Artificial / electronic intelligence (and its inelasticity) conjointly with amount of information that floods the human
mind will contribute to the proliferation of accidents, will make people incomprehensible as never before and will bring many times of group and variable
madness, without the stabilization of few attractive fairy tales. The cultural movement in Europe which has been called "surrealism" with the features of
fantasy and incoherence that we have seen mainly in paintings or read in poems, seems prophetic for all human relationships... Many people may think that
this will be a problem that can be solved with a few decisions... They do not imagine that in addition to the difficulty of such a solution, unsolvable
problems create jobs, products and services and problems are used to influence habits of people and its choices (with promises, blind hopes, with lies, with
intimidation, with the adaptation of laws to serve political, economic and scientific expediencies). But we will find that human
behaviors are more imaginative, irrational, paranoiac, incomprehensible and pointless without the logic of an impartial and research spirit. Only the
allegory of the Cave in Plato's State dialogue approaches this terrible finding. The guiding thoughts of Cosmonomy is a Beacon of the human spirit in
the chaos of information and their sources for the spiritual orientation of life and for the management of thinking. Information has been valued as a
component of life and psychosynthesis and not as a sequence of electrical pulses in lifeless circuits. In other words, all the importance has been
attributed to information that has directly to life - along with its feelings, its thoughts, its choices and expectations, as well as the movements of the
biological body.
Many people appear with clear views on human life and behavior, without realizing that in their minds they have vague
and unstable things from their own nature and some situations that can easily be changed and are fleeting moments of life. They evaluate and make easy
predictions about human life and think that they are permanently in an advantageous or disadvantaged position. However, those who give orders from
their responsible positions, those who represent group interests, those who have taken responsibilities in government positions, and those who make decisions that
affect our lives, should not rest assured that they were the most capable or that they knew better and be appeared as more reliable nor unhindered in their
selfish action. We can just as easily suspect and notice that they are taking advantage of our trust, they are deceiving society and have been trained to
deceive and present themselves hypocritically without being easily detected. It sounds provocative and exaggerated. But, human relationships are created or
damaged (between of a few persons or social groups with a large population) by the cultivation of trust and deception. Many increase their clientele and
followers, and entire countries are also deceived. This is the social reality and not a fantasy of a madman in a heavenly world. Trying to increase certainty about
something that no one knows 100%, or that does not fully explain or is not causally predicted, it is the main feature of deception. When someone cheats then
is called a "scammer". Someone may be unintentionally cheating and in such cases we are talking about fallacy. Also, fallacy is like pointless movement and
a lack of memory of what you wanted to say, it is also biased thinking. In this sense of fallacy, even if we think in good faith then again we will be frightened
because it is extremely rare for people not to speak without knowing, to express their thoughts correctly and not to take anything out of their imagination.
So you realize that the question of how much we know reality and how much we think with imagination and illusion of some knowledge is a matter of global
importance, the first in priority for every honest person and with consequences for society.
When we observe in the human
soul the content of information which we usually distinguish from the soul; and when we further observe how people behave with information and externalize their
psychological content, then the soul without information and thought will look like plant life. Human behavior and thought ignore or despise the physical and
spiritual laws and almost the whole world. People's behavior and thoughts begin with the normal illusion that almost universe is absent and the only reality is
that it touches the biological body. Reality is anthropocentrically limited and few people and some inanimate things can be our whole world. Then all our
thoughts, feelings and behavior in general start from this our focus on a few people and a few things. We think about them, we talk about them, we react to
them, we imagine their future and so do other people. So with such a self-deceived life - with the consciousness trapped in a few casual things, in some people
and mixed with fantasies - people deceive each other and so life goes on with good and bad experiences. The common reality escapes them and is not something or
it is not so important for people to seek it.
The introduction to Cosmonomy of the following pages could be an introduction to Cosmology. It is an introduction to what
research is before any research and was written briefly for the first pages of the site. Cosmological theory is presented in its entirety in a
The site could be more than three!
All thoughts from the principle: For the formation of knowledge, the
concept of truth and knowledge, the principle of senses, the difference between thinking and senses, the recognition of reliability, the
mental indeterminacy and fantasy. (KNOWLEDGE & THINKING)
Intelligent (mental) and cosmological ethic. The regulatory power of
thought for human life and behavior. The inseparable relationship of thought and intellect from human life and behavior. The spiritual
relationship of human with itself. (INNER DIRECTION)
Cosmological theory by removing useless information,
reducing physical phenomena to the most general phenomena (to a few fundamental ones), simplification of concepts. Rational
interpretation of the structure of matter and astronomical world. Calculations according to measurements of physics, investigation of
natural limits, theoretical observations and investigation of coincidences. How natural laws and forces are applied. (COSMOS & MATTER, COSMOS & LIFE)
Life, human and society. Spiritual orientation: The global ethic
without the cloak of religion. The intellectual revolution for a moral state (without cheaters, speculators, and embezzlers of confidence,
from one person only or from a group under legal coverage). The intellectual orientation (moral) for society and for role of the state. (MAN
Review to earlier philosophical efforts, extracts from philosophical
comments and valuations through contemporary knowledge and experience. Philosophy, religion and belief. (PHILOSOPHERS)
1st publication
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Did you trust? Do not say you did not know.
Did you ask for trust? Take charge of your responsibilities.
Knowledge is not missing. Learn to doubt.
Life is yours. Thinking is yours?
The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias,
nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.
Do you discover the philosophy accidentally now? What is the
Philosophy. Philosophy & reality