" Every part of the Universe isn't the total from the all moments (of time) and with this definition, the
part exists always (perforce) at a partial moment and not at an other (moment of time) " .1
" The things are direct parts of the same reality and constitute a common Total " .2
" Things have relations each one with other, that is to say they interact and are influenced between
them " .3
" Things interact immediately and indirectly, at different and at the same moments, in a lot of
different ways " .4
" Causes and results are themselves the things and their behavior. (...) 5 Every part of reality is a
cause which is not common for all results and simultaneously it is a result, which is not common for the all causes and interacts with rest parts " .6
" The relation or connection of the part with the total reality is not only indirect and external " .7
" Every part of reality always differs immediately from its totality… " .8
" Two things without anything common (element) in their quality or in their relations with the other
things, would be utterly different, utterly irrelevant and without any possibility for direct or indirect influence " .9
" When we say that the things are dependent between them, we mean, that they are influenced permanently
regarding what they are, how they are constituted, from which things they originate and the ways, in which they are the rest of the things or some
other of them " .10
" Where an interaction exists, there the common traits of the cause and result always exist " .11
" The results of a cause are not the results of another cause and we find some causes, which are irrelevant
to certain results or they have a faraway indirect relation, which they could not have. As we say, a lot of causality chains exist combined "
" The same cause on different things cannot have precisely the same consequences, while different or
opposite effects can be determined in direct
or indirect relation with some other causes. The same cause can determine a different result and the same result can be determined by a different cause… " .13
" In reality, every part influences and modifies the other parts, however not everything (all parts), at the
same moment " .14
" The influences are continued with some ways that are not stably determined (immutably) causing
changes in the quality, activity and interaction of the intermediate things and thus results exist, which are not regularly determined by one and the same
cause. In other words, results are materialized or exist, for which certain of the causes have ceased to exist or to determine them and reversely: There
are causes that don't constitute the alone or first beginning for the existence of certain results and however, these contribute or are
useful for the existence of these results, even when these causes are not exist" .15
"The so-called indeterminism or luck is in reality the unstable determination, (a changing determination),
which is explained by the indirect (and relative) contribution that the connected parts of reality have with each other " .16
" Nothing, which isn't the sufficient cause of itself, can be the alone cause for the existence or
quality of another (...) However, it can't be no cause or not produce a result… " .17
" The alone (or sufficient) cause (...) which does not have another cause except of itself, is the perfect total of them (consequently, it is also these things together)
contrary to the partly causes ".18
" The same things are certain causes of themselves, because their existence is a part of one and same self-determined
quality and not only an external part and for this reason, they are specified not only indirectly - externally. Their sufficient cause is not an
external fundamental cause nor an external final cause, it is their direct total, in which things are immediately parts (without any mediation)" .19
" So that interaction can exist (or difference in time), things must exist, which aren't the sufficient
cause of themselves " .20
" Everything can be considered to be a partial effect -externally to other
things and independently of the moment at which it exists- for the realization of which the rest of the things have indirectly (without a beginning)
contributed as certain
causes " .21
" Independently of the moment in which everything begins to exist, it has been influenced more indirectly by
every other thing and has influence indirectly every other thing " .22
" All things constitute a constant Total inside in limits of a (total) time, they aren't numberless, they do not
interact with unlimited ways and the most indirect way with which everything influences one another isn't infinite " .23
" The most indirect ways of interaction are these, which have always been realized (without a
beginning). (...)
Which are these more indirect results, which are always specified in the quality of everything? As it will be proved, these common elements are the
common ways of interaction, which are named "matter" " .24
" The results from the most indirect interaction of things are the things by less interactions (...) 25 They
constitute stabilized ways of influence, that we name matter. (...) 26
• " The material elements are the stabilized ways with which the Universe has
always been realized at its minimal moment and these elements constitute the simplest qualities (of things) in an abstract reality " .27
" The most indirect way, via which a thing influences every other thing after a time interval and through all
the other parts, must be common and constantly the same way, and another more indirect way must never exist" .28
" The reality in its entirety of Time is finished (before the relative moment at which its parts are exist as
external) and for this reason, it is not only the things of the previous moments which influence the things at the next moments, but also reversely…
" .29
" The substance is the fixed and uncreated beginning of relative things and this does not mean, that the
substance is what remains from the abstraction of every change and action. From such a substance the quality and complexness would be absent. Not only
relations, changes, possibilities can't exist without the substance, but also the substance cannot exist as the first - common source without these
last ones " .30
" The material elements are ways, via which the Universal Quality begins relatively indirectly to become at its minimal moment " .31
" The carriers of indirect interaction and for configuration of things, the so-called "matter", are
the things
with the fewest ways of interaction at the same time. They are a relative lack of quality and reality into the totality of reality and they cannot interact with
many different things at the same time (or in many ways at the same time)”32
• "If the reality were not finished (in all possible ways) or at
earlier moments - before the moment at which it is still realized with respect to us - then there would be no free space”33
• "The effect of the free space on the quality of things happens in shorter time than minimum, ie
directly and simultaneously on all structural carriers (of matter)”34
• "every beginning into the free space is realized relatively retrospectively by
the carriers of indirect interaction and the beginning of the existence of these carriers lies outside space, that is, it is direct and occurs in
distance less than the minimum, by the universe of other sub-moments, which does not relatively exist”35
• "Different complex qualities cannot be explained by just a few common and
external substances for the same reason that the existence of differences in the original common (and simple) substances could not be explained."36
" The part as theoretical and abstract is always the same, it is always a part, but its ceaseless change
means that it is not precisely this same and without quality. The concept of change and time presuppose, that this part is changing partly and isn't
only one or simple " .37
" The things exist as limited and exist in such a way that they exist in reference to others. They exist via the
mediatory existence of many other things and their
connection in a environment, necessarily according to the physical laws. In this sense the phrase "indirect existence of things" was used.
Their indirect and separate existence presupposes a lack of directness, time and substance. (...) All things are directly the same common substance
and through this they are connected immediately, simultaneously (...) If the totality of things weren't a direct cause of itself and didn't exist
with a stabilized quality (like a total Time), then the so-called things would not constitute some ways of a common substance (...) and they
neither could exist with a
relatively constant and unified quality nor could they have some common traits " .38*
(©2000, ISBN 960-385-019-5 )