Attention! Exist translational errors


spider-cobweb  Even only one error can be hidden back from a multitude of erro­neous thoughts and supplies fantastical scripts and inex­haustible discu­ssions

 (multiple crash from one error of thought even from a word...)



? on book Phenomena that are rejected. More concretely


Immaterial entities (with any name) are endowed with attributes of material things and their behavior is described in the same way as the one that we observe in known material things. They move in the three-di­mensional space, without an explanation of the mechanism of their move­ment and steerage, communicate with us in the language that we know and also without misunder­standings… These spiritual entities see in the same way and the same things as we humans do, have sentiments (e.g. rage or sympathy) and externalize them, have need to communicate or play a role, sometimes a serious role and other times ridiculous, understand our own thought and distinguish it from a lot of other thoughts, intervene in material deve­lopments in order to deter them or to accelerate them etc. Witness or narrators can tell us nothing about the manner that these spiritual entities transmit their thoughts to us and how all signs of their action are obliterated.


Often this imaginary and distorted description of things is desirable and aims in certain cases at the deceit and showing of our personal possibili­ties. Imagination is manifested because the description of fantastic events is contra­dictory and coarse-cut and immaterial entities behave easily with absence of any restriction of the bodies while they have si­multaneously behavior of material bodies. They can go through ma­terial things freely, see inde­pendently from distance and obstacles, neutralize gravity and hover, without the known processes of actuation and working, are maintained without food and without the known biological ac­tivities, have any form and shape or appear in front of our eyes in such a way. 


Of course, endless questions are raised from such contradictions and their arbitrary attributes, to which we cannot answer since we do not have obser­vations of these actions and their results. Each one of us can think as it wish­es as storyteller, without possibility to judge these thoughts for their correct­ness and of course without acquiring more knowledge, which would be ap­plied for new technologies. Do these immaterial and spiritual entities change during the passing of time? Do they age and die? Do they also tire and be­come sick? Do they use or produce energy in order to move and be main­tained? Are they found separated somewhere or are they not separated from each other and do not have distance from each other? Do their existence de­pend on their envi­ronment or do they not have an environment? Do they have some structure and are they constituted by organized and adjusted parts and if not, then how do their differences result? Do they react to the influ­ences of their envi­ronment and how far away do they perceive? Do obsta­cles exist that complicate their movement or their visibility? Also how and from where do they receive the influences of material world and how do they distinguish them between multitude of effects? Do they think and does their thought cause senti­ments and exterior movements? Do they have a mental existence or they themselves are independent mental phenomena (self-existent) without a material " wrapping "? Do they communicate be­tween them and create personal relations? Is their behavior regulated by knowledge or by instincts? Do they make errors or know and act rightly al­ways? The list of questions does not have an end, since we need to make a new world for these imaginary events, in order these questions to be an­swered. 


Those who claim or believe that such spiritual entities exist, as souls, spirits, ghosts, angels, demons and whatever they are differently called (as everyone gives a name to or imagines a god) have ever won­dered about these questions? Have they ever thought of the impasses, contra­dictions, incentives and eventually, if their peculiar imaginary world is better than our own usual world? If we invoke our own inability to answer to the queries and to understand these extravagant phenomena (that we imagined), then this attitude of ours reflects the bias, the cowardice and the lack of wish for research. Anyone can say everything and think of some impressive stories. However, they should not have the requirement to we waste our time in order to prove an error or lie of theirs (who do not have rea­sonable thinking or do not have respect for the rules of logic). If someone describe or explain to us a phenomenon is not enough. It is needed to give us answers also to the queries that are caused by their allegation and all the information that helps research and does not mislead it. Then, on this condition, we will discuss such a phenomenon more seriously and with more expe­ctations.

" It is inexplicable! ": When we claim that something which we imagined or we heard from someone exists or happen, while it has actually never ex­isted or happened, then such fantastic events or effects can't be explained. Then fantastic events easily characterized as " inexplicable " and " supernatural ". How can some­thing be explained that has never existed and also how to de­scribe some­thing which we can't observe? For example, how can we explain that the green horse does have feathers and can fly, since such a horse does­n't exist? How can we explain, that someone removes the stones with their gaze, if we have never seen it happen first and if such a way is not investigated? How a god which has been created by human imagina­tion and is found nowhere in the world can be explained and proved? How can we speak with certainty about something, for which source of information or possibility of confirma­tion doesn't exist? Each one of us can say anything believe and as wish. If, however, the con­firmation is impossible, then our precious time and our thought is perhaps spent for non-existent things, when we have in­deed enormous ignorance for a lot of things found surely around us. It is not at all intelligent. However, imaginary things and worlds constitute a subject that causes mass interest and curiosity of magazines and of elec­tronic media. In the better case, imaginary things widen the field of thought, strengthen creative thought, encourage doubt and give some views of philo­sophical investigation.



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thoughtA mark of correctness and consistency of each theory: The theory not only it describes or explains a phenomenon, but it answers also in queries that this same cause.



Is there an evolved form of life or extraterrestrial civilization beyond our planet?



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