Human society is made up of normal people with terrible and
permanent weaknesses, biological, mental and spiritual weaknesses. These weaknesses do not hinder or discourage collaborations, but instead
collaborations are imposed and encouraged, while hesitation is degraded and ridiculed and tragically disapproved. The consequences of mental
weakness and lack of inner values (virtues) become more apparent when groups are organized, motivated, guided, represented and coordinated for their
Mistakes of thought, ignorance and delusion which are normal
in life are not exceptional moments in human life. Spiritual weaknesses are permanent and normal and transform (biologically and
psychologically) man into a monster of selfishness, greed, bigotry, hypocrisy and bring misery and misfortune like an avalanche. The
deluded man, his dark mentality, his bias, his worries and his fantasies are represented by whole states and countries.
Society is not a union, cooperation and coexistence of
lovable, rational and unfortunate people ("angelic" created), but mainly of normal people with terrible and permanent, mental and spiritual
weaknesses. Physiological weaknesses and insecurity, which, however, transform them into monsters of selfishness, greed, bigotry, hypocrisy.
It is not just political leaders who are responsible for all
the flaws of our culture, for the difficulties of peaceful coexistence and for many of the daily problems that afflict people.
When we think about the issues of Ethics or the purpose of
life then we quickly encounter extensions to the issues of justice.
Without Ethics, justice is really blind and without foundations, while reality is limited to
financial transactions and human collaborations. But collaborations without rules of ethics and with contempt for truth and law are groups
of clever bums and gangs of thugs.