Some issues that are even in opposite direction of research are rationally inseparable:
1) What is nature in general, if it has a beginning and an end and where its limits are. (Cosmological issue).
2) What is knowledge, how does knowledge begin, if knowledge comes to an end and what does it serve. (Gnoseology / Epistemology
3) What are we, generally what life is and what are we asking for.
(Moral and psychological issue).
If we start investigating how or when knowledge begins and how we distinguish "right" from "wrong", then we will need to think about
reality and the characteristics of nature. If we begin to explore the characteristics of nature and the beginning of the existence of
things, then we will need to think about the words we use and their concepts, the issue of credible knowledge and the observer of
things. If we begin to seek a sufficient purpose for life as a whole, for injustice and the future of life, then we will still need to
think about the specifications of the universe and the laws of nature. With our thoughts on the purpose of life, we will again influence
research on what is knowledge and then we will wonder about the usefulness of knowledge, as well as our action in the world. These three
directions of the research are inseparable. These three issues that direct to separate sciences - with accumulated knowledge from the
research of individual things and for many special cases - depend between them and are revealed as a more general issue: an issue of
where the beginning is and where the "end" is , how do we choose a beginning and an end and what kind of relationship the researcher has
with himself and with nature. The rational principle of the research coincides with the investigation of the researcher as a spirit, by
investigating the process that creates knowledge and spiritual orientation (to what and with what expectations)! All fields of research
are inevitably linked to the choices in our thinking and our lives (biological, psychological and mental). That's why the author wrote
for many years on one of the first web pages:
"With the usual logic of specialization - where the research and the object are limited to be able to become deepest known and
presented clearly with all its details - one would expect that the pages at will contain exclusively the Astrophysics
issues. Perhaps it is even less understandable and more unexpected, that the first reading options are presented with pages under
irrelevant titles, such as the one here with the exhortation: "Orientation!"
Cosmonomy: Same notions of logic in all things and events |
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Now, one would logically wonder what a close relationship physics has with psychology and how from a search for a final result we
go to thoughts about natural phenomena