20. Simplifying and shortening of research when random information and peculiarities are removed
The rational thinking that is not limited to any separate thing (by removing information and not by exhaustive observation of one thing)
is impartial and rational research and begins without the rare abilities of a researcher. The reality and knowledge left in our thinking when we remove
fantasies, lies, desires and random information is the first knowledge that reveals a reality common to all. Then, with the mind cleared, some obscure
issues can be answered more easily, unsolved problems can be resolved and conclusions are coming, which needed research with sophisticated technology or with
the collaboration of many researchers. This sounds haughty to those who think that knowledge starts accidentally and exclusively from the experience of the
outside world and that a rare mental ability needs. Rational research has the advantage of reaching solutions quickly while observing specific things would need
technical equipment and luck. E.g. Adequate knowledge (epistemological issue) rationally linked to whether there is a sufficient cause in the world or whether a
sufficient purpose can be accomplished (moral issue) and these three research fields are again linked to whether the world is complete and stable ...
(cosmological issue). In a multitude of cases we notice that a result does not need an increased amount but a special way to happen. But we can easily forget
this simple finding and appreciate more importantly the size of a power and quantity. If you are asked how many numbers are, you won't wait to count them to
give an answer. Endless things, events and human behaviors are constantly falling into our perception, and if we lived somewhere else in the universe, then we
would not have perceived. We do not need to go to other planets and imagine many worlds to understand that we have paid over care and wasting a lot of time in
thoughts and information that happened to be perceived by our nearest environment. Knowledge and information without the knowledge of the fundamental reality
and its laws (without concise knowledge of the common characteristics of a whole) allows the thought to wander into infinite causes and effects and in
infinite transformations of things. It may seem even more amazing that the difficulty is greater so that many different people can get the answers in their
own language and persuade (as they think each with their own questions) and even greater their difficulty to change their own deceitful and casual views.
Rational research through concise thoughts and general principles (by removing information and impartiality) can provide answers to questions that have been
assessed as the most difficult or needed accidental observations and discoveries in different centuries of history. On the other hand, any answer that leaves
involved issues out of thought may be correct, but it is a one -sided answer, correct in certain conditions and leaves possible denials and is inadequate for
forecasts. The impartial thought takes into account the deficiency of knowledge when there are peculiarities and the fantastic conditions in which the phenomena
exist. That is why impartial thought introduces a degree of doubt and provides for possible deviations and different results. Those who easily assure ...
usually introduce "luck" and talk about "exceptions".
Summary and abstract view of the world, but not one -sided and wrong view
If the effects that determine a result are many and all together contribute, then the concept of "cause"
is used abusively and "neutralized">>>
Did you trust? Do not say you did not know.
Did you ask for trust? Take charge of your responsibilities.
Knowledge is not missing. Learn to doubt.
Life is yours. Thinking is yours?
The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias,
nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.
If the Ethic of inner/spiritual orientation is not a Science !