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The fundamental concepts (meanings) for the description of the Universe, for the research on structure of matter and the first relations that need for the effectiveness of theoretical research are not the temperature and density of matter (or energy). The fundamental notions are time, length, period and change of motion and energy concerning one unit of time and still, the concept of stability or balance. These funda­mental concepts for the interpretation of physical world as a united total come out immediately and they are tied up from each other, when we consider the Total of things as one only thing, that maintains always precisely the itself, inside limits of a constant time period (= in the same time = simul­taneously). As we will perceive from the first thoughts, a multitude of phenomena (between them many particular phenomena that modern physicists are research in microscopic dimensions, phenomena without obvious connection or with connection like different phenomena between them), are reduced in only one phenomenon: motion and balance. Physical phenomena are diffe­rentiated by laws of motion with this first important discrimination: the unhindered motion in to free space (Newtonian motion and usual inertia) and motion where is caused by perturbation in balance and we say it "wave" (wave motion and negative inertia).

All phenomena are interpreted by the substantive pheno­me­non of motion and balance, which substantially is only one phenomenon. The (inborn) opposition cannot be interpreted with a third phenomenon and originates from a limit in the pace of increment of speed. With this ending begins the generic phe­nomenon of inertia and the deceleration in motion. The limits in motion are not only limits that regulate a multitude of different physical phenomena, but all different phenomena are produced and caused by limits in motion and with balance (with motions which are balanced and synchronized). This is the “ beginning for operation " in the Universe, because the com­plete Universe maintains its particular structure with the existence of minimal and biggest limits. Thus the Universe is presents as a material world in many different rates, but with necessary time margins and simul­taneously the Universe is absent (and so presents as a finite free space). It is always presents and relatively absentee in essential time margins.


All things are considered as shaping by most rapid oscillations of energy in a constant quantity, which is found in balanced situation. The total quantity of energy is the same quantity for all things and all structural elements take shape with the same fluctuations of energy by one and same dynamic free space. The periodical phenomena would be impossible and accidental in nature, if motion and change in nature were not regulated by immutable minimal and biggest limits. The limits in length and time in nature are fundamental and decisive for all phenomena, while the theo­retical consequences exceed the limits of physics...



Who has not look at a table, where the electro­magnetic spectrum begins with a minimal frequency some Hz and stops in high­est frequencies, that we observe them in radiation of stars or in radioactive matter… Seldom, however if never, we read a suspi­cion or this question about the finish of electro­magnetic spectrum. While all researchers know well this spectrum and a big part of the known spectrum is related with a lot of professions and spe­cialties, since a lot of decades ago. Why such disinterest?


The first publication on Earth


► We have observe an other type of motion that happens not unha­mpered (or unstopped), but exactly on the contrary because it is prevented. This is motion with waves.


The inertia is a phenomenon more generally of mass that begins by motion itself. The inertia never is absent from the nature. Almost 100 years physicists of all world are stuck like ants in honey, they inserted inertia within e/m waves, to embody in the constant h and then had no difficulty to talk about mome­ntum without mass.


The mass in the structure of matter is something that is caused or created by phenomena of alter­nating also periodical motion, which we know with the special term " electro­magnetic wave ". Do you knew, how we can find easy with the Newton's laws for me­chanical motions, that light is a wave (or alternate) change and particles are emanate from electro­magnetic changes ?


c = amax Tmin = amin Tmax


An of the biggest inattentions in scientific research on the structure of matter and creation of nature is the degradation of obser­vations for periodical phenomena (and a multi­tude of tri­gono­metri­cal rela­tions), where we observe in more motions in nature. On the contrary, the know­ledge of mecha­nics was overe­stimated exclusi­vely for practical rea­sons and we stuck in motions that are infre­quent in nature, recti­linear mo­tions, regular and without an end. The historian in the future will downgrades the intel­ligence of the predecessor physi­cists, that did not advance more fast or ef­ficiently the scientific re­search for the relations between the na­tural phe­nomena. No one physicist can not leaves unexploi­ted the obser­vation, that it can not a size is disturbed periodically or change as a regular­ly altered phe­nomenon, without receives a maxi­mum and minimal level. 














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κοσμολογία, cosmology, in German: Kosmologie, in Italian and Portuguese: cosmologia, in France: cosmologie, in Spanish: cosmología, in Russian: космология, in Chinese: 宇宙论, in Hindi: ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान (), in Turkish: kozmoloji, in Swedish and Norwegian: kosmologi, in Arabic: الكوزمولوجيا علم الكونيات , in Hebrew: קוסמולוגיה

φιλοσοφία, philosophy, in German: Philosophie, in Italian and Portuguese: filosofia, in France: philosophie, in Spanish: filosofía, in Russian: философию, in Chinese: 哲学, in Hindi: दर्शन (tattvadnyaan), in Turkish: felsefe, in Swedish and Norwegian: filosofi, in Arabic: الفلسفة , in Hebrew: פילוסופיה

 on 2024-09-30.


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