Priority in search
Many issues that are presented separately are interconnected. But the information is endless and we can know a lot of things in detail.
But if the thought begins to search along with the concept of the purpose of research and knowledge, then a priority is immediately
sought and the distinction in the usefulness of knowledge is necessitated (according to the frequency and rarity of things and events).
Searching for the right priority is also a priority that interrupts random or selective research. Thinking with this rational start
of research removes information and entire areas of research to seek priority in certain areas that will provide knowledge which is immediately
useful and necessary for the purpose of knowledge and not accidentally for increasing knowledge or renewal action or for a special
construction. Some issues emerge in the direction of this rational research, which are the first, most immediate, and most relevant to
human life, behavior and related with choices of researcher. Because research starts with a researcher and this reality of the
researcher as a biological body and as a spirit determines how the world appears, what it will think about the world and what a
researcher probably will know.
of the knowledge is how things can be connected to each other and the names that have been given in order to be archived in our minds.
High percentage of knowledge is the knowledge of solving problems created by action without enough knowledge. Phenomena and results are not all the same often
repeated. Some are unique and unparalleled while some are extremely often and permanent. Many things are not necessary so that there can be a multitude of
things or the whole world. Some things still exist, even when a multitude of other things are missing. Some phenomena are repeated and are necessary to follow
some results. But also many things that are important or common to some people, for many other people who live away or in another time are insignificant,
unknown or not perceived. We can choose information, we can also search indefinitely. If we are present, then perhaps we will observe everything that can happen
and exist. If we were with another biological body, then we would also be observing the world differently. Everything could have been
done differently in life, in society and in history. We do not want to see all combinations of things and all their forms. We do not
want to know all that one person can do with others. Years of our life is just for a bit of experience. Those of us who are looking for
a beginning or a final purpose (and not for business reasons or only by pleasure) we do not want this infinite knowledge of all possible things and events ...
"A picture is a thousand words" is half the truth ... |
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A word with its abstract meaning can keep our attention on a remark or a thought, while with an image our attention can be
accidental and wandering