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7. The rational principle of research: Knowledge without knowledge of purpose... coincides with deception



authenticity stamp

Knowledge and information for no purpose or for what purpose?

Once we have introduced the concept of purpose of research and knowledge into our research then immediately and perhaps unnoticed, we remove information and research fields that would peculate our time and mind. Thought then is not limited to de­scribing and justifying particular phenomena, learning and memorizing and acco­mplishing some results. Thus knowledge and information by removing and degrading information are revealed as being dependent on the purpose of the research, that is, with thinking about the desired or selected results. The purpose of the research and the intended outcome are determine (as causes in thought) how and what we to think, what information we will use and what we will know. Even the accidental choice of a thing for research is a biased choice, in the sense that we distinguish it from other things, either consciously for known reasons or without this intent.

Arrows in every directionIt has been said that seeking knowledge influenced by desires and feelings or aiming at certain rewards does not show impartiality and desire for truth. If we prioritize our pursuits, if we think influenced by our intuition and emotions, and if we seek a goal and some profit is not necessarily contrary to the search for truth. Not only partiality does not always opposite to the truth and research, but it can also be in favor of truth and successful research. The truth serves even the liar and swindler and invisibly serves trained swindlers. Impartiality (in the sense of paid research or in the sense of random search) is not always as useful as one would expect. In many cases, if one tries to think impartially about specific issues of a certain research field and without any profit, then it is not excluded that the other who thought unilaterally and unfairly and even with bad intentions will overcome the first impartial researcher! But luck is not also missing from an intellectual effort to learn and to research. Simple information about a cultural event or a television training show may offer the opportunity to think of something important for our efforts. We find again that the results in the real world are more complex. Recognizing a small error can offer the opportunity to observe an even bigger mistake and review many of our thoughts. Those who have been trained to think exclusively with the information they have learned degrade the complex effect on the mental and cognitive process as also the indeterminacy of human thinking (for obvious reasons).


Imagination and generalization are inevitable in our language

one thinkingOne of the important moments of rational research for the purpose of research is the discovery that information abstraction and imagination have already begun by the time we express thoughts in our own language. Thoughts are abstract, concise and focused concepts even when thoughts are formulated correctly and phenomena are correctly described. Not included all information about described or justified phenomena is in the thoughts. We readily notice this lack of knowledge and overlap of imagination when we try to think our own thoughts and express them more carefully. Things are always more than we estimate, they have more ways of connecting, changes occur that are not always visible and all are affected in their own narrow environment.


an arrowWhat is the end result?




 knowledge and deception



Thinking about an end result and end goal of thought and action immediately reveals a problem of ignorance  >>>
















left hand









Did you trust? Do not say you did not know.

Did you ask for trust? Take charge of your responsibilities.

Knowledge is not missing. Learn to doubt.

Life is yours. Thinking is yours?



scientific instruments



compass in brain

sense organs

>o<The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


If the Ethic of inner/spiritual orientation is not a Science ! >>>►




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