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World laws precede the laws of every human society




Do not expect a better society with lies and dreams


<·> If we think about life and people with the appreciation that the world is greater and the phenomena more mixed than we think, with such a thought we will certainly not increase our knowledge. With such thoughts we will not become specialists and we do not have high expectations for creative action. However, the terrible role of ignorance for life and how life is being dragged by information is revealed and upgraded. Care for spiritual cultivation becomes necessary overall for the best of luck in life and not just for occupational rehabilitation. Excessive expectations of external action are reduced, the action is braked by logic and successes are degraded. We recognize our responsi­bility and then we stop a multitude of unnecessary and selfish efforts, comparisons and competitions, which we do just because we limit reality to thoughts on human society. In contrast to the misleading logic of some who ask us or motivate us to participate in efforts with blind trust ... Do not expect a better society for people with lies and dreams that ignore the natural world and the laws of a common reality. Prepare for the worst!


you will never know...Those who imagine a more beautiful and peaceful society think that they are based on the knowledge of the real world or do not count on their plans. The real world is usually remembered by a natural disaster and when their health is in danger. They think that their fantastic society can take place easier and faster and that some decisions from leader­ships would open the way. They think that their fantastic society can take place with the changes they propose to the present reality. If they are pre­requisites then they aspire that they themselves must rise to positions of power. They may not promise solutions with lies or fantastic means and do not wait for God's help. They are based on experience, trust science and think they are more consistent than some who imagine posthumous worlds. They will be surprised, but the society they imagine is probably the same fantastic and the same crazy dream as the posthumous world of a religious. Their dream is likely to be more dangerous and with dramatic developments that do not think. If some people think they know quite a bit of reality and society, they may have this illusion because they simply choose tools and methods from the real world and because they are optimistic with their action because of ignorance. If we take soil, sea pebbles and some beautiful flowers we will have some materials from the real world. But this choice of materials is not enough to make something that is applicable or the utility we would like. If we put them in a saucepan and boil them, so we will not make food. And historically, food has also proved to be not such a simple work as we would think if we were ignoring the variety of environment, people, popular traditions and endless choices. The result is also not as enjoyable for everyone ... and everyone could easily display their own choices and pleasures as cooking corrections.


cosmonomy signWorld laws and the conditions of reality impose consequences on separate things. These laws in a life with thought and knowledge cannot be ignored if this life wishes to maintain its mental contact with reality. World laws are not only for the movement of bodies and for the structure of matter. World laws include laws on the "movement" of life and on self-regulation. These are laws for the principle of senses in the bodies, the obtaining information from the environment and the self-regulation of the biological body, the principle of intellect and the spiritual direction of a biological body to itself. World laws include laws on an impartial spirit and behavior with awareness of ignorance and relativity of external things. World laws are not only for the natural world. These are also for the sensible world and the spiritual orientation of life. Many talk about moral values, without explaining how human life with these values will undoubtedly have the best of luck and such behavior as a person who is aware of reality. Most people have not appreciated how much moral values are important for human life and do not have high expectations of regulating life with them. They have the view that moral values are human thoughts that serve coexistence and that many others are still needed and more important to life. They have this under­estimated view of moral self-regulation because they perceive man exclusively as a biological body in a material environment and do not perceive any gods nor do they understand how the world has standards that favor a sincere, fair and impartial man. They are wrong! The moral values are obvious and global and are not just useful fantasies. Many people who believe in God have a better appreciation of morality and more expectations if life is regulated with moral principles, but their view is not convincing, according to the requirements for credible knowledge.






<•> More... at MANIFESTO FOR A GLOBAL ETHIC TO SPIRITUAL DIRECTION (GR publication). Some of thoughts here on web pages.



>>> THE BOOKS <<<











Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine. 




scientific instruments



compass in the brain

sense organs

>o<The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


Do you discover the philosophy accidentally now? What is the Philosophy. Philosophy & reality >>>►





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