> On the following pages: The issues below are considered fundamental and some
thoughts are briefly listed, which are formulated as answers to important questions or are thoughts that are supported as correct. The fundamental
thoughts on the credibility and principle of knowledge (unity 'knowledge & thinking') and the need for spiritual self-regulation (unity 'inner direction') are
closely linked to the fundamental thoughts of this unity about society and the state and prepare a new policy. If their close and logical connection is not recognized and if not
appreciated as fundamental thoughts, then we do not recognize some characteristics of a common reality. Then the goals are tempting and the world as we would
like it in our dreams and events create the illusion of our contact with reality* (as realists), but the opposite is the case. So society is not adapted
according to reality, but with human fantasies, biased and paranoid ideologies. (* Events and incidents are moments of reality, they are passing. Reality is not
something that passes, but something that has continuity and remains).
Human "sociality" is not necessarily linked to
morality, logic, charity and common interest, while one can be social and participate in many events and at the same time ruthlessly exploit human
relationships for his personal benefits. Human society is made up of normal people with terrible and permanent biological and psycho-spiritual
weaknesses. These weaknesses do not impede and discourage cooperation, but on the contrary, cooperation is imposed and encouraged, while hesitation is
downgraded to the point of ridicule, if not tragedy. Man is not one -sided logical and social in a good sense.
People become competitors and exploiters of all human weaknesses through their
partnerships and participation in groups.
Human society is a complex, contradictory and unstable spiritual reality that no one
knows well. Mistakes, delusions, lies, fantasies, bad desires and moods that people each have
separately, these persistently and collectively appear in society, if human life is without spiritual direction. The findings for human weaknesses
and restrictions, our mental relationship with the natural environment and some natural laws are global findings and should be included in the first laws of the
Constitution in each country.
Human history is downgraded to random events by the action of paranoid animals that
had focused their strengths on establishing their presence, on their safety, on their relaxation and satisfaction of their needs, on their social
relationships and on their resolution of their differences. Human relations and society affirm the drama and the nonsense of the unyielding action
with external values, the lack of thought and self-awareness, and the overmuch certainty and confidence.
A civilized State gives priority to ensuring that people's survival does not depend
(under terms) on paid work, on the "logic" of the jungle (where everyone uses his or her advantage to exploit the other's defect).
There is a need for a just State and for policies that focus on the intellectual
development of citizens and not just on economic or technological development.
In a society of selfish and ambitious people, where one man thinks how to deceive
and exploit the other to satisfy his personal desires, and with the tolerance of the State, even the educational system (except primary education)
has evolved to serves this immoral purpose: that is, it serves the deception and promotion of personal interests with the power of Science.
Many observations on human behavior and human relationships have been made since older years, to all peoples
and are not of imagination. Many state laws and justice are based on these ethics observations, without noticing it. For example, we must not kill and torture
other people or should not handle them as machines or deceive them, etc. Morality in human life does not only begin with the need for offering and respecting
the whole population and it is not limited in some good deeds. Ethics has always been intertwined with impartiality, honesty, self-consolidation, credibility,
spiritual cultivation, justice and tolerance (imposed by the impartiality and questioning of our role in the world). Ethics also begins with the need for
awareness of ignorance and a life of spiritual values (virtuous), internally oriented and self-improvement. The fundamental principles of ethics that man
detects in his spirit have their beginning in the real world and are global, such as natural laws. Ethics and law begin before the emergence of man, from the specifications of the overall
nature. The internal orientation / direction of life and moral values are only found by man in his spirit and not by observing external phenomena. Natural laws
regulate external and lifeless phenomena, from which the biological body is never cut as long as it exists. Natural laws until the emergence of other forms of
life without thinking impose regulations on animal behavior and adaptation to the environment, which is almost exclusively limited to their survival. The human
spirit is literally forced to think with the knowledge of broader reality, and thus natural laws are detected by the human spirit within itself as conditions
for knowledge, logical thinking and action. Then views on regulating individual behavior are shaped, both in directly serving ourselves and our behavior towards
other people. Ethics with inner values and in conjunction with thinking is somewhat imposed by nature itself before we form the idea of morality in our minds
and before we find the need to formulate some rules of behavior. Ethics is global and interdisciplinary knowledge and did not accidentally meet religions. When
we process the issues of ethics and human behavior or about the destination of life, then we quickly encounter extensions to the issues of understanding,
justice, cooperation, and thus politics. The role of ethics was discredited because it was "shredded" for other fields
of science, such as psychology, social sciences and many rules "grabbed" for the needs of politics and assimilated into State legislation.
The Ethic of spiritual orientation reveals the frightening paranoia of legislation
hidden behind the brilliance of global ethic. The laws of the State are not the laws of nature nor of God, and not only have shortages and need
corrections, but even worse, they hide a terrifying paranoia. The laws of the State are not always in line with the purpose and rules of ethics.
Political laws
are not aimed solely at a life of spiritual values and on the contrary they may not serve such life and prevent it. For most people, peace is that fantastic balance and tolerance in society that they need in order to
abuse it unhindered and to take undisturbed advantage of all the benefits of a materialistic lifestyle. When you can steal and take advantage of the
weaknesses of the world under protecting the laws and State, then many people will not be in a hurry to steal in person, in the traditional way,
which is easily perceptible. In a civilized society with the law of jungle, even the victim needs to be well-informed, highly educated, to thinking
and writing as a scientist, and able his voice be heard. Otherwise the victim becomes a ball between the services and a client of psychologists and
As long as survival of many people depends on the marginal remuneration of a job and
the forced choice of a random job, and these people have not had the fortunate chance to inherit or acquire property, in such financial inequality
those who can offer remuneration or other services of similar value have the advantage for the use of murderous and covert violence. Some would like
to own all the benefits and any violent reaction is forbidden. But the complete world is not such as they imagine (with their mind limited to some
people and some social events).
Misery, injustice, accidents, war conflicts, victims and hostile relationships we observe in all lengths and widths
of the earth are not the excessive assessments of a man. These phenomena need some interpretation and even unified for all areas of the earth ... Accidents, war
conflicts, extreme economic inequalities, harsh competitions for profit only, and by megalomania, slavery, diseases of chemical abuse, deception, violent behavior,
blackmail, constant insecurity in everyday life and dissatisfaction if they can disappear from the next day! This social improvement cannot be carried out
without the rapid and moral adaptation of legislation and without some losing their advantageous positions and the favor of the rogues.
Life with internal orientation, spiritual values and impartial logic is global because it is based on
natural laws and from the beginning of life. The State with these principles that we consider to come from the field of (cosmological) ethics, will also gain
credibility, not only to its own inner society, but also against other states ... In the political and legal relations that states have with each other, the
State with the foundations of science and the principles of global law will be able to claim or apply pressure with the power of science. (...) From such
friction will cause legal competition, which will further develop ethics issues, extend its implementation and in the unknown future, most states will be forced
to adapt to new rules by International Organizations and for cooperation reasons. Thus, as is the case in general, scientific discoveries and proven knowledge, sooner or
later they are spreading in all countries of the world, despite the differences of societies between them, while the wrong views are rejected. (...) The
organization of society with the foundations of spiritual values does not only serve a small group of the population. Over time, the whole of society will be
forced peacefully to adapt.
Subtitle: Human fantasies and lies without self-knowledge.
The central and necessary concepts for a worldwide ethic founded to the spiritual direction of human life.
In this book, a modernized and revamped Ethic is fixed on priority of the spirit for itself in linkage with the human thinking. It has prospect as a
global manifesto because this ethic is presented as science (for regulating life with knowledge, impartial thought and reason) without imagination
of religions. The inner / intellectual direction of life is explained under tutelage of thinking, unified with Logic and having into account the
natural laws that restrict the human possibilities (that is to say, an Ethic that don't ignores the natural laws, the reality and cosmology).
Thoughts are extended up to sociological and political issues linking this intellectual ethic with trust and collaborations.
The reading and printing of the treatise can be easy without graphic environment from separated files (as are
the PDF).
It is not
usual someone to talk about morality of inner orientation and proceeds rationally to political issues, particularly for the role of State.
Thoughts of this "intellectual" ethic extend to political issues, since cooperative relationships are linked to trust, and therefore to
people's intellectual credibility and moral responsibility. The transition to political and sociological issues was made in a book* written
in order to support the leading and moral role of spiritual orientation directly for one's life and for entire society; how morality begins,
what is regulated by behavior and what is changing in human life. We not only detect the important role of persons to society and directly for
their own life. Next, the need for a "moral State or Polity" is upheld, which by its policy will encourage choices for a society of spiritually
active people while discouraging choices that favor a materialistic way of life and a speculative view of the world. There is a need for a just
State and for policies that focus on the spiritual / intellectual development of citizens and not just on economic or technological development.
Subversive changes to the State Constitution and Legislation are needed, and much theoretical work must be preceded, with the priority being to
protect people from the exploitation of ignorance and intellectual weaknesses and to discourage abuse of confidence. Forget the ideologies of
dreams and fantasies... that ignored or despised the natural laws and limitations of reality!
1st publication
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THE PREVIOUS EDITIONS (limited editions)
What they didn't think in Physics and
Philosophy... with common words
► In civilized society with the law of jungle, where one man thinks about how to deceive and how to
exploit the other in order to satisfy his personal desires and with the tolerance of the State, even the education system has come to serve this purpose:
deception and favor of personal interests with the power of Science. In a society of paranoid, fanatical and selfish people, where they are trained and
specialized having the axiom, that "for my survival I will take advantage of your ignorance and weakness", we cannot hope ... Frivolous perception of things,
credulity, habit, overestimation our abilities and limitation of reality in transactions and people's cooperation are not "realism".
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The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias,
nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.
If the Ethics of inner / spiritual orientation
is not a Science! >>>►