One of the few voices that is completely independent and
unprecedented. We will explain it below.
The writing,
research and publication of thoughts are also tasks that can be rewarded and paid for money, such as many other works. Also positions for such work
are offered in large companies, such as publishing houses, media and periodic publications, audiovisual producers, educational institutions and
tutorials, universities and research centers and many special cases. Financial gain and advertising are undoubtedly important for such jobs as much
as financial damage and defamation. Profit often determines the goals of research, issues to be published, education books or readership, the time
margin until completion. Of course, profit is not necessarily a reason that prevents research and study or expression of truth, proper information
and consistency in cooperation. On the contrary, profit is mobilizing workers and creates competition and increases performance and effort. However,
the profit is taken into account for the type and limits of research, for persons who are selected and cooperated, is taken into account whether the
unpleasant truth will be expressed or for the concealment of certain consequences, is taken into account in avoiding questioning when may cause
damage, or contrary for the attempt to challenge if it is estimated to be favorable. Competition also extrudes affiliated persons into unethical behavior, even in illegalities. The challenge and defamation of competitive
efforts are easier, biased options are valued as normal, and when profits are huge, then immoral behaviors have no barrier. Obstacles or any legal
means will probably be used to avoid missing opportunities and profits. Decrease, blackmail, defamation and bribery are also selected and mixed in
tasks that are purely spiritual, but linked to profits, losses, investment and competition.
But it is not only this social reality (of competition and profit) that does not allow the expression of all
truth, which research and thinking are selective and not independently and on the contrary the efforts of others are despised, degraded, obstructed
and not reinforced. All speculative companies have linked their jobs with profits and losses and a name. They have their own rules and conditions of
operation and all information is used for their own work. If we ask for a cooperation then this is not possible or it will not be easy. Contracting
parties should discuss, be compared as businesses and agree on legal terms. If we work in a business then we will accept its own terms and rules. We
will not work as we want and the hours we want and we will not think of anything without relevance to the work that is determined. Much that we will think,
will not be compatible with the employer or partner program, or they will be completely irrelevant, and disagreements can spoil the cooperation or
good assessment for our work. If we request as customers the services of such a speculative business and affiliates, then we will again be obliged
to agree to their terms and in any case pay the amount of money as calculated. If we seek help and support for our own original project, then not
only will a fee be requested because the time of employees is "money". If our effort is appreciated positively, then our agreement will
probably be requested on terms that will relegate our requirements and possibly some original thoughts will be stolen and used by those who have the well
-known name, collaborations and technical means for the advertising their works. Even something that seems simple, such as submitting a written work
to a publisher or magazine... will immediately be rejected and perhaps without being read if the study has not been drawn up in accordance with the
rules and instructions (which in some cases are a whole book) and of course again with terms that impose on us. The written work will be rejected if
it is not delivered to the specified time, but also for any other reason we had not imagined.
All of the above were avoided in the research and writing work that is presented here on the website. Research
fields were not determined by profit or by someone with specialization. Spiritual work did not depend on any cooperation and the terms of someone
else. Of the most important is that, his spiritual work had no time limit except for survival and all thoughts were recorded and observed without any barrier or
prejudice. The researcher's name was not known, nor the credibility of the name was made by a career, so that would introduce restrictions on the
expression and publication of thoughts to protect the name. On the contrary, reliability was a high goal that could not be based on the author's
name,* not even the name of a partner and the reliability of thoughts separated from personal abilities.
One success of this independent and literally impartial research was the revelation that issues presented as
different areas of human research (even in opposite directions) have a closer connection. It was clearly and rationally revealed that the separation of
issues and the research of the world as divided and as result of its parts conceals a knowledge that is essential for any individual research. The
separation of issues and research of the world as divided leaves many common phenomena inexplicably and removes the concept of reality from
research. Independent and impartial research clearly shows that there are consequences of one area of research in the other area, and that each
outcome is more complex and holistically determined. Independent and impartial research clearly reveals that the researcher adjusts his thinking
without taking into account the dependence of the world such as perceives it, by own biological existence and life, with expediency and with
choices of knowledge defined by his own needs and desires.