The choice of domain name for the new site
was combined with the completion of the translation of the cosmo衍ogical theory into English.
But the issues presented on website
and books are not limited to cosmo衍ogy. Thoughts on the principle of knowledge and the relation of human
life to know衍edge and thinking are included. That is why the name "Cosmonomy" is more appro計riate to include issues related to
human being as a "researcher" but also as a (material) body of nature that commu要icates with itself and with other people.
But cosmology as we know it is a science based on some assumptions, which are erroneous by the method of Abductive and Deductive
reasoning and rational thinking. It is not only the well-known conjecture of the original Creation of space-time that has misled
research. Researchers are still unaware that they begin with a misunder貞tanding of the universe as a set of outer and separate bodies
and with imagination that the astronomical world is governed only by external forces and (invisible) physical laws. Without any
explanation of how natural laws apply to a world so outspread in space and time. This ignorance has prevented rational thinking in the
research for the beginning of the cosmos, while on the other hand, the collection of random observations and mathematical calculations
(without inter計retation of physical phenomena or with misinter計retation) have been over苟stimated. Another consequence is that
cosmological theories describe the world purely as quantities of matter without the universe pre-existing as an organized whole.
So, they seek out how organization and synchronization are achieved in a chaotic amount of material and many improbable and irrational
thoughts are published in earnest. Another logical consequence (of describing things as external to one another and without
simultaneously connecting to a common Whole) is the complete alienation of life as a psychological pheno衫enon from
matter and the inability to explain how life is represented by the combination of the structural elements. This irrational cosmology
as it has been presented for the last 100 years is not the cosmology as it has been formulated with rational thinking (in three decades)
by the author of the Cosmonomy. The name "Cosmonomy" also implies a difference from known Cosmology that reminds of the
difference between Astronomy and Astrology.
All of these issues that seem to be irrelevant to our daily lives are the most important, and this is confirmed with originality and
somewhat provocative from the web pages of Cosmonomy and books. A familiar word summarizes how the issues of the beginning of knowledge and of the
world are linked to our lives and they are the most important: The word "Ethics" or "morality". The choice of this ordinary word may hinder the
understanding of Ethic as is presented here, with research thinking and spiritual orientation as necessary for human life. All these
thoughts are presented in the pages of "Cosmonomy" with an unceasing effort to understand and answer all the questions that are created.
Cosmonomy is the science to stop the imagination presented as knowledge as well as the blind reception of information as reliable and also the knowledge
to stop being appreciated as less ignorance and useful for all, and such a science was missing. This introduction to "cosmonomy" on the following pages
could be an introduction to cosmology. But here is an introduction to what research is before any other research and briefly written for the first pages of the
The cosmological theory is presented thoroughly in separate books.
of nature and life
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Many questions in themselves are revealing of reality and human biases, without an answer... The most obvious signs that some correct answers and thoughts are offered for the theoretical research. Ca要cellation a lot of
lies and fantasies