The great advantage of human thinking. The abstract notions
By the abstract notions of only three words " part ", " change " and " interaction ", all things in my thought had become unstable and without explicit limits of beginning and ending! Really, the easiness with which I was talking about the total of things, was causing a difficulty to me, when I was talking about a concrete thing! By the most abstract notions of the world and with the simplest thoughts, I understood that great voids existed in our knowledge about the visible things and phenomena of casual and provisional absence of their relations! However, these same easy thoughts, from which the conclusion for the complexity of things resulted theoretically, led easily to conclusions and solutions about many other problems and about irrelevant issues, which we evaluate as more difficult. This is for example, the role of the inorganic matter in the Universe and the relation of matter with a minimal time of an energy change. Another example is the necessity of interruption in the evolution and in time of existence of all things, including the living things. I want to remark here, one of the many paradoxes of the philosophical undertaking that resulted to a book under the title " The Theology of Science ". In the long and everyday effort to formulate the theoretical thoughts about the traits of all things, the concept of "force", which is a well-defined phenomenon in physics and is described with mathematical precision, was not used. Paradoxically, in my own juvenile philosophical effort, this notion was not used in order to avoid unknown phenomena and because I hesitated to attribute the force as a certain trait of all things. Well or badly then, I considered that the term " force " expressed an inexplicable and metaphysical phenomenon, the way in which it is caused should be explained and not to use this term in order to give explanations. I preferred to use some other terms to replace the " force ", some terms which I considered to be more explicit and safe in order to denote something about the things. I preferred to think about the things as if they were themselves that affected and influenced or had possibilities for interaction with their movement or with the mediation of some intermediary things. The term " force " reminded me of phenomena that could exist without the material world, invisible, bodiless and independent existences, something that I couldn't accept under the abstract concept of " thing ". The things of which I was thinking were inextricably connected within a whole, were permanently interacting and they could in no way be preserved or exist without bidirectional interconnection with the material things. Somehow like this, I was formulating everyday for many hours thoughts and reworded them with minor differentiations and I was writing many pages… I will not extend my thoughts further here to narrate how the first book " The Theology of Science " was written and what was written in it. I only emphasize the great advantage of human thinking and I make comprehensible that we can think efficiently and consistently (rationally) about issues, that seem to be the most difficult. We can approach in solutions of scientific problems or to simplify them, without having to specialize in few concrete things. Moreover I emphasize, that in certain cases, some of the philosophical and scientific questions cannot be answered with the knowledge of individual things but, on the contrary, the questions are obscured and some fallacies are caused. Many times we do not know so well as some trained and skilled persons know. But our ignorance does not prevent us from thinking. When we talk and express our thoughts, then we apply rules of logic and grammar in order to be understood. Certain rules of logic and language are necessarily applied and do not depend on any specialization. Instead, all sciences apply these rules of logic and grammar. Mathematics also applies rules of logic, regardless of our measurements for things. For example: The elements of a set are somewhat connected to each other or it is possible to be connected with each other in only one most effective way. This is a logical thought applied by all sciences. The elements X of a set S can be named differently in different sciences when the object of research is different. The parts can be called "gears" in engineering, "electrons" in atomic physics, "people" in sociology, "States" in politics, "cells" in biology. Read some more connecting rules of things as provided and imposed by rules of logical thinking. The following thoughts are some of the first thoughts about cosmological research that introduce someone to the field of cosmology. But you will not find them written in any books about cosmology. • The whole is more than just its part. • The whole is not the part, but it does not completely differ from what it contains. • The parts are somewhat connected to each other. • If the parts are numerous, then some are interconnected with less mediation. Some other parts are interconnected with more mediation. • If the parts change, then the ways, in which they are connected, change somewhat. Conversely, if the ways of linking the parts change, then the parts themselves change somewhat. • The set includes the parts and together includes the ways these parts are connected. • If the parts change, then the whole includes parts from different time intervals. • Parts of the parts are also parts of the whole. • Many parts together are again a part of the whole.
> Every thing can affect in many ways under certain common conditions. Every specialist is forced to investigate and describe the result according to the following conditions and answer the corresponding questions. The result is always affected: · From the distance. How much is the distance of things? The distance was constant or changed, and how often did the distance change? · From the surface approaching. How much is the surface of the body and which side approaches? · From the duration (of the time interval) of the influence. How long did things stay in touch or in the distance of interaction? Was it all the time at this distance? · By the stability of the form and structure of the thing that affects it. (For example, it is fluid or in gaseous form and how hard or soft it is). The stability of the form and structure is important, because whether the body has a stable surface or stable limits and how this body has connection with other bodies, depends on stability. In addition, whether parts of it are detached, transferred and mix with other bodies and how often these distortions occur, depend on stability. · From the environment in which things are connected or approach and whether their environment is changeable. That is, if things are surrounded by liquids or gases, or if they are in a vacuum, if they are pressed by the application of other things and what the temperatures are. · The effect is influenced by the application of other forces that maintain the contact of things or make contact more indirectly (eg friction). The effect is influenced by whether the forces are applied steadily and by the characteristics of force such as size, angle, time etc. · The effect is influenced by how many other parts interfere and whether the forces between them are concurrent or canceled. · Finally, the effect is influenced by how many other results are produced on the receiver of the action modifying it and by many other attributes of receiver.
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