The relations where are presented in the subdivisions of the lengths and angles in the circle (trigonometrical relations), these same relations are presented in the all periodical changes. This was one of most important finding of the rational research. In the microscopic structure of matter and in the alteration of energy, these relations are presented as separate phenomena and attributes, while they are moments of periodical change of energy and relations between quantities. The ratio of geometric lengths and angles correspond to ratio of sizes and values that are altered or deviate periodically. Now, everyone can understands (without is a nuclear physicist or electrician), how many more important and useful are the geometric relations, that in the branch of mathematics have recorded and were named "trigonometry". And when we think about invisible phenomena where altered with the faster speed in microscopic space and found the nature, even an unintelligent in mathematics understands, in what trap better physicists have fallen many times over: They record an endless volume with fragmentary observations for microscopic phenomena and snapshots of action, without they have conscience for most close relation that these phenomena have always between them as moments of extreme fast processes. |
Physicists had believed that stability in the speed of light does not agree to the relativity of motions and speeds, if they added. The history of earlier researches is well known and corny. After measurements with experimental devices* a carrier for propagation of light (ether) - with a response and attributes such as some researchers had imagined - was not detected. The assumption about an ether was rejected. This was one than bigger errors in the history of physics, because: • It founded the concept about an absolutely free space in thought of physicists in all world and for a lot of decades. • The suspicions for the attributes of free space were cleaned and their systematic research was stopped. They chose to consider the free space like something rubbery. • The research for the beginning of nature was focused in the structure of matter and was limited in the search of elementary particles. • The wave phenomena were downgraded in research for the structure of matter and observation of these phenomena caused difficulties as an opposite phenomenon, that cannot coexist with motion of (separated) particles. • The natural phenomena in their theories had not stable limits and things were considered as individual bodies that are dependent only of their exterior conditions, without have a common point. All motions were considered as depended and allocated only in relation each of other, externally in the free space. • The speed of light was identified with speed of bodies and particles.
* Famous is the experiment Maikelson-Morley (Michelson-Morley) in the late 19th century
One century later... I sought to collaborate with a physicist in order to that completes the mathematic formulation of a new cosmological theory. A lot of persons that communicated with me imagined a problem formulated clearly with mathematics ready for solution, as are the exercises in school examinations. If the problem was formulated so and did not need more thinking about physical phenomena, then obviously innumerable professors would have solved this problem, in older years. However, the problem was to detected and described it, a new physical interpretation to comprehended and extended and some new physical phenomena appreciated. Some new relations between the phenomena had to be discussed or usual phenomena revised and an approaching to the solution with some initial calculations. Finally a problem was the formulation of problem with all its pieces (all parameters) that were needed for its mathematical solution.
κοσμολογία, cosmology, in
German: Kosmologie, in Italian and Portuguese: cosmologia, in France:
cosmologie, in Spanish: cosmología, in Russian: космология, in Chinese: 宇宙论, in
Hindi: ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान (), in Turkish: kozmoloji, in Swedish and Norwegian:
kosmologi, in Arabic: الكوزمولوجيا علم الكونيات , in Hebrew: קוסמולוגיה
φιλοσοφία, philosophy, in German: Philosophie, in Italian and Portuguese:
filosofia, in France: philosophie, in Spanish: filosofía, in Russian: философию,
in Chinese: 哲学, in Hindi: दर्शन (tattvadnyaan), in Turkish: felsefe, in Swedish
and Norwegian: filosofi, in Arabic: الفلسفة , in Hebrew: פילוסופיה
on 2024-09-30.
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