Basic terms for rational thought in Science and Philosophy
The common features and properties (attributes) of all things on a simplified chart. The Theory of a full and stabilized Universe has been unfolded by this first and logical concept for the totality of physical things:
In the first observations of these fundamental relations is the observation for the structural elements such as "minimal moments" through which the full cosmos begins by the free space. The definition of a universe that is always itself same within a maximum total time (maximum period) inserts a key feature, which the researchers did not gave signification or the opposite consideration had blindly accepted: The feature of a limit in space and time. Since these same initial thoughts the close relation between rhythm-period and structural elements is resulted. So, the research is rational and is oriented for detecting wave phenomena. From these same initial concepts many other surprising findings and conclusions follow in obvious logical link between them, as are: > The close relation between the principle of conservation of energy with stability of the universe, with discontinuity and with tend to restore equilibrium. > The limits in the distance and time, and the curvature of the global free space. > The close relation of the free space with existence of a common energy quantity. > The close relation of matter with fast cyclic variations in a common substance. > The close relation of gravity with a dynamic and centralized energy of free the space. > The relation of matter with fluctuations in the energy of free space. > The relation of reducing energy and speed c with the presence of matter. In the first volume of the cosmological theory, in a footnote has been recorded an influence of Hegel's Logic for my fine observation of a "partially being". Then (1990) in a attempt to correct the extreme opposition (contradiction) between “Being” and “Not Being” in his Logic, I noticed that between “Being” and “Not Being” was not wholly and entirely conflict. But this conflict came from a contrast between the Total Being and Partial Being. It took some years thoughts and rewrite this relation (Total Being - Partially Being) in terms of Physics and confirm that the definition of a Complete and Stabilized Universe is not misplaced, illogical and in conflict with our experience! Full and stabilized Universe and its matter coexist.
"The Theology of Science" ©2000, publications "Dodoni",ISBN 960-385-019-5, pages 448This was a philosophical book (in GR), which was written in a period of ten years, so that some questions regarding the substance of things (and other questions of Philosophy) could be answered with the use of common vocabulary and this by avoiding infrequent experiences and all earlier theories. A multitude of accidental and fragmentary ascertainments in our experience and a lot of separate explanations can result more fast, more easily and not accidentally. They can globally and briefly deduced through the rational analysis of notions, by the correlation of few general concepts and our possibility we know all things through some observations of relations and resemblances of nearest things of our experience. This view (about the rational thinking) I had aim to prove in this philosophical book "The Theology of Science" but eventually a tiring and illegible book was written. How was it written (the personal experience) rather it will is an other more interesting book…
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