"They are not the exterior material things which with the movement, with the approaching, the removal, the union and their segregation these achieve a balanced total (of things) and the maintenance of physical laws. On the contrary, the completed total and its laws preexist..." All philosophical efforts about cosmological questions from time of Hegel and Maxwell up today were using discoveries from physics as reliable data. Philosophers had been trusted on these discoveries not only to strengthen their own theories but further were incorporating and using them in their theory in order to base and develop their own philosophical theories. Many thinkers seeing the rapid growth of sciences and mainly in physics were in a hurry to declare that Philosophy died. Some philosophers focused their thinking exclusively on questions of human logic, on epistemology, meaning of human life and political theories. Rarely happens (as much as I know in the last 150 roughly years), a philosophical theory is formulated beginning from usual general terms and by rational thinking (somehow as would have make a philosopher of previous centuries) achieved a formulation of proportions and physical limits with terms of physics, without experiments and calculations. The theory of a Complete Time and Universe achieves the interpretation of many physical phenomena and overall the diversity of cosmos and reveals their close relations by only one conjecture and fundamental phenomena. A theory by rational thoughts were unfolded in so long time gave symbols in universal limits and a plan of certain first calculations. An investigation begun with the strict terms of physics and first equations with aim to achieved solutions in earlier and in recent questions about the nature. |
• The unique concept, that the Universe always was completed and stabilized inside the limits of a longest time interval.
• The Total of material things influences simultaneously as a total each individual thing and predetermines their attributes and quantity of their structural elements.
• The role of the Totality for all individual things is revealed in Science as phenomenon of the free space and with electromagnetic phenomena, which are inherent with the free space and generate phenomena that cause the presence of particles and their attributes.
κοσμολογία, cosmology, in
German: Kosmologie, in Italian and Portuguese: cosmologia, in France:
cosmologie, in Spanish: cosmología, in Russian: космология, in Chinese: 宇宙论, in
Hindi: ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान (), in Turkish: kozmoloji, in Swedish and Norwegian:
kosmologi, in Arabic: الكوزمولوجيا علم الكونيات , in Hebrew: קוסמולוגיה
φιλοσοφία, philosophy, in German: Philosophie, in Italian and Portuguese:
filosofia, in France: philosophie, in Spanish: filosofía, in Russian: философию,
in Chinese: 哲学, in Hindi: दर्शन (tattvadnyaan), in Turkish: felsefe, in Swedish
and Norwegian: filosofi, in Arabic: الفلسفة , in Hebrew: פילוסופיה
on 2024-09-30.
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