


For creatively thinking!



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The first contact of the philosophical inter­pretation with mathematic logic is the insert of the minimal and maximum limits and the addition of the indicator min and max respectively in the symbols of fundamental phenomena. The role of limits in the na­ture, as revealed for first time in the theory of a Finished Time and Complete Universe, leads us in certain relations between phenomena, which are appeared in our experience as entire different.


See, how can we think through observation in meanings of words, all that some specialized scientists think with the most complicated mathematics and with their scientific terminology. With theoretical observations and without experiments and mathematics and without we create new words for recollection of accidental scientific observations! With a rational analysis of some general concepts and with a theoretical connection between fundamental physical phenomena come out and finally are confirmed (with mathematics) the follow­ing:

1) A self-existent and complete Universe within a maximum period (of time).

2) The close relation of such a complete and stabilized Universe with limits in time and length (hence also with limits in motion).

3) The close relation of such a complete Universe with the presence of free and finite space.

4) The curvature of free space (a limit of longest distance and possibility for removal and approach simultaneously).

5) The presence of matter in role of carrier and initial wave changes for the existence of more complex (or indirect) material things, with the dynamic attendance of free space in wave process that maintains the structure of matter.

6) And the close relation of such a free (dynamic) space with phenomena of periodical change and with the known wave phenomena.

These are the fundamental theoretical aspects that constitute the core of cosmological theory that brings the paradoxical title " Theory of a Complete Time or Universe and Relativity of Energy", that is to say "a full Universe with all possible ways and dynamic free space".


The revelation about the role of matter for complex things and the instructive observations for the research begins in moment when we will formulate a concept of a Universe complete within interval of a Maximum Period. Look at few lines still here...> 

c, G, h, e, k, α, π


As we will see, leading physicists in decades that passed did not make the simplest thoughts and did not place the most obvious que­stions, before they place questions about the more complex pheno­mena and front they seek solutions in more com­plicated problems.


 The observation for limits in physical changes in general is one of many that escaped in physics, leaving intact the scientific doctrine of non-existence limits in nature and downgrading enormous experience with ob­servations for periodical phe­nomena and despite the knowledge of universal physical constants.


A constant proportion comes out with a process if the quantities or sizes altered with a limit and each by other made dependent, at such way so as, when a quantity is decreased the other is increased, also on contrary. When we perceive a constant relation in nature which belongs in a dynamic phenomenon or with a process of nature, if we are intelligent re­searchers immediately it should we think, that this constant relation results with certain changes that somehow balance each by other.



1986 ~ 2010









mini bang!

It is truth, the whole (equivalent) mass of the Universe " exists " in a point with the strongest gravitational force, but this point is not someplace in distant past. It exists lastingly in present with the form of a free but finite space (space of non-Euclidean geometry). The “Big Explosion” take place permanently and material Universe permanently is created everywhere in the disturbed space, in its smallest dimensions by its microscopic " explosions ". The Universe was always complete and never created. Not only this is not absent, but on the contrary, the world where is absent is useful immediately to light, heat, radio-waves and structure of matter exist, by which we are presented as separate biological things in space and time. The free space is the Universe that many researchers seek before a moment of Big Bang and it participates in the structure of matter by wave phenomena that are caused by the perturbation of its balanced energy. The smallest thing meets the big world not only externally... 


Since now on they will say: A simultaneous Universe, im-mediately and always complete, which appears isotropic absent and unfinished like a void container (when we see far of us), while it acts permanently with a strongest force in the minimal distance with phenomenon of nuclear attraction (when we see extreme near to us). The presence of mass and microscopic particles such as quantities of electro­magnetic energy in stagnant situations and at highest frequencies of waves (1020 Hz - 0,45244 x1042 Hz) will constitute a new theoretical unification, that leads to the identity of free space with the fixed energy of the full Universe








Interpretation & Math investigation



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κοσμολογία, cosmology, in German: Kosmologie, in Italian and Portuguese: cosmologia, in France: cosmologie, in Spanish: cosmología, in Russian: космология, in Chinese: 宇宙论, in Hindi: ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान (), in Turkish: kozmoloji, in Swedish and Norwegian: kosmologi, in Arabic: الكوزمولوجيا علم الكونيات , in Hebrew: קוסמולוגיה

φιλοσοφία, philosophy, in German: Philosophie, in Italian and Portuguese: filosofia, in France: philosophie, in Spanish: filosofía, in Russian: философию, in Chinese: 哲学, in Hindi: दर्शन (tattvadnyaan), in Turkish: felsefe, in Swedish and Norwegian: filosofi, in Arabic: الفلسفة , in Hebrew: פילוסופיה

 on 2024-09-30.


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