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 Some excerpts about the cause and result

(The Gr web page was added in December 2018)


The first universal relationships that specify the limits of knowledge and eliminate some foolish questions. Some of these relationships and thoughts are detached and listed with a priority below.1


ISBN 960-385-019-5


1) "Where there is an interaction there is always the common features of the cause and the result ..."

2) " Things interact directly and indirectly, in different and in the same times, in many different ways and the contributors of an interaction are not the same for any other. That is, the results of a cause are not those of another cause ... In fact we find causes, which are irrelevant to some results or have a distant indirect relationship that they could not have. As we say, there are many combined chains of causality. (...) Every part of reality is a cause not common to all results and is at the same time a result not common to all causes and interacts with other parts."

3) "When one thing is constantly and directly affecting another, then in this duration, one is the cause of a result or a way of influenced, thus indirectly to itself and thus again in the way it affects ...". (Retroaction, feedback)

4) "The same cause on different things cannot have precisely or all the same consequences, while in direct or indirect relationship with the existence of other causes, different and opposite effects may be determined. The same cause may determine a different result and the same result can be determined by a different cause, because the determination is more complex".

5) "In fact, each part affects and modifies the rest, but not all parts at the same time. Because, if it defined changes in anything else and in all other ways of interaction, then there would not be many things at different times and nothing as part. All changes should have always been made and every thing would depend on the rest only directly, as if they were (simultaneously) parts of itself or the same itself".

6) "Therefore, influences continue in ways not consistently determined, with changes in quality, activity and interaction of inter­mediate things and thus there are results, which are not consistently determined by one and the same cause. In other words, results are performed, which some of the reasons have ceased to exist or determined them and vice versa: there are reasons that are not the only or the first principle for the existence of some results and yet they contribute - serve the existence of them, even when these same causes do not exist. Indirect (or external) interactions exist because all things (and causes) are not simultaneous coexist (or without all possible ways) and vice versa".

7) "Every thing, which is a part of the universal quality, indirectly affects the rest and behaves a cause for results in times when the thing ceases to cause the same way or to exist. Conversely, every thing, as a result of some ways of influence and some direct causes, has always been co-determined by things that have ceased to exist or make causes on it".

8)2 "Therefore, the 'relationship' has a concept broader than that of 'interaction' and it is possible not to see any interaction between one thing and another, with which it coexists or not, but that does not mean that they do not have relationships".

9) "Any thing externally of other things and regardless of the moment in which it exists can be considered as a partial result, for which all other things have been indirectly (and always) affecting as some causes. The rest of the things must have predetermined some common ways of influence and potential in its quality, some common elements that have anything else (because everything is related to the same more indirect way)".

10) "What are these most indirect results, which are always determined in the quality of every thing? As will be shown, these common elements are common ways of interacting, called matter".

11) "When we explain a part of reality or its relationships only with a few other things and in some of their ways of interacting and not with their common all, then it is obvious that there is something left and some causes that we do not explain (either for one reason either for the other) as if they were completely irrelevant. No thing, which is not the sufficient cause of itself can be the only cause of the existence or quality of another, and its effect does not consistently determine a result completely regardless of others".

12) The only (or sufficient) cause of the existence, quality, abilities and relationships of things, which has no other reason other than itself, as opposed to the some causes, is their perfect set (and therefore those things together).

13) "Everything happens determined and in determined ways, but these ways can change and therefore those that determine to happen. Unstable determination means more indirect effect, non-simultaneous determination, increased time mediation of the result by cause".

14) "Things are not only determined by a few others, so they are not and do not seem clearly adapted to each other and without gaps, in space and in time".

15) "The interaction (or time difference) presupposes that there are things that are not the sufficient cause of themselves".

16) "Their adequate and common cause cannot be a part, an external common cause, an unstable quality"

17) "The only way, to have the multiplicity of things, indirect, interaction, endless ways of evolution, past and future, without missing a sufficient cause for all of their existence and for each one separately (...) is one: things must to be direct parts of a stabilized overall reality within the limits of a (total) moment, which has always been the same".


1  The Theology of Science, ©2000, ISBN 960-385-019-5, 2d part, §ΙΙΙ About the cause, result and their relation

2  Here fits the following excerpt that clarifies the previous one: "In this sense, two things can be at a long distance (eg sun and earth) or separated from many more (eg people of different countries), but be less indirectly influenced by each other. On the contrary, they can be shorter, connected through a few others, but between them more indirectly influenced (such as two stones). This is the qualitative distance of things, which is not only dependent on the position of one for the other and after moving to space ..." (2d part, §VII, page 201)







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