22. Issues on the principle of knowledge and the world are linked to our lives and are important for the
"orientation" of human life.
Thought and knowledge selected for survival
People on earth live longer with their imagination and confuse it with reality as in allegory with
Plato's cave and this conclusion is easily drawn from the selective observation of things in combination with spiritual weaknesses in their thinking and
communication. Man is forced to think and talk about things that are not present in front of his eyes or ears. The human soul and life changes and behavior is
determined by thoughts on things and events where the biological body has not perceived (by its own sensory organs). Many of things and events are not
constantly in our senses, many we imagine and many describe them with misuse of language. However, survival is not guaranteed and the need for action to survive
seems to be a natural process that generally forces life to draw and exploit the information used for survival. The action to survive "land" life. However, people are dragged by endless information, as well as their mental mistakes and imagination, and
anyone can have a completely different (incoherent and fantastic) perception of the world. People are seduced by their information, thoughts and imagination
(psychological and physically) and they can neither cooperate and communicate. (It's no coincidence that not everyone speaks the same language!). The sense of
knowledge, certainty in information and satisfactory perception and overestimation of abilities are linked to the enormous ignorance that biological bodies have
for the world. The ignorance of the world that animals and humans have is linked to the phenomenon that most of the world (and those what can exist) are
missing from their intellect. Something you don't see and don't think about it and does not catch your attention does not make impressions or questions. So
attention focuses on biological needs and your own special life ...
If every thought and our knowledge begins with the purpose that we must
survive and enjoy our lives, then we will know a lot through our personal experience and education and achieve great results with our persistent endeavor. But
so we will not know the world independent of the mediation of the biological body and our desires. If we are looking for what is reality and if there is a
common reality beyond the place and time of our own existence, then so maybe we will not think like normal people. We will downgrade our needs and every
knowledge that serves to survive and work together. But so paradoxically we will avoid the illusion of a sufficient knowledge and a final result, and the
identification of reality with our own experiences, we will also avoid excessive expectations of knowledge.
COSMONOMY: A Science that was missing.
Summary and abstract view of the world, but not one -sided and wrong view
So many choices in activities and collaborations, acquaintances and friendships,
entertainments and travels, information and ideas, so much variety in products and markets and all these opportunities ... to spend our lives with
illusions and not to think about what the reality is!
Cosmonomy of Nature + Cosmonomy of Spirit
(Physical Cosmonomy and Spiritual Cosmonomy)
The answers have been given with requirements for knowledge that can be certain with our own thinking and observation, mainly with the method of
reductio ad absurdum (proof by contradiction) and taking into account both affirmative and negative answer (that is, dialectical) and with a method of
removing or degrading useless information (starting from the general characteristics of the world). The application of the rules of Logic may not be
apparent from the final formulation of thoughts, because then the volume of writing would have to be overmuch and reading would be like a boring puzzle
In the author's effort, the first subdivision for the presentation of thoughts on the beginning and purpose of knowledge is the following:
Did you trust? Do not say you did not know.
Did you ask for trust? Take charge of your responsibilities.
Knowledge is not missing. Learn to doubt.
Life is yours. Thinking is yours?
The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias,
nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.
If the Ethic of inner/spiritual orientation is not a Science !