: European Organism of Nuclear Researches. The bigger inquiring
centre in the world for research of Big Objectives (Big
Science), that needs the contribution of many countries.
Effort and research of all humanity. Attendance from 26
and more countries. More from 6500 scientists, 500 universities
and thousands workers. There, we find the bigger -this moment-
accelerator of elementary particles (LHC) in an undergrounds
circular tunnel of 27 km length. The cost of its manufacture more
than 6 billions Euros. Some of the experiments that
are prepare or execute in there to be completed after
a lot of years.
CERN and NASA, two names that cause awe, that assembles all know-how of planet
up to last scientific discovery and in that, they contribute many top-flight scientists and researchers of all specialties. We leave
outside… the inquiring centers and Universities of all developed countries
of earth.
Theory of a Completed Time and Relativity of Energy or Theory on a Complete and Common Time Universe:
Each educated person has
read (from
his school years still if was a studious pupil) that the observation and research of exclusively individual things leaves in dark, the
role of entirety and total for the existence, connection and regulation between its parts and their relations. Each educated person has
read and understood, that from analysis of a dynamic total in its components or in simpler parts certain relations
are lost, that are need and
exist only when the parts constitute a total (for
example, a human body).
Educated people has understood, that the whole and form are not always a sum of
parts, but is something more, particularly when the connection
between parts actualizes
dynamical and no statically.
Also, each educated person has heard and each scientist knows, that in a lot of separate observations on individual things and in a
multitude of phenomena, we find what they have common or what is repeated in time with the same conditions (as a law). From enormous
volume of data in our observation, from a multitude of experiments and after long-lasting verification, we reach in to a short
view-estimation, that is reported in a multitude of cases. In school, such concise and fundamental concepts in order to a multitude of
particular cases is in effect are marked as SOS. When one comes directly to the central idea - to which many observations of separate
phenomena end, if they are generalized - then the theorist has an advantage. This theorist
be able to explains impasses and errors of other researchers and goes a step more beyond, until those to awaken. If
thinking rationally lead in such abbreviations and general ascertainments,
if a big number of pages with a lot
of analyses can be summarizen, if particular
phenomena and things are need the
fundamental laws (that they regulate them), then:
WHAT has led many scientists to believe that theoretical investigation is more difficult than expensive experiments?
WHAT is it that discouraged so much researchers and they believe that we could not find the general thoughts from a rational
and theoretical research and we could not approach in segmental and particular discoveries, which the general concepts summarize them?
did obligate researchers to believe so much discouragingly, that through some generic thoughts (empty thoughts like the free
space...) was not possible some important conclusions and we could not discover important relations, which we observe tryingly or randomly them
from research of individual things?
WHAT made researchers to degrade and disinterested for the possibility of the human mind to do philosophical and rational
thoughts? Did they think with knowledge and logic or did they have any other expectations from their scientific research, experiments
and job?
The achievement of the Theory on a Completed Time and Universe will causes a lot of question marks about the human intelligence and role of
knowledge in the human faculties. It doesn't only give the solutions in many important philosophical and scientific questions, moreover
gives the answers with simple thoughts and best-aimed observations, in which many peculiar terms of sciences are reduced. The
intellectual arrest, the analysis of ideas and a multitude of consequences in science could result more soon and
one only mind, without costly experiments. Big fooleries could be avoided such as is the conjecture
of Big Bang Theory and excessive expectations from the study of minimal particles would had decreased. If the theoretical thought in the
cosmological questions could advance so fast and meet a multitude of scientific observations, then everyman can perceives a dangerous
void, in where each scientific research is perform acrobatics, when comes belated, with a lot of expenses and a feeling of satisfaction
to announces a same discovery, that a madman or intruder had think it. As it happens in personal life - when our views with which we
regulate our lives are overturned - is not acceptable easily and comprehensible to spoil the fable of scientific impartiality, the models
and symbols of reliability are ridiculed and an unexpected intruder brings professionals in disadvantageous position and more seldom,
such a unexpected person is a threat for concealed interests. This film with reactions, contempt and strictness in thought of
scientific world toward certain trailblazer… has been appeared many times
and a scientific investigation is needed. Not only researchers are incapable of discovering or correcting a mistake and supplement a
void of their knowledge, not only their thinking is frozen when they have not all the information of recipe with which they have learned to
resolve scientific problems, but neither can they recognize the approach to the solution such as a insignificant pioneer gives. Unfortunately, it needs many years
to pass in order to
the biases of scientific community are eradicated.
Anecdote that I thought for the electronic
pages on the Internet.
Says the professor doctor in
grandfather 80 years age :
- From independent researches on the repercussions of smoke in the health was
proved that the smoke at length time increases by far the probabilities to onset of cancer illness and it harms more generally our health.
- Grandfather: What a pity, these researches did not become when I was a young
man! I did not await that the smoking will harm my health!
- Professor: Yes, rightly you did not wait it, after nor science did not know
it! Now, we know precisely what are the damaging ingredients of smoke and how they affect in the human organism. Now, opens the way in
order to we create a new type of smoke with therapeutic attributes. Those who will be profited in the future will be more
than those harmed their health because of ignorance…
> The joke from the failed research in the last 80 years on the
creation of the Universe:
The Universe no simply was not created and is self-existed, but on the contrary, the Universe is the same as ever (unchanging as
a full total). That is to say,
fully opposite inference! What
did happen in the minimal time about 10-42 sec they can't answer. Very simply, because the Universe in
this minimal time was already as it is now, while
relatively for us its creation never
stops. There is not an absolute moment
t = 0 sec
Up to now, everyone could easily argues that the answers about the
creation and destination of world never will be conquered.
Whoever illiterate or educated person could
claims with reasonable thoughts,
that the questions about the existence of
God, beginning and destination of
world and beginning of life never will be answered or that they were some from the most difficult questions in the human
history. What theoretical consequences would result about many of philosophical, religious, scientific and moral
questions, if the totality of things (the Universe) exists simultaneously and nothing
did change? Then we would make the known thoughts of ancient Greek philosophers. No one did not dare places it or thinks the
consequences. Only in
imagination and in the game with words of few philosophers can pass
a similar
thought. The Universe
Is Complete and Simultaneous at the duration in where the Universe is incomplete (toward us) with enormous void space
and infinite possibilities. The proof and physical interpretation, how things change while the Universe Is complete
and simultaneous (it was not possible is given of Ancient Greek Philosophers) and what consequences from this
ascertainment result, they constitute the content
of many pages in this site. The Universe
always was completed and never
created. Not only it is not absent
but on the contrary, the world where is absent is useful immediately so as exist light, heat, radio-waves and structure of matter, physical matter through
which we are existing in space and time as separate
bodies! The (free) space is the Universe that researchers seek before a moment of Big Bang! A phenomenon is connected permanently with the presence of
each material thing and because of our experience,
we had not thought it as energetic and real. The physical interpretation on presence of the free space in the Theory on
a Complete
and Common Time Universe brings upside-down Sciences, philosophy and many human thoughts about the world, forever.
<<< Why the central idea in the Big Bang Theory is the
greatest stupidity in history of sciences? <<<
>>> A brief comparison between the "Big Bang" theory and theory of a complete and stabilized
Universe >>>