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The reality that the facts hide from you ...

(The reality that is not news except for those who lived with lies, fairy tales and fantasies about themselves)

Encouragement for unbiased reading (a valuable guide 24/24)



authenticity stamp

All the thoughts and conclusions that you will read on the author's website and books are the presentation of an intellectual work which has been formulated in the long run according to common obser­vations and with logical interpretations. The intellectual work extends to a number of issues, which have been assessed as interrelated. This connection reveals the inadequacy and errors in the conclusions of experts, where we usually listen them with confidence. For the same reason, the conclusions and central views of this unified work can not fall under any known ideology and be characterized by a name as given to spiritual and political movements of the past. The presented work is huge for ordinary observations in the world and with the first thoughts that guide any research, and it is not knowledge of unique, rare and imaginary things. Web pages focus our attention on issues and reasonable thoughts that are not applied to construction and buying or selling things, and no such knowledge is transferred or relevant information with educational purpose, nor information about events and history. But the issues that emerge bring results directly to our views and our evaluations, our choices, our ability to have knowledge and not illusions and more widely in our behavior. Fundamental thoughts give a moral purpose to knowledge so that it is not random information and pointless knowledge and an endless verbiage.

picture puzzle as disposable information

The reality that the facts hide from you ...

The weather

Success story!

Zodiac signs - Astrology

See his house ...






Economy / Exchange

You will stick...

Goose bumps!

You'll love it!

You will not believe it!

You will never forget!

You'll change your mind!

You will lose your voice!


Do not be scary!

Only for the brave!

You had not imagined it!

Keep yourself well!

You will be surprised!


You would never do that!









A site that could be more than three!



How the research fields were divided for the books and website

<•> All thoughts from the principle: For the formation of know­ledge, the concept of truth and knowledge, the principle of senses, the difference between thinking and senses, the reco­gnition of reliability, the mental indeterminacy and fantasy. (KNOWLEDGE & THINKING)

<•> Intelligent (mental) and cosmological ethic. The regulatory power of thought for human life and behavior. The inseparable relationship of thought and intellect from human life and beha­vior. The spiritual relationship of human with itself. (INNER DIRECTION)

<•> Cosmological theory by removing useless information, reducing physical pheno­mena to the most general phenomena (to a few funda­mental ones), simpli­fication of concepts. Rational interpretation of the structure of matter and astro­nomical world. Calculations according to measurements of physics, investigation of natural limits, theo­retical obser­vations and investigation of coincidences. How natural laws and forces are applied. (COSMOS & MATTER, COSMOS & LIFE)

<•> Life, human and society. Spiritual orientation: The global ethic without the cloak of religion. The intellectual revolution for a moral state (without cheaters, speculators, and embezzlers of confidence, from one person only or from a group under legal coverage). The intellectual orientation (moral) for society and for role of the state. (MAN & SOCIETY)

<•> Review to earlier philosophical efforts, extracts from philo­sophical works, comments and valuations through contempo­rary knowledge and experience. Philosophy, religion and faith. (PHILOSOPHERS)







planet EarthThe 1st publication








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left hand










scientific instruments



compass in brain

sense organs

>o<The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


Do you discover the philosophy accidentally now? What is the Philosophy. Philosophy & reality




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