrases that hide some big an­swers. Without these an­swers the physical laws remain simple thoughts that have recorded from a lot of centuries ago and do not add nothing in the definition of the Universe, such as we find in maga­zines and books of 21st century.



This stagnation and lack of progress for the general definition of the Universe be­tray enor­mous ignorance and a mis­inter­pretation in modern cosmology. Of course, we can find a more careful thought for the Universe and with better expectation for re­search in philo­sophy.



Universe: The common Total of all things from all moments and COMPLETE in the same (wide) present, where it remains incomplete and in deve­lopment for the individual and material things.

The complete Universe is always itself in the limits of a biggest time interval and creation becomes permanently through the structure of matter. Matter constitutes the minimal mo­ments of befo­rehand completed reality in the limits of a biggest time period (common time [Tuni). The complete Universe of in its entirety time exists relatively such as a finite free space and as con­stant quantity of energy for what they can happen by material carriers (particles). The Whole prede­termines the maximal and minimal limits (of length, time and energy) in  interactions between things. The world where is absent participates to the energy of material world through the micro­scopic structure of matter by the form of finite, but dynamic free space (with wave phenomena).


 If the Universe were not constant in a total time so as the energy is full like a constant qua­ntity, then the change of energy in smaller time moments (between the parts) would happen with unlimited manner (in any quantity and independent from a unit of time). The energy would always be incomplete and, in its share would be constant by chance. In this case, the minimal quantity of time tmin = λmin / Vmax would not exist, neither a highest frequency fmax.



The Universe in the cosmological theory under the title "Complete or Finished Time" is self-­existent, because with simple words, the Universe is present, immutable and “compact” in the limits of a longest total time - and for this reason it is real “imme­diately”. In other words, the full Universe exists si­multa­neously and the directness coin­cides with inwardness. The elaboration of this osten­sibly absurd and contradictory idea lead us to incre­dibly reasonable conse­quences and OPENS the WAY FOR the CONNECTION of PHYSICS AND CO­SMO­LOGY WITH OTHER SCIENCES !





What does say this theory ?



*     circular time 



Why the Big Bang Theory is the most blunder in the history of Science! >>►

All writers and journalists repeat like parrots for a lot of decades a than biggest absurdities in science (an unscientific thought) with "coverage" of scientific community


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