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A society of scammers and victims of deception - after everyone have been ignore its spiritual self!



A society of scammers and victims of deception







hidden ignorance

Before listening to any other truth, you will receive a shield for the deception if first you hear this truth here: Some have chosen the truths from which they earn money either openly as scammers or from their work and collaborations. Many of them are usually and appear successful and their voice is heard while many others hope to work with them. You have the appreciation of the truth for most information and opinions without any research. You usually blindly trust in the assumption that what you learn has been ascertained and it is right and with the impression, that many others are saying the same. You easily appreciate the credibility and convince yourself because your expectations are facilitated. You are impressed, lured, you are jealous and imagine that you will win with your agreement and your cooperation and your future will become safer. Many times you are convinced because, along with the well-known and confirmed, they are interlarded some lies, excesses and you have anticipations with your imagination. Only with the truth clearly formulated would you not have been convinced, and you might have been dissatisfied. All knowledge certificates, licenses and award-winning skills for you are certificates of permanent and life-long reliability for every thought they express. (More on pages INFORMATION & DECEPTION). And of course, no one wants to appreciate, that the world is more complex with inexhaustible details, is more unpredictable, with many options but for a short life, with luck decisive and knowledge often unnecessary or inadequate.*

failure is easy

Some to appreciate the thoughts and the probability of truth wait to see how much money they will earn. Many times they are unconcerned and have a view of simply losing time and they hope from their other actions. First they track the reactions of others to assess the likelihood of winning customers, voters, viewers and readers. If there is no play, if the thoughts and opinions do not sound, or they do not cause social mobility, commercial traffic and political developments, then these speculators and selfish people annihilate the importance and perspective of thoughts. No one wants to hear or read thoughts without interest. But the thoughts that have interest for speculators are those that bring money, acquaintances, customers, and at best they are those thoughts that will solve a direct problem or give a hope. The trade with hopes, the action with expectations and the speculation invade in spirit, appoint the truth, and they are facilitated with the illusion of knowledge.

Some people express this question: How are you so much sure about your answers or that your answers are important and will upset society? Some people express this question in good faith while some others in bad faith. The first, the bona fide people would like to be informed better and learn the answers, but for different reasons they do not. Those who have bad faith look for mistakes and other shortcomings to question the answers. To answer this question, firstly I respond to them that their question is a broad field in my own research effort. That is, the answer as to when something that we say about or think is right or not, this issue has been searched for in my own theoretical research. A much of the theoretical work has been dealt by this issue, and this I present and explain: When do we know reliably and how much certainty to be have? Rarely, a writer or thinker gives to the reader not only thoughts and convincing theories, but also mental equipments to avoid falling victim to fallacy and deception! Observing the answers and the developed thoughts from my long-term effort, I find the following signs of credibility and about their importance:

  1. COMMON EXPERIENCE. Firstly, we talk and think about things that exist, not about our imagination, nor about testimonies. That is, for things that anyone can detect, investi­gate and identify, and not about things that are easily contested. For example. We are people and have thinking, the bodies act and react, moves or stop, things are made up of smaller parts and appear in different forms, etc. Our thinking is limited to observations of our own experience and not to what we have heard or read. We do not rely on any ready-made knowledge that we can not understand or verify. We especially avoid historical knowledge.

  2. KNOWN VOCABULARY. We talk about things in their usual name without distinguishing one thing from another with a special name, as if these were things that did not have similarities. We speak with the vocabulary which everyone understands in their language, acknowledging the disadvantage of inaccuracy, but with the scope for investigation and verification when needed. So easily, only through language it is revealed that a multitude of phenomena which are described as different, with different vocabulary and in separate sciences, all these are almost the same things and by a few common and ordinary phenomena which are transformed.* They appear differently from the details (in quantity and in physical sizes).

  3. THINGS ALWAYS HAVE AN INFLUENCE AND DEPENDS. We are talking about things with the claim that we will count them as parts of a wider whole and that the whole world is somewhat involved in their existence and for the effect of their action. We are not talking about things as the case of experts, that these are independent things and well isolated (from a host of other phenomena). Therefore, we do not accept that a result it is fully certain and determined exactly thus as we rationalize it.

  4. THE DIFFERENCE OF THINGS FROM THOUGHT. We thinking and appreciate that all our knowledge and every view is formed mentally, with words and meanings within our biological body. We observe that our concepts and reflections in our thinking are something other than things that are reflected in our thinking. The language inevitably removes information about things, while with the language all scientific observations are formed and expressed. We are talking with the awareness of the impossibility of full knowledge.

  5. CONNECTION LOT OF VIEWS. Does not given only a piecemeal answer, which has no other implications for other issues and no answer for the new questions that arise. We are not talking about explaining a distinct and rare phenomenon. We are talking about a large package of many answers and with an interpretation from which it is revealed how a number of phenomena and many separate issues are connected. These answers with their consistency and with the necessary steps of thought can not be evaluated in a piecemeal way, and they are difficult to recognize in the oral speech. Generally, it would be even easier to challenge and deny a lot of knowledge in speaking and discussion if previously we did not have the knowledge somewhere imprinted with a multitude of consequences and observations and without the interference of irrelevant thoughts.

  6. USEFULNESS OF RESEARCH. The creative thoughts extended to many books and after long-term unfoldment continue to offer for research and in order to avoid many other mistakes, even when the answers are doubtful and of lesser importance. Some deficiencies and mistakes do not totally remove the usefulness of a theoretical effort and do not negate its successful moments.

  7. PHENOMENA INSEPARABLE FROM OUR LIVES. We talk and think about things and phenomena that are permanently connected with our lives or with the whole world and with human society, regardless of place and time. Therefore, any new thought and observation, any overthrow and questioning, any revision and clarification can not be insignificant.

  8. AGREEMENT WITH SCIENCE AND SIMPLIFICATION. Thoughts are rooted around observations in visible things, and most opinions coincide or agree with the views of sciences. They do not conflict with experience, and when this happens, then this conflict is explained again with observations in the real world. Hardly we will find fantastic facts and fantastic things. Instead, we often talk simplified about things that are described and analyzed tediously and detailed in scientific books. Where necessary, knowledge and information from science is utilized.

  9. THOUGHTS THAT HAVE BEEN OBSERVED FOR A LONG TIME. Thoughts, theory and observations have shaped over a long period of time. This fact should not be degraded, but appreciated as a rare spiritual effort, from which it would be difficult to maintain frivolous thoughts and, on the contrary, thoughts have been examined, reworded, extended and revised many times and with many causations.

  10. KNOWLEDGE WITH AWARENESS OF THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF FULL KNOWLEDGE. We do not think about things and the facts with the axiom of mindless and unversed in philosophy, that things are just as they appear from our sensory organs and as we describe them. We think about things and we know, together with our knowledge about the mediation of a biological and spiritual vector of knowledge. We think about things, about events, about developments and their relationships along with this knowledge about the relativity of knowledge (due to the position, moment, biology, small differences in the composition of biological bodies, due to our choices of the things that we want to we know and think about, etc.). In a nutshell, we do not think directly about things with the fallacy that knowledge is "derived" exclusively from them and without knowing what is "knowledge".

blind confidenceAlthough in most of the answers we did not come up via a sequence of consistent reasoning. Although many views have been formed loosely, without focus of thinking on a single issue or a simple question. Although imagination helped for rationally formulated thoughts. The above findings where are numbered, they are some prerequisites for scientific research and ultimately for the disappearance of the doubts. When knowledge is not offered under these prerequisites, then knowledge is doubtful and surely becomes more vulnerable to questioning. Therefore, I return the question of mistrust toward me: How confident are you for your own answers and for your views and where do you draw your assurance? Did you think hard that you may have deceived yourself and that you are exploiting the world? If you do not have such an intention, then have you thought conscientiously about whether you have overestimated your knowledge and thus behave irresponsibly? You will be waiting ... when teachers around the world will write the books with the final answers and when will they reproduce them in the educational institutions? Will you expect more information from a magazine that you accidentally see in an ad or your neighbor's to brings stunning news?



The credibility of the answers by the experts and the solutions to the problems... for which we often pay:



NewspaperAn answer or solution may be right, however, in most cases answers are given with many hypotheses that we usually conceal. That is, we expect a result with assumptions such as: If we have our health. If the other family members are well in their health. If we live in the same house, in the same area, with the same work and with the same income. If the same friendships and partnerships are maintained. If we can find the same things on the market and offer the same services. If the technologies we are familiar with do not change. If our acquaintances and friends will think with the same opinions and considerations. If we do not have to pay a lot of money for an extraordinary event. If the same government policy is implemented. If some lies do not spread against us. If the unsightly flaw on the epidermis or our body is not healed. If we have the same desire and patience. If our good relationship with loved ones does not spoil. If our appearance will be the same. If the difference in age does not prevent. If, after better knowledge and information, our opinion does not change (own or of others). If our love affair does not spoil. If what we usually eat is just as safe for our health. These are few possible assumptions that we leave out of our thoughts and discussions, and without the details of each case. While theoretically infinite "if" determines or changes a specific result for something as unstable as a human's life in the future and within an unbalanced society. Even the clearer knowledge of the experts, they predict the results in fantastic conditions, while the application of knowledge in the real world does not ensure the same results. Instead, a number of consequences are produced and caused by the contribution of all the details and all the different things, and - we don't forget - with our own decisive choices. That's why smart predictions, wise and cautious guidelines for desired results, and while the things appear convincing, can easily be disputed and overturned by people who ignore the issues. Justifiably everyone has a little or more anxiety until they see the results. Unfortunately, again, a success can be followed by unbelievable surprises and our dreams being refuted.


* Answer to those who will reproach the author for "arrogance", especially when talking about the "Universe". When we talk about the Universe and about the beginning of the world, we do not imply that we have knowledge separately of each thing and of all what are done. We have not a sense of omniscience at all - such as the word "omniscience" would convincingly fit. Instead, we perceive that a multitude of things, even the most nearby are less well-known than we think, as many philosophers have recognized. We do not know enough even the things where are next to us. We observe as researchers the similarities in a multitude of different things, their common traits and certain phenomena that are involved in all things. We give explanations of how these common phenomena are linked to each other and whether there are laws that apply to the whole of nature, for all its parts. On other pages I have unfolded the question of how the knowledge urges man to transcend the limits of certain knowledge ... even to deceive others. Still I have designed images where the harmful and injurious power of knowledge appears on one side, and the inactivity due to (Socratic) consciousness of ignorance on the other side.



knowledge for deceivers



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* Some supplemental lines on the assessment of the truth, as they had been said many years ago, in order to be emphasized that the credibility makes sense when gained with knowledge that we can easily and quickly confirm. Simple thoughts, with which many people will agree, but very often these do not be practiced:

cover of 1st book“It is undue if the following divert us from the recognition of reliability: The "blind" faith, the number of those who agree or disagree, our moods, the ease or the difficulty to we understand, the ease or the difficulty of discovery, the reliability of those who talk, the usefulness for our purposes, the unconditional questioning, the similarities, as generally the clues. We must appreciate the correctness and certainty of knowledge similarly as we decide on the fate of a human life in criminal court, thus recognizing the limits of our true knowledge. So the ability of those who try to seduce, exploit and deceive us will be limited, and we will be prepared for such deceit. Our firm belief in unfounded, unproven, careless and fragmentary thoughts, which we call "opinions", undoubtedly serves those who have reasons to change them, when and as they define it with an of innumerable intelligent ways. It also serves ourselves ... so that we do not change our opinions, because we fear the consequences and we find it useless to be thinking shoot for the discovery of ignorance and for certainty. Between the two extremes, the credulity and the incredulity, we will be closer to reality, stronger, more prepared and more unlimited in mind when we tend into questioning and searching”. (The Theology of Science, ©2000)

ethic without knowledge... and knowledge without ethic...






<•> More... in the books



Cosmonomy: An integrated / comprehensive Answer, namely:
+Moral / Psychological  +Rational  +Political  +Cosmological


An integrated and interdisciplinary Answer and not unilateral, namely: >>>







What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words




Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine. 




scientific instruments




sense organs


A mark of correctness and consistency of each theory: Theory not only describes or explains a phenomenon, but it answers also in queries that this same causes.


Do you discover the philosophy accidentally now? What is the Philosophy. Philosophy & reality ►  >>>►




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